Karen and I were having dinner last night with Bro. Anthony Rogers, a former ISA detainee of Ops Lallang. In between dinner and beers topics like Opus Dei, the Homeless in KL, Hans Kung a Catholic Swiss theologian HERE added spice to our repast.
Earlier I had posted an appeal for PR Parliamentarians to be present to thus prevent easy passage of a “land grab” Bill.
In the midst of dinner, I received a call from my Kampung Baru friend whose mother and sister still reside in the family home. He was angry that the Bill was passed but doubly enraged that the absence of PR reps was evident.

The Bernama version HERE.
Requests have been made that I should list the names of absent PR MPs. I will try, but should there be someone out there, your assistance will be invaluable.
Namun untuk kesekian kalinya anda DIBODOHKAN sekali lagi oleh Umno dan BN. Sudahlah anda bertelagah dengan isu hudud sehingga terlupa kepada isu pokok - kepentingan rakyat.
Dan kali ini anda ditipu tegak-tegak oleh Umno dan BN dalam permainan mereka untuk merampas hak masyarakat Melayu di Kg Bharu.
Kepada mereka yang di dalam senarai di bawah diucapkan SYABAS dan TAHNIAH. Kepada Ahli Parlimen yang lain apakah alasan anda yang hendak diberikan kepada RAKYAT??.
Pas :
P8 : Pokok Sena - Mahfuz Omar
P24 : Kubang Kerian - Salahuddin Ayub
P12 : Jerai - Mohd Firdaus Jaafar
P11 : Pendang - Mohd Hayati Othman
P13 : Sik - Che Uda Che Nik
P111 : Kota Raja - Siti Mariah Mahmud
P31 : Kuala Kerai - Mohd Hatta Ramli
P108 : Shah Alam - Khalid Abd Samad
P23 : Rantau Panjang - Siti Zailah Muhd Yusoff
P21 : Kota Bharu - Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah
P28 : Pasir Puteh - Muhammad Husin
P101 : Hulu Langat - Che Rosli Che Mat
P7 : Padang Terap - Mohd Nasir Zakaria
P115 : Batu - Chua Tian Chang
P99 : Ampang - Zuraida Kamarudin
P53 : Balik Pulau - Mohd Yusmadi Mohd Yusuff
P98 : Gombak - Mohamed Azmin Ali
P104 : Kelana Jaya - Gwo-Burne Loh
P10 : Kuala Kedah - Ahmad Kasim
P82 : Indera Mahkota - Azan Ismail
P65 : Ipoh Barat - M. Kulasegaran V. Murugeson
P117 : Segambut - Lim Lip Eng
P110 : Klang - Charles Anthony Santiago
P138 : Kota Melaka - Sim Tong Him
P76 : Teluk Intan - M. Manogaran
P145 : Bakri - Er Teck Hwa
P66 : Batu Gajah - Fong Po Kuan
P120 : Bukit Bintang - Fong Kui Lun
santhira kumar madhavan said...
Dear Uncle,
according to Uncle Hisammudin Rais,
these are the 28 PR MPS:
Che Uda
Dr Mariah
Dr Hatta
Khalid samad
Siti Zailah
Wan Rahim
Muhd Husin
Dr Rosli
Nasir Zakaria
Tian Chua
Azmin Ali
Gwo Burne
Ahmad Kassim
Lim Lip Eng
Charles Santiago
Sim Tong Him
Er Teck Hua
Fong Po Kuan
Fong Kui lun
October 6, 2011 5:43 PM
Namun untuk kesekian kalinya anda DIBODOHKAN sekali lagi oleh Umno dan BN. Sudahlah anda bertelagah dengan isu hudud sehingga terlupa kepada isu pokok - kepentingan rakyat.
Dan kali ini anda ditipu tegak-tegak oleh Umno dan BN dalam permainan mereka untuk merampas hak masyarakat Melayu di Kg Bharu.
Kepada mereka yang di dalam senarai di bawah diucapkan SYABAS dan TAHNIAH. Kepada Ahli Parlimen yang lain apakah alasan anda yang hendak diberikan kepada RAKYAT??.
Pas :
P8 : Pokok Sena - Mahfuz Omar
P24 : Kubang Kerian - Salahuddin Ayub
P12 : Jerai - Mohd Firdaus Jaafar
P11 : Pendang - Mohd Hayati Othman
P13 : Sik - Che Uda Che Nik
P111 : Kota Raja - Siti Mariah Mahmud
P31 : Kuala Kerai - Mohd Hatta Ramli
P108 : Shah Alam - Khalid Abd Samad
P23 : Rantau Panjang - Siti Zailah Muhd Yusoff
P21 : Kota Bharu - Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah
P28 : Pasir Puteh - Muhammad Husin
P101 : Hulu Langat - Che Rosli Che Mat
P7 : Padang Terap - Mohd Nasir Zakaria
P115 : Batu - Chua Tian Chang
P99 : Ampang - Zuraida Kamarudin
P53 : Balik Pulau - Mohd Yusmadi Mohd Yusuff
P98 : Gombak - Mohamed Azmin Ali
P104 : Kelana Jaya - Gwo-Burne Loh
P10 : Kuala Kedah - Ahmad Kasim
P82 : Indera Mahkota - Azan Ismail
P65 : Ipoh Barat - M. Kulasegaran V. Murugeson
P117 : Segambut - Lim Lip Eng
P110 : Klang - Charles Anthony Santiago
P138 : Kota Melaka - Sim Tong Him
P76 : Teluk Intan - M. Manogaran
P145 : Bakri - Er Teck Hwa
P66 : Batu Gajah - Fong Po Kuan
P120 : Bukit Bintang - Fong Kui Lun
who are the farking PR MPs? Please list them here Unc Zorro.
Bernard, sorry to say this, but most Malaysian politicians are in there just for the glamour and mighty dollar I'm afraid. Like to believe otherwise but difficult la. Some are in there with ideals and aspirations for a better Malaysia but most are nothing but prima donnas!
And you fuckers thought that PR was going to lead you to utopia. Like as though all the evil people in the world chose to be BN politicians, and all the angels chose to be PR politicians..
What a bunch of suckers!!
Dear Uncle,
according to Uncle Hisammudin Rais,
these are the 28 PR MPS:
Che Uda
Dr Mariah
Dr Hatta
Khalid samad
Siti Zailah
Wan Rahim
Muhd Husin
Dr Rosli
Nasir Zakaria
Tian Chua
Azmin Ali
Gwo Burne
Ahmad Kassim
Lim Lip Eng
Charles Santiago
Sim Tong Him
Er Teck Hua
Fong Po Kuan
Fong Kui lun
THANKS Anon5:10pm and Santhira. I have posted your contribution on the post.
Ooooh!! I need to eat my shoes now!!! Gwo-Burne Leo was there to vote. When he was first elected, I had my doubts and still have BUT the guy showed up to support the ppl of Kampung Baru. Syabas!
But.... where was Nurul Izzah?? Still shouting ABU folks? Hey, Zorro is right.. everyone have self agendas including PR. The servant can only emulate the Master - "the man who would be king."
Please remember the names that are missing at GE13. I think like so many other countries - we should go for a hung parliment or let one side win only by the narrowest margin so that we can show them who is the real "boss" in a democracy.
Tok Rojak
Since when has Kg Baru been an opposition supporter? You support Bn and you sleep with BN, don't suddenly lah u-turn when you realize you kena whack by BN. Pada muka engkau
Sad, but we have to accept the reality. There will be instances where there's less PR MPs.BN will take advantage. We just cannot expect all PR MPs to attend all the sittings. The only way to prevent this from happening is to give PR 2/3 majority in GE13.
salute to PAS mp's.
Where's Anwar? Where's Nurul Izah?
Uncle Zorro,
This is a worrying trend. Many unfair and lopsided bills have been passed recently. Another recent one that comes to mind besides the “land grab” Bill, is the amended "trade & descriptions act 2011" (August) which gives the Minister full power to appoint relevant organizations as he pleases.
It looks like once again the rakyat are on their own, being abandoned by the very people (MP's) who were put there to look after our interests in the first place.
Kg.Baru has always been a UMNO stronghold. Only recently some of the Kg.Baru guys have become PAS and PKR supporters.
UMNO is now sodomising and teaching the Kg. Baru guys a lesson for not supporting UMNO 100percent.
Not all Kg.Baru guys want a CHANGE, especially the ones who are living like kings for being ardent and rabid thugs of UMNO.
Anyway only the Malays, the ones in Kg.Baru included, can chart their destiny. They can be feudal serfs or rise up and demand their rights through the ballot box.
to all the PR MPs who are absent without good reason, you are a scumbag. Dont think the rakyat are stupid, your vote are still in our hand, we can vote you out.
308 allow us to sample and peek into pr,before discarding them as no better than bn.
Zorro himself must wake up and use his god given talents to more deserving case.If it is wrong,it is wrong,even when practised by our friends
For Truth there is no other source than the kithab.The scripture tell us all we need to know and is COMPLETE in every sense.Encorage and motivare the masses back to their own religion and do not allow politic to creep in.
Please list out the PR MPs who were NOT there.
Why is ANWAR, LIM GUAN ENG, LIM KIT SIANG, NURUL IZZAH, et. al. not there???
We want to know.
bro, skrang zaman meleset, duit di dahulukan, yang lain lain, boleh tunggu ya...kakakakakPR being bought
Anon910pm....can you do the needful...the list above are those who were present. Please lah, do some deduction yourself, can?
I just spoke with Taib Azamudden, the MP for Baling,on this matter. According to him, the Parliamentary sessions normally end about 5.30 pm. On that day, the MPs were told, about end time, that the bill wld be discussed until settled. Now, many of them MPs already had commitments for the night (we all know that Pakatan MPS have to go down to the ground to get to the rakyat); it wasn't quite easy for them to cancel the appointments and lose support. And given that the bill "could not be won", they decided not to stay on. And the bill was voted abt 10.15pm, that night.
Whichever way Pakatan MPs wld lose; i guess they made the better choice
Why nobody is screaming that it was the 72 barisan MPs that sold Kg Bahru?
Why nobody ask to see the barisan name list?
Dont they want to know who sold who?
But they do know by now that Ibrahim Katak took part and sold Kg Bahru.
It is their folly actually.
Why blame PR again and again.
"Pakatan sedia batal akta Kampung Baru jika menang Putrajaya" - Malaysia Insider. “Pilihan raya umum akan datang, insya-Allah kalau Pakatan Rakyat menang kita akan batalkan rang undang-undang ini,” kata Ketua Umum Pakatan Rakyat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. 12Oct news brief.
Sorry, who were the MP's missing from Parliment when the Kampung Baru Bill was present? Sorry... who again???
No wonder Malaysia will still be in a deep mire of muck & mess in 50years time. Politicians & their wayang kulit. Gajah sama gajah ... you finish the rest...
Tok Rojak
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