Friday, July 24, 2009


I attended the Memorial get-together for Teoh Beng Hock at the Selangor-Kuala Lumpur Chinese Assembly Hall. All the speakers drove home the sentiment prevailing that the people were being hoodwinked by the Royal Commission of Inquiry. The main theme during this period of mourning was Justice for Beng Hock, Answers for the Rakyat. This RCI would only look into the SOP of the MACC.....justice after the fact and no answers as to how and why Beng Hock died. The anger of the rakyat was evident. I wanted answers from YB Salahuddin Ayub and YB Tan Seng Giaw. I wanted to ask them why they are still in the Advisory Board, after the recent meetings of the Board. They did not show up.

However, Hantu's step-brother slipped me a piece of paper as I left to go fishing. Here it is:


To be the Barisan Nasional’s best-in-class and thereby most effective service-provider.


MACC is solely dedicated to ensure that the Barisan National Government regains the 5 states that it lost to the opposition before the next General Elections. It will work creatively and innovatively with likeminded agencies, police and judiciary, to extract without impunity, fabricate expeditiously, deceive flippantly and manipulate without compunction towards this end. As such the MACC will single-mindedly muster all the arsenal provided to satisfy its sole stakeholder the Barisan National Government.

As an HR consultant I was familiar with Vision/Mission Statements and I put the above thru the normal 3 key tests:

  • Pass the Mother Test: A mission statement must be a concise paragraph describing what your company does and for whom. Show your mission to your mother, if she does not understand it, start again.
  • Self-Igniting: Your mission is for you and your business. It does not have to be an earth moving statement. It can be whatever inspires you.
  • Value Alignment: Forget the money. A meaningful mission goes beyond the dollars and cents. If your small business is creative, focus your mission on creativity. Try to be what your core competency is.

The above Vision and Mission Statement of the MACC passed the 3 key tests.

It figures....why we will not be assured of justice or answers.


Anonymous said...

A blogger by the name of Omar Goh Wei Liang is claiming that DAP killed Teoh Beng Hock. Read it here

nstman said...

The MACC is an organisation set up by the corrupt Umno to destroy the opposition. The NST, under the evil Ahmad A. Talib, one of the most hated men in the country, is its propaganda arm, churning out mindless lies in the name of journalism. The Nazification of the state machinery.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Rocky Bru, another UMNO lackey on the net.

Anonymous said...

anon 1.27am

unfair to generalise.

evility transcends race and religion.

there are many good malays and there are so many evil chinese and indians. all I pray for is good Malaysians overwhlem bad Malaysians. and Goodness will prevail over Evil if we prevail.

ahoo said...

Uncle Bernard,

The road ahead for change is not a bed of roses. There are lots of thorns and thistles before the beautiful roses appear. Thus, the journey of the thousand miles begin with the first step. We have taken many steps already and the time for change is inevitable. Continue the good works of unearthing injustices, corruption, plundering, wastages, selective judgement, selective prosecution, marginalisation and others. God bless you with all that your heart's desire.

Anonymous said...

First they use their media to stir up racial sentiment, an attempt to divert attention/cover up.

Next they engage cyber troopers to paste fictitious web, make up stories in attempt to frame DAP's involvement in the murder.

I am beginning to see how desperate they are now.

Jong said...

Who else, don't we all know who that scumbag is? Shall we refer him to BB?