Today at 11.00am at Bloghouse, the People's Parliament, thru a Press Conference will launch a boycott against the Main Stream Medias that for quite a while now have been pedaling lies, half-truths and blatant spins. The MSM have prostituted themselves to serve their political masters.I want to state here and sincerely, this is not a move against my many journalist friends with whomn I have shared many fond memories. I am fully aware that whilst they write with the right hand, they have many times been forced to use the other hand....or else. This move is to target the owners and by extension the editors to write it as it happened and to allow journalists to report what they see and not what some subservient editors and their masters want the people to read and belief. I want to see editors break free from the grip down there. I want to see journalist, editors stand beside each other and say, "Let us do our job as professionals or take your job and shit-can it." Stupid suggestion, of course, because I am not amongst them. But in real life, things like this have to happen for better things to happen.... a fruit must fall to the ground before it can take root for another tree to sprout. We either live by our convictions or be subservient all our lives. Living is bland and colorless if it is not blended with self-respect and self-esteem.THE TIME IS NOW FOR JOURNALIST AND EDITORS TO SAY: WE WILL CALL THE NEXT DANCE.
Rocky says it better here
to echo hamid.."if i dont do it, somebody else would. who is going to compensate me...". and this fellas have the temeirty to stand on high moral and religious grounds to talk down to you.
hey, zorro after 30 years of support, i have stopped buying the STAR paper since the initiative by haris and helen. and for nasty pee, havent bought any of their publications since the unfair suit against rocky and jeff ooi. you think they care since the legal fees are paid by nasty pee and they still receive their inflated salaries and allowances every month.
We should have been taught in school to stand up to our principle and not to follow meekly at the master's command. As you said it, it is easier said than done.
I have been buying one of the MSM occassionally just because I need to read the article from a friend in their Weekender section which has nothing to do with politics. I just garbage the rest of the papers. I spent RM1.50 every Saturday just to read her article.
Vincent Tan bought over The Sun andsoon the sun will be just another one of them. There is only the net remaining for us.
Zawi, yes and it could be a blessing in disguise. Journalist like Nades, Terrence and Jackie Surin would abandon the Sun if Vincent tries to muzzle them. What happens will define professional, untainted journalism.How about a People's Paper? No political masters....paper fun by the people, for the people and with the people. Everybody who champions press freedom contribute Rm100. Wild dream?If the KDN is refused, then the People's Paper goes underground. Just dreaming up a vision. Cheers brother.
The majority of the common people who read the papers everyday ( esp infant youngsters , half educateds,1/2 past 6s , 3/4 blinds , almost deafs, confirmed gluttons, psychopaths, young old men , gossipy ladies,religious bigots malafide businessmen, etc etc making up 99.9 % of the 28.8 million will continue to do it ( pretend to read and throw)come what may. It will take a tsunami to change this deep malaise or putting it directly when our official of the official religion changes. Your initiatives vis a vis the other honorables you have mentioned no matter how gallant will fail as a matter of course and thats putting it mildly.
We put it to you again...he who doesn't read then got what other better alternatives ? or whats in it for them, him or me or you ?
not reading is passive ...we need real action
Team, Tony....I read you. Just one day a week we will not buy. subtly first as we have not told the advertisers yet...when advertisers see decrease in sales for a particular day, they will not place their ads on that day and that can affect quite a number of related variables. Its a beginning step we are taking....some sacrifices have to be made if we want changes.
tatz my duty....well,i ave added u in blogroll...
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