The BN chicanery had brought the Royal House into a compromised position. People have vented their anger and are being charged for treason. The people voiced it our clearly and loudly at Bukit Gantang. The High Court was decisive. RESPECTED former members of the Judiciary have blackballed the BN thievery. And Tengku Aziz did not mince his words: " I never for a moment thought I should live to see the day when a traditional hereditary ruler of a Malay state has taken such a rapid slide in his people’s estimation, approbation and adulation as has Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak."
The shameful episode in the Assembly is laid bare for the world to see and thus ridicule Perak. The BN has chosen to play their foul game in Perak? WHY Perak? Is it because they could manipulate the Royal House at will? God forbid! These type of questions are awash around Perak. Perakians' patience are wearing thin. We need a quick-fix and a decisive decision from the Royal House. THAT IS OUR ONLY RECOURSE,
HRH has umpty years to go, Najib has 4 years to go, but we rakyat don't even have 4 weeks to survive. Please make thr right decision now !
Have some respect for the Jalur Gemilang... Then perhaps His Royal Highness Raja Nazrin will hear you out.
Uncle zorro
How sweet that Nizar WON again....
and u look cool masa kena arrested....
Frame that photo uncle.....
Can Raja Nazrin make decision to dissolve State Assembly on Sultan's behalf?
If he can, without the valid MB, either Nizar or Zambry, making the request, can he suggest the dissolution of the Assembly?
With this back and forth Court Decision, identity of MB changes very quickly. I am at a loss on how the Royal family make the decision and on whose request to make it valid.
FRU belongs to who!???
Perak belongs to who????
The power to choose the government belongs to who!???
The fucking country belongs to who!??
Malaysia.. is becoming rotten!
What happened in Perak is most disgraceful indeed!
No one in their right frame of mind with integrity and self-worth would allow such despicable acts of thuggery to continue and cripple the state yet thought nothing of it.
Isn't it obvious they must have got somebody hard by the ballz, applied pressure and press his "DISABLE" button?
For once I tot one of the pillar of democratic society has regained it independent.. but then it is screwed by the same.. appeal court..
11 May 2009 is my elder son birthday, he is suffering from AUTISM.. 11 May high court ruled intelligently and decisively..
but.... WTF
ayo.. just enjoy my son birthday dinner la.....
Any belated gift are most welcome :P
Shiok Guy
what is this country leading to. ?this is sickening, and a big joke. the world is laughing at us! the court have just confirm Nizar as the rightful Mentri Besar which means zambry was the illegal MB.But now the court of appeal have grant his stay? Looks like the court is only serving Umno. There is no justice
Sultan Azlan Shah may be blind or deaf...But the Perakians Rakyat can see and hear clearly that they want FAIR and JUST goverment to lead them...HRH,pls dissolve the DUN,whatever Najib told you is longer important as your royal household name will be tainted and blacken in history should you continue stubborn and ignorant...Rakyat is the KING,We respect YOU,if you respect RAKYAT wishes.
Anon May 12, 2009 3:32 PM
You are truly an idiot, and your idiocity is only rivaled by Zambry. Who gives a flying fuck about an upside down flag? The fucking nation is in distress dumbass. Stop putting moronic comments in ZU's articles. we don't need them.
Many people have been asking why the Perak royalty did not heed the peoples' call for the dissolution of the state assembly and holding of fresh elections. I thought the answer was so obvious.
Ng, a non-Perakian
Shiok Guy,
Mine too, my eldest son is autistic too.Glad to know parents share the same view over the political matter.
I have saying in Romerz's blog, BN's govt is trying to provoke us. Both sides would win. If we are quiet like a church mouse, we lose. If we retaliate, we lose too because BN would simply declare Emergency Rule. That's what they want.
The best way is to bring the fight up to International level. Why not bring in Singaporeans into the fight? After all, it's the English came in in 1874 to settle the fight in Perak. At the moment, Singapore government is quite supportive of Najib. Old school mah.....Tried & Tested.
What if somehow someone cast aspercion on Pedra Branca, Water Issue, KTM land issue. Lets play up Clob issue again citing how pondan Singapore government dealing with Malaysia? With one stroke of pen in the map, Malaysia got Middle Rock. Yet, Singapore spend millions maintaining Pedra Branca, not to mention providing free to all the ships including Malaysia.
Lets spin like our great spinner, Rocky Bru. Singapore economy is quite bad now. No solution in sight. Spin enough to get Singapore government involved in imbriglio. Of course, must give benefit lah. Certain control of Temasek in Renong.
I don't mind Singapore campur tangan. Hmm.....My CPF.......
this is expected by majority that court of appeal will step in when high court made the decision yesterday. this is a tactic by bloody bn....similar tactic used in perak takeover, asked on bn assemblyman to cross mover before asking 3 from pr to crossover to bn. now pakatan cannot said the judicidial is bias to bn. this is all tactics....it's long way to go... but the sad days is malaysia is now becoming a joke in the world and this is all caused by bloody bn/umno...esp mahathir. watch that old man@!!! he is a 2 head snake.
Frogs, fighting in the state assembly, changing state govt whithin a few hours, police barricade all over the state secretariat building, road blocks all over Ipoh, never ending court cases, pepper spray, etc. If those in authority can just sit and watch all these happening right b4 their eyes and not do anything, I really pity all you Perakians.
Perak now looks like being abandoned.
dare to win
Dear Zorro,
This just came in by email to me from a concerned
Perakian working in Canada:
” This Perak politics is really shameful….3rd world backwater country behaviour. I cannot believe this is all happening in Malaysia!
Zambia maybe lah, but Malaysia? - Pamela ”
Where are we going to put our face, Malaysia?
when u call god...what happened ? god is away leave your nessage here...we will get back to you...meanwhile if urgent call my son...if he is busy ..call extension O, you may get the holy ghost...if all failed..called the police...! in this country . anything goes as long you are in power..the zamry will not let go..once he let go..he become nobody he fight for survival.....he fight best know why ?
mamak blood ma !
zorro, have you seen this?
The royal soul was auctioned to the highest bidder before the Perak crisis took place..and, the only pariahs with that sort of $$####$@% was the political party who had collected the most haram money...the shackled monarch, is now the slave of Mongolian C4 who can twirl his fingers and spin the royal head at his pleasure...
The feelings of rakyat are
nice pants on yesterday...........
pants off today after been robbed!
Rajah Nestle not allow his people to wear pants.
Sultan.....who?where? how?
I have only one question to ask you.
You seem to say as though having a state wide by election is the answer.
Let me ask then , what happens if there is a hung result and Pakatan ends up with only 1 seat majority.
Nizar becomes MB and then if 1 frog jumps again and Nizar will ask to dissolve assembly again?
Another state wide by election?
And continue having elections until a clear majority happens?
is this the solution?
non-perakians should just stay out of our political problem...
Predictable prediction:-
Appeal to set aside the Court Of Appeal by Nizar 's lawyer rejected.
PM says our judiciary system is well and kicking and separation of power is still alive because the Perak Sultan did not interfere.
The sacked state secretay and legal adviser still fully employed and said that they will sue Nizar for tarnishing their reputation because they are merely carrying out their duties as instructed by the legal MB, Zamry.
Anon9:36....you got a better solution?
Anon9:46....why should non-perakians stay out of perak politics? Maybe his business is badly affected in Perak.
What did you do on 7 May? Surely we can welcome help from concerned Malaysians.
It is all about people v gamuda ...
Face .. give me face .. those who started this want face .. those hold the mb office via back door also want face ..
First time in world that a ruling gomen scared to face the own rakyat .. what a joke ..
Anon9:36pm again....even Ku Li, MCA and Gerakan, Sukaham and TI and many more believes a state-wide elections is the only solution. Maybe you only read the Mainstream Media and therefore do not know what others are saying. Carry on...ignorance is bliss, as always.
O yes ! wish i'm young, innocent & ignorant too = NO need to fuss over the post of MB in perak !!
' ...what a joke ...!'
hello, tighten your belt : many more r coming , mendela on the way !
i am 9.36.
my answer is that state elections is not the real answer because the underlying problem of frog jumping is not resolved.
Why is going to the polls the answer or the solution if a 50-50 DUN maybe a very real possi bility.
What if the polls produce a result where Pakatan only has majority of 1 DUN member?
And if frogs leap , go to polls again and again???
The underlying issue is not solved, we allow DUNs to jump!!!! If after these state elections, Pakatan only has majority of one and later on frog jumping occurs again, Nizar calls for dissolution again?
More elections???
Allow the rights of RAKYAT IPOH to decide & judge by the fresh election...not by court.
Again..we Perakians are no servants. The power is ours..not the MB , not the court & not...
Anon..if u r none perakian, please don irritate us Perakians.
I am a Perakian lah, my mum votes in the DUN where Ngeh Koo Ham sits.
I personally though am now voting in Santiago's and Manoharan's district.
You havent answerd my point. How many state elections are you going to go for and whats your solution if there is a hung majority ie Pakatan ends up with a 1 or 2 seat majority and frog jumps!
Can you guys come out of 'hiding' and use a name to identify yourselves and not "Anonymous". Everyone goes by that and it's so confusing lah.
Anon10:59am....Pakatan will whitewash BN if a state election is called. The frogs will not be given a chance to contest....BN wont allow that. Are you inferring that Perak guys jump easily. That's insulting!Have you gone back to Ipoh to talk to your friends? I was in Ipoh on 7 May....before I got arrested...I started to talk to people when we arrived in Ipoh at 5:30am.
Moreover, DAP and PKR have learnt a very valuable lesson in Perak. If they still havent learned, I will continue to whack the shit out of them, like I have done when the occasion warrants.
Thanks for voting Charles and Manoharan.
okay zorro, am not trying to upset the apple cart here, i am all for dissolution.
am only trying to point out that theres one scenario happening ie hung majority again that may create a bigger or same mess than what we have now.
but like u said, chances are slim, Pakatan will in all likelihood cream Barisan Najis, i dare say Zambry the Illegal Alien may not even retain his Pangkor state seat.
But having said all of the above, i still say dissolution is not the ultimate answer, the ultimate answer is a law to ban frog jumping. period.
Re your take on jumping. Cross-0vers have happened from Republican to Democrats, from Conservative to Labor and vice versa. However I agree that there should be no cross-over. The above do it from conviction....ours do it for money. Yes, no jumping....our politicos are not mature enough for that. The color of the paper is overpowering and our guys are weak.
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