LOVE thy neighbor is OK but not covet his/her spouse. But dang, you wouldn't want to prosper an evil neighbor would you?
I don't have to spell out how evil the Burma regime is, do I?
But, the Malaysian Government, has been playing deaf, dumb, and blind over what has happened over the last week. Not a squeak, much less an accidental squawk! And it was Malaysia who proposed accepting Burma into ASEAN, with the puerile posturing that Burma will change. It did, it accelerated their continued morbid greed for absolute power that saw the killings of monks who revolted.
Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore have voiced their objection together with the West. Of course our SLOGAN does not apply here. But as a proposer to Burma's candidacy in ASEAN, Malaysia has the responsibility to right the wrong of its blue-eyed-boy. Today, as Daw Aung San Suu Kyi goes on trial Malaysia is still wondering whether to voice their dissent. Or are we waiting for Anifa to come back after his insipid performance in Washington?
But most embarrassing.....not a twitter from the decayed gums of ASEAN!
what is it that they say about bad company that we keep.....and something about birds and some feather ...... dang, what a way to start a new week!
Just after thanking Anifa for travelling such a great distance to meet her and the Senate and after the normal we can work together political-speak Hilary Clinton took the opportunity to make a stand on Aung San Suu Kyi:
Before providing a readout of our meeting, however, I wanted to speak to the case of Aung San Suu Kyi. I am deeply troubled by the Burmese Government’s decision to charge Aung San Suu Kyi for a baseless crime. It comes just before the six-year anniversary of her house arrest, and it is not in keeping with the rule of law, the ASEAN charter, or efforts to promote national reconciliation and progress in
We oppose the regime’s efforts to use this incident as a pretext to place further unjustified restrictions on her, and therefore we call on the Burmese authorities to release her immediately and unconditionally, along with her doctor and the more than 2,100 political prisoners currently being held.
I have a great admiration for Aung San Suu Kyi, for her sacrifices and her love of her country. There are certainly political differences that exist in any society. The minister and I understand that. But we all should be striving to enhance the rule of law. And the ASEAN charter, which the minister and I spoke about in our meeting, sets a very clear direction for all the countries in the region to be headed.
Have read RPK's article on how Anifah got his post.
Still, BN ministers are still idiots when it comes to giving comments.
Anifah didn't answer the question that was put to him but went off on another tangent.
Kerismuddin also gaffed yesterday when he said Bar Council "stopped" police from doing their work.
What morons!
That STEW-PIG bodoh Anifa boasted before Senator Clinton at the press conference that Malaysia will engage the Burmese BLOODY regime... talk only!
Actually the UMNO-led regime is not much better than that of the Burmese military junta. The tyranny there is less subtle.
Evil company corrupt good manners.
I'm glad you post this in your blog. More must be done to get her release and see justice is served to the oppressed people in myanmar. Malaysia cannot do much because you and I know this country itself is rotten....wny? It starts with the top. "The rot starts at the head", famously quoted once.
We must get our house in order first,before we even attempt to help others.Let Myanmar be a mirror of the future we will inherit if we continue the current tidak apa attitude with the glaring ill in our tanah malaysia.
The west and Asean countries who voiced out their frustration are as good as nothing. Talk only no action. It is probably the American conspiracy with the myaanmese to let the American to swim to Aung's home in order to give them an excuse to do such horrible thing.
Spot on Sampalee....but we got to evict the occupants of the house, then tear it down, even strengthen or reinforce the foundation and build a new house....just to rid any marks left by the former occupants. Yes, fity-two years and no refurbishing and no renovation. That's not normal....land I forgot a full anti-termite treatment of the property.
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