So how did we fare. I really don't know. Perhaps the figures below could tell although I lost six months of sitemeter records. But truth be told I met some wonderful men and women who agreed to disagree. Today, these are my buddies and soul-mates. I have learnt a lot from them and they have touched my life, believe me you men and women did. You have all enriched my life. I dont know how to repay you. My gratitude goes to the readers and commentators who visited, said their piece and mostly professionally too. I only had to reject four commentators and if I did not apologise to these four, I am saying it now. My gratitude also goes to Sheih, Mob1900 for lending me their graphics.
Did I make a contribuion? Was the posting impactful? I tried to contribute from the heart. Impact? Maybe I got recognition for the wrong reasons: Somebody impersonated Zorro and had his posting hosted by Mahaguru. When alerted Zainal immediately broght down the posting. Then last Saturday during the Price Hike Protest a police superintendant called out to me: "Hello Zorro, can I have your particulars?" And three weeks into opening up this blog, an anonymous caller reminded me that there was a place called Kamunting. If getting noticed is impactful for whatever reasons I will continue to write from the heart, for justice, for peace, for freedom to speak, freedom to assemble, and freedom to tell it as it is.
click to enlarge

Welldone señor , keep up the good work. Keep on whipping the corrupted politicians; fanatics; bigots; injustices; suppressor of democracy.....
Long live Zorro!!!
congrats korkor zorro!!! :) have a wonderful blog-versary! :)
A hearty congratulations on this very momentous occasion! Well done and keep on blogging!
yipee!!! happy blogoversary!! :)
happy 1st anniversary, zorro!
you sure did make an impact with your blog - just a year and now latest already got 40,000 visitors a month. i see the figure keep increasing - 110K, 20K, 30K.... by end of this year you will sure have over 100K visitors per month!
i can still remember the time before you started your blog, when you used to come in once a while to my blog to comment. now with just a year blogging, you had become so popular (unlike me, 4 years already still lagging behind! lol).
continue blogging the way you do. i enjoy reading your blog very much.
once again, congrats!
Congrats on your first anniversary. I am also truly grateful to you, mat salo and the rest for the intro to others in blogosphere.
Didnt even realise I have also completed my first year .. heheh
Yappeee b-day, taiko... keep it flying...
Dear Bro Zorro the Xaverian,
Congratulations and best wishes to you. It marks an important milestone on the path of your struggle against all 'evil'. I wish you many more milestones and success. Cheers!
happy birthday!
Congratulations, monsier zorro,
You go and tell them like.... "in your face" to all things not justified to the common man !Yeah man !Cheers and this calls for another round tonight !Beers first and then malt?.....errh... 1 cube ice please Loy !
Cheers zorro !
fine single malt whiskies must be served in a single malt whisky glass... neat & no ice.
yes, nothing but straight up...
just like all your posting.
Happy Anniversary See Fu. I appreciate all that you have done. You truly are one of a kind.
Happy 1st year anniversary brother. So you coming to the Miri International Jazz Fest????
Happy 1st anniversary!
Thank you sir you have touched my life.
Take care & God bless!
happy b'day baby. CHEERS
Happy 1st anniversary, uncle B! without Zorro Unmasked, there wouldnt be any let's Go Land, and without LGL, I wouldnt be making tons of friends, i kid you not.
Dear Sir,
You never taught me in school but were good friends with a teacher that I greatly respect - although I had the pleasure of having Mrs. Zorro as a teacher. Having met you just a couple of times over the years, I am not surprised at your passion in this blog. I read your postings daily from the US (NY) and share a lot of the discussion with family and friends.
Thanks for everything and I look forward to leaving another comment on your 10th anniversary.
Happy 1st anniversary.
Allow me to hoist one to wet my whistle to commemorate this auspicious landmark.
You have already provided much to many people in your past "lives" as teacher, coach, HR manager and consultant, without fear or favour. It is others who should be thankful for your wisdom.
You have also proven that an old dog CAN learn new tricks with your blog.
Please continue, sir. Exclesior !
and a congrats to you too, captain! :)
eh what's this, let's have a parteeeee! :)
Hearty Congratulations Zorro.
Wishing you a Happy Blog 1st Birthday.
Keep up the good work, your country and her people need you.
À votre santé
Congratulations Cikgu!
The elegant white hair gentleman who stood up against tyranny and voice out for the frail, just as the mythical Zorro would, Salut!
thank you for sharing your thoughts and keeping me updated.. i would have probably been that katak di bawah tempurung if not for your blog =) plus you write things straightforward and easy enough to digest =) also...OMG, your visitor stats are reaallyy amazing... at least your message is being said loud and clear to your thousands and thousands of readers =)
Congrats Mr Khoo, a milestone indeed. lets raise a glass of single malt in cheers !!
Yaaaaaaammmmmm senggggggggggg
Way to go, sir!
From Bergen.
Congratulations on your blog's anniversary, Mr BK!
Impact? That has to be an understatement, Teach!
Can't speak for others who visit your site regularly, but I simply love the way you try to knock sense into your readers. With a lot of heart and a lot of wit, but most of all, in the plainest of speak.
You are not all talk either. You walk! And how! :D
Thank you Mr BK for sharing your heart and soul with us this past year. God bless.
Only cowards would have you cowered, Sir!
congrats Zorro!!!!
MMM...mwahhh....from me to you!
Let no one say you have not fought the valiant fight!
I enjoy you because you write from your heart; sometimes impulsively, but always STRAIGHT!
Sometimes I worry for you but then I wonder what Mrs Zorro has to say!!
Plse continue serving us straight up and no bullshit!
This way, you are True to yourself..& US!
p/s if you happen to bump into Lim Keng Yaik, just tell him for me
"every dog has its day". That's all!
Dear Sir,
Congrats on your first year. Many great things began with humble too your blog. It only had to take two beers to start a blog. Have more and make it a household name. Cheers!
I like beer drinkers. Therefore I like you. Keep up the fight, Zorro. Continue the struggle against lies, hypocrisy, idiocy, stupidity, religious extremism and bigotry. Once again, congratulations for enriching our lives.
Congratulations. The 1st year is always the hardest and I'm sure the fun has only just begun.
The chart is really graphic. Its clear that you are giving notice, via a red-tipped finger, to the crooks, cronies, and unprincipled ones bent on messing this land with their Gula and Avaritia.
Everybody's talking (goodness) about Zorro, a.k.a. bernard khoo on the blog. They couldn't be wrong on this. Hats off to you SIR.
Zorro rides again!
ZZZ....(not meant for Sleepy Head ) !
Congratulations and celebration.
hmm... amazing thread ))
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