Let me take this occasion to wish HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to my Mum, Karen my tai tai, Patrina my daughter, Lucy my SIL, my aunts, my cousins and nieces, the Yau sisters.
Not forgetting too ACTIVISTS and non-activists mothers in my live –MARINA LEE ABDULLAH, Lillian, Rodi, Claire, MsMo, YB Nurul, Queenie, Lita, Marina Mahathir, Jane, Nina, Maria, Sarah, Chris the virgin mum?…Mila too yah?...Pris, Serena, Jong, Liz bedmate to Tony Gee.
….and my Condo Mums, Sophie, Cris, Nanie, Norlie, Anne, Pauline, Gee, Prya, Pat, Guna, Phoebe.
Faraway mums….aunty Betsy, Veron, Cecilia
Distant mums….Cat, Murielle, Sharon
And all the other mums that distance, time and other inteerests have kept us apart.
This oldie is dedicated to you all…..a song that I sang in 1953 after my mothers day speech in St. Georges, Taiping. I then had a good soprano voice, ahem. Enjoy yah?
Yah, and also especially to retired Mums and future Mums-to-be in Kuantan.
Ya! lat's get together and kick UMNO/BN out.
What say you brother!
YAH, saudara comrade...and LYNAS too.
mari mengundi di sini
Wow! Zorro, didnt know you can sing! All those moms in the video, you know them?
I'll be with you all in thoughts this Sunday. Thanks for speaking up for the people in Kuatan!
It's high time we have a woman PM in this country! They are somehow more sensible and generally incorruptible. But definitely not big fat mama!! You agree bro? HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
Thank YOU Bernard. That was awesome indeed and you blew me off! :D
YOU betul betul got talent; your mom must be so mighty proud of YOU!
Uncle Zorro, I'd like to be at Tmn Gelora this Sunday to lend my support. May I know the time please Tq.
Hey, New Fart, where the fart have you been? Long time you never visit me ah? Dont let me fart on you yah...or shall I delegate this to Old Fart.
Anon1209am.....6pm 2 9pk at Telok Cempedak, yes?
I am a grandmother now but watching your video and listening to the song still brought tears to my eyes. Soon I'll be with my mother in world after.
Grandma (816am)....hang on! We got to live for the living amongst us. Your mum is well where she is and wish the same for you down here. Cheers grandma.
Uncle Zorro, thanks for info on when you and other bloggers will be in Ktn. I thought it was in the morning, in fact, my friend and I already agreed to meet up, thought it was in Tmn Gelora where there'd be many joggers and early risers.
Lets all work together in however small ways to ensure our future generations have a better future free of Racism,Corruption & Injustice. One woman who can lead Malaysia to this direction is YB Nurul Izzah Anwar .
Ha...ha...bro, how r u? Sorry long time no blog lah. Back to Oz for a long break. And quite frankly, getting quite disillusioned with the sex shit going on in this Canland. But we must keep grinding at it, yah? U take good care bro!
Aaaahhh !Thanks for thinking of all the mums out there !!!!
Very shameful of MCA's Liow Tiong Lai to call DAP "real racist" while kowtowing to the hate speech and racist spiel of Utusan Malaysia and Perkasa.
Thank you so much for coming and standing alongside us Kuantan folk! Means so much to have strong voices shouting out for us, and for our children. Hope to meet you at the next "get-together"!
Jeya (from Kuantan!!!)
Jeya....was good meeting you and little J. Missed your hubby though.Yes there will be another time. The pressure must be sustained, especially by Kuantanites. We will assist as and when required. Stay well, Jeya.
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