Hantu corrected me. "He is not furious, he is raving mad!" Of course it was all about the insipid performance of his favorite FIL(?????). Hantu as resourceful as ever overheard this conversation but would not say it was to his spouse, although later reference to Gabriel during the conversation gave sufficient hint that he was speaking to Nori.
"I am terribly disappointed. Hasn't he learnt after so much advise from me? Didn't he see how I handled al-Jazeera. I had to over-do Nazri because he was dry-throat like a zombie. Didn't you all noticed how I expressed and emphasised with my hands, my body and my eyes, even my smile. When you appear in front of the camera, you are making a statement without having to say one word. I did that, for sure,Didn't you notice that I had PRESENCE? Even Maya-di.....my friend sms me that my presence was just overpowering. I just don't like what is happening of late....why is Gaby dozing off so often......I am already having my hands full and now this CNN caper! I have to take more control. Sometime this week I will make an announcement about the selection of candidates for the GE. Somebody has to be incharge right...and who better than me, right? I am already overwhelmed with running things right up to the 11th floor, monitoring Haidar's every move, selecting candidates, and getting pledges.....(long pause or groping for the right word)......of support that is. There are DVDs making their pilgrimage around the states. I have to do some damage control and some conflict resolution. I thought I would use all these skills when I am PM but looks like I have to apply them now. The damage is humongous! Now I have to worry about abang Hisham....can he be effective in Pematang Pauh? And I think you need to whisper a few words to Jean on the choice of head-gear for her husband when being interviewed. His PA should never allow an interview by cNN on the golf-links. He is the leader of Malaysia. The interview has to be in a studio and with make-up. See, I have to even worry about all these. Sometimes I just want to tell him, "Step aside, I will take over now." but then, I realised that most of the time he listens to me. It is when I slip away to do other things that those old goats around him come kissing hands and you know where!
But I put the blame on this CNN fiasco on this character. I summoned him to the fourth floor but was told he had scooted off to Sungei Patani to give goodies to kids who did well in some exams.

I asked, "Hantu, what is happening to the Royal Commission of Inquiry? Is it going to be a white-wash again?"
He flew off with: "Read my beak tomorrow, I have an evening rendezvous with Little Bird and Deep Throat....anyway show our people this CNN disaster:
remember the poor girl ( karaoke GRO) who was killed in sri hartamas? who is the person behind that? bungling by authorities part of the cover up? dont know, zorro. too much of conspiracy theories. hantu, can you please enlighten?
Looks like "Andy Cap"
but sounds like FIL talking crap!
Does Malaysia have a boss?
AAB did not impress at Davos
call it political survivor or for the betterment of the country...
no other alternatives but for badawi to off-loads those extra baggages, the old guards & the has been in umno...
and nobody but the sil, could only get rid of these parasites... like najis, brokeback mountain hisham, obnoxious mbs & arrogant mps...
He spoke like a high school kid.
Nothing special or intelligent.
Thats incompetence's norm. Not surprising as expected.
very nice and brave post , can i be in ur blogroll?
He doesn't know what he was talking about. As if he is mumbling from a prepared text by his SIL. No substance from a Prime Minister
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