Tuesday, January 15, 2008
People....remember Hantu, my trusted courier of good news, bad news and in-between news. Since Parliament is in recess he has been assigned to Camp Kamunting, suburbia of Taiping and hometown of Shanghai Fish and truthfully yours.
Lets begin with the IN-BETWEEN NEWS: It is not known when Pak Lah our PM will make this announcement about......
The BAD NEWS is that Sam de Velu, the avowed Champion of the Indians (but not necessarily of Hindraf) will not make the announcement about.......
The GOOD NEWS.....Hindraf has subtly hinted to Hantu that THAIPUSAM WILL BE DECLARED A NATIONAL HOLIDAY before 23rd January.
Zorro and Hantu rejoice with my Hindu brothers and sisters and this popular Kavadi song is fondly dedicated to the Kamunting Boys.
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Hi Zorro
A beautiful place here!
Excellent post! Thank you.
that , is highly entertaining news !
mental jog
about time!! thank god, it's now national holiday! hooray to hindraf.
now next taks... what about 2 days holidays for deepavali? (when there are 2 days for hari raya and chinese new year).
yo uncle zorro u're sitemeter not working lor....
And more goodies are on the way. There will be more Tamil movies on RTM. You will also find more pictures of Indians in the front pages of the newspapers.
Take a look at todays front page of The Star.
There will be promises and promises of more goodies to come before the elections. Thanks to the MIC.
See how much BN cares for Indians.
My dear Mr Smith, I will have you know that Hindraf and not MIC that should be credited with these impending goodies. Hindraf might join BN if Samy steps down. That would be a good turn of events. No?
David and mylumut....thanks for dropping by.
Whattahack.....nothing wrong with my sitemetre....I lost six months...that was before June2007....anyway it does not matter....what matters is the quality of comments received.
This I hope is the best piece of news I have heard in a long long time.
Yipeeee!! One extra day of holidays for us!
Btw... are u sure ah uncle zorro?
I dont mean to throw a wet blanket into the jovial mood, but how will giving a day off solve the problems of malaysian indians and malaysians as a whole?
To our Indian brothers and sisters. Please do not submit to AAB's little sweet as general election is nearby. Please remember the pain and the suffer that you had gone through these years. Remember Hindraf objectives and don't lose track of your battle!
If some of you would vote BN because of this Thaipusam holiday, don't complaint next time when UMNO/BN marginalize you!
Of course you should know that I was being cynical as MIC will claim all the credit and the PM, on his part will attribute all these gifts to Samy's efforts.
By the way, how many Indians are there in Putrajaya to benefit from the holiday?
Mr Smith sir, I her you....we are on the same wavelength....great observation...how many Indians in Putra Jaya. I was hoping that thaipusam would be declared a NATIONAL holiday. If Samy and his BN followers are satisfied with scraps, what can we do. sometimes, little things thrill little minds.
Wannt or nottttt?
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