Thursday, April 2, 2009


(the MIC Chief Mop)

(bn candidate for Bukit Selambau: Ganesan


Shanghai Fish said...

Yeah righhhht !
One is aiyooyo samy and the other is Oh...amahmah !
Indian theatrics at it's cheapest ! Always commparing themselves with the world's finest when in truth, nothing but empty-cans and empty promises ! This is the state of the so-callled champions of the Malaysians of remote Indian origins. Shame !

telur dua said...

Bollocks to him.

Anonymous said...

the king has consented the appointment of Najib as PM, so how?

Anonymous said...

Wahai pengundi2...undilah UMNO...sesungguhnya kami sajalah yang akan membela kamu semua, para pembangkang memang tak nak makan rasuah...

Undilah UMNO sebab kami adalah jagoan kaum Melayu, jangan undi pembangkang yang mahu agar Sains dan Matematik diajar didalam Bahasa Melayu....

Undilah UMNO sebab media kami kawal agar pro-BN dan bukannya seperti media pihak pembangkang yang kami dah berhentikan agar mereka tiada sumber berita

Undilah UMNO sebab janji ANWAR nak turunkan harga minyak dalam debat sedangkan kami boleh naikkan harga 70 sen walaupun dah janji tak naikkan minyak tahun lepas....

Undilah UMNO agar kami boleh naikkan harga tol setiap tahun sedangkan pihak pembangkang mahu ianya diberhentikan disebabkan perjanjian berat sebelah...

Undilah UMNO agar kami boleh naikkan tarif air di Selangor sedangkan pihak pembangkang beria2 mahu berikan air percuma...

Undilah UMNO agar kami boleh naikkan tarif elektrik walaupun harga minyak dah turun dan perjanjian dengan penjana tenaga bebas yang menguntungkan mereka dan membebankan rakyat.

Rakyat Malaysia Boleh!!!

Lepak said...

hahahaha good picture! I had a good laugh when I read that in The Sun. Too much hair blocking an empty head on Chief Mop!

Anonymous said...

4hb April 2009 hari sabtu nanti Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Malaysia(Perodua) akan mengadakan satu majlis Aqiqah di Kilangnya di Rawang. Majlis yang akan berlansung dari pagi hingga ke malam itu adalah untuk meraikan para pekerja yang selama ini telah mengkayakan dua tiga orang boss-boss mereka. Majlis bermula dengan gotong royong memasak pada sebelah siang dan pada sebelah malam majlis makan malam dengan persembahan hiburan dari Raihan dan juga ceramah Gawat oleh ustaz Dzul(kalam Suci)
Tetapi apa yang menyedihkan kepada tetamu yang seramai 3000 orang itu ialah seramai 1000 orang akan kehilangan kerja pada esoknya. Mereka ini akan menjadi mangsa hasil kegawatan ekonomi. Mereka diraikan dan kemudian mereka akan diberhentikan, apa punya majikan le.
Kepada staff yg menetap kat selangor boleh daftar dengan adhoc pemberhentian pekerjaan dan terus dapat imbuhan RM3,000 dan boleh mulakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan.Kerajaan prihatin Pakatan Rakyat.

*Astro pun tengah buang orang...setakat ni dah lebih dari 100 orang yg dapat surat. Katanya nak buang seramai 800 orang...

Anonymous said...


How bout new wisdom from our beloved minister, Zahid Hamidi@jahit komedi..."sexy dance is a chinese culture."
I think it is a big issue.
I hope u can raise it!

SamYap said...

Hehehe! If Ganesan thinks he is Obama, then Manikumar is quite close to being Arnie Schwarzenegger. Ganesan will be "blown" away!

What a moron! Ganesan is typical of the BN goons. Shallow political approach and unable to comprehend what makes a man great.

Ganesan failed to grasp this:
"Some are born to greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them and some achieve greatness".

Winston Churchill was probably the only man who was born into greatness, being the scion of an aristrocratic family and he achieved greatness when he rallied the British people to fight back during Britain's darkest hour.

Gandhi achieved greatness by uniting the disparate groups of Indians in a huge country and rallying them to drive the colonialists off India by passive resistance.

Obama achieved greatness by being the first Afro-American, skinny and with funny ears to unite the blacks, whites, Hispanics, rednecks, middle class, upper class to join him in his journey to try and change America for the better. To challenge the old and tired ways of how things were done in The White House and in Capitol Hill. In his journey to being President of USA, he had to fight colour prejudice, do battle with seasoned politicians, and most of all to unite a country which was tired and fractured by wars and bad economics.

The imbecile Ganesan has to ask himself one question: Would he be willing and is he capable of changing the face of politics in Malaysia? A good start would be for him to tell BN to stop racism - make it a clear and strong statement - is he able to do that?

If he cannot do that, he should just throw in the towel and withdraw from the race gracefully. We don't need anymore idiots whether from BN or Pakatan.

Anonymous said...

eeeekkkkkkk! he ganesan_amabo! they say he horse no know face long dei!


joenathan said...

sam yap said-'we dont need anymore idiots whether from BN or Pakatan'.

I say,as long we allow ourselves to be used and manipulated by politicians,we will be the idiots not the politicians.

As I always say,do not show blind loyalty to politicians,do not let them decide for us.If the people want change then take part,demand for open discussion,the people have the right to know why and how a certain decision is made,politicians should never ignore the sentiments of the people.

It doesn't matter if it is Najib or Anwar,they are responsible for the people.Look what is happening in Bkt.Selambau today.People are quick to blame hindraf and the indians but on the other hand Anwar himself is not transparent about his choice of candidate,who is a green horn.This is not a question about winning alone,this ia a question about the calibre of a candidate.As much I despise people like Kalaivanar I also want to know the reason from Anwar for choosing a total unkown,which had disgruntled a lot of people.The onus is on Anwar to explain and convince the people,why he is the best candidate?Otherwise I would assume that he has been influenced by YBArumugam and this is probably Anwar's way of showing gratitude to him for not jumping ship.This would mean patronage politicks,which is being practised by UMNO/BN and which led to the culture of cronyism and nepotism which tore our nation apart.Do we PR supporters want this?

Arent we longing for a real change,means a fundamental and a radical one,are we satisfied with just lip service,just because its Anwar?People should have faith in their leaders but shouldnt have blind faith lest become astray again.

We must remember that many of the votes gained by PR in the 12thGE were hate votes against UMNO/BN and not that people really love Anwar.In this point of time I could single out only one real decent and humble politician in Malaysia ie the respectable Tuan Hj Nik Aziz.Once again I reiterate that I am not demonising Anwar,but I am afraid with his attitude he may lose genuine followers,deeply concerned I write this.He must hear and listen to others,unilateral decision will not augur well for PR.

I am not supporting Hindraf candidite either as I strongly believe Hindraf must be apolitical in their struggle,in the same breath Hindraf is also not adamant that their candidate should be selected,theirs was only a proposal,neither they are anti-PR,as they have given their full support to Nizar and vowed to canvass for him in Bkt.Gantang.So this is a self made leadership crisis created by none other than PKR itself,which could have been avoided amicably.

So people,if you are busy idolising a leader,you will never be able to see the larger picture,so think.Hear and listen what others have to say before jumping the gun.Lets all work together in a mature and open manner while respecting each other's view.


Sorry for the digression,sir.

Good luck to all our PR candidates.