I got the message from Tony Emmanuel and got confirmation from Lita.

A brief tribute HERE
Malaysian/filipino pianist vocalist Rachel Guerzo on stage with her father Salvador Guerzo on tenor & Joseph Arnesto on bass
at No Black Tie
I got the message from Tony Emmanuel and got confirmation from Lita.
A brief tribute HERE
Malaysian/filipino pianist vocalist Rachel Guerzo on stage with her father Salvador Guerzo on tenor & Joseph Arnesto on bass
at No Black Tie
When you are not adept at Conflict Resolution and Damage Control you invariably short-circuit the key mechanisms that can get you out of bigger conflicts and damages. HERE is the classic case.
Over brunch I called a Ceylonese golfing friend of mine over many years and asked him his take on the KGNS issue. He patronizingly advised me about supply and demand.
I cut in with “what is that racial bit?”
His reply: Bernard, there are more important things like feeding the poor and homeless….
I immediately clicked off my mobile.
Loyalty definitely is not a goose-feathered bed….more like a water bed.
How Colin Thiew, admittedly a young political pygmy, got THIEWED is another classic case study of failure in conflict resolution and damage control. HERE
Yesterday, we had THE village idiot distributing white envelopes instead of red and we never heard even a squeak from the avowed champions of the Chinese porn star and the “hood”less, (read seedless) one from Penang….. MCA and Gerakan lah if some of you still want to forget. And we heard Jib Gor report that 60,000 Chinese gathered at Sitiawan in support of the guy who wanted to dip his keris in Chinese blood. For a free meal, those 60,000 chink and chinkess will seal their lips and conveniently cannot remember a thing.
I am just wondering…..is there a concerted movement afoot to chip away at Jib Boy’s 1Malaysia papier-mâché colossus?
“Satu Malaysia, uncle?”
………….accompanied by the Deputy Mayor of Jalan Changkat Simon D who commented:
“So this means Malay golfers welcome. Others (Mat Salleh? Who exactly are 'Others'?) are not so welcome. Chinese, even less welcome. Indians not welcome at all. Good to see the rule of law applied evenly!?! Can only assume that they have plenty of Indian golfers at this club and don't need any more.....”
My friends in KGNS say that the President is giving back KGNS to the Government!
I waited for more than 10 years and when they found that I was fit to join KGNS, I threw that OK letter back at them because I heard that there was a move to ban beer at the golfers terrace and the entrance fee had escalated and also I was given enough evidence that some leap frogged over many of us on the waiting list.
Thank God, we don’t have this stupid chauvinism in the PUBS. In all our watering holes, all races, YES ALL RACES mix irrespective if you are gays, lesbians, transvestites, cross-dressers, UMNO, PAS, DAP, PKR, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, East Malaysians, Legal and Illegal immigrants…..making up a potpourri of cocktails that can give the finger to the deformed 1Malaysia.
Lancheow to racists Clubs!
Come to the Pubs!
A HOBO said to another fellow hobo: "I had a grand dinner yesterday."
"How lah?" The other tramp asked.
My cousin gave me a RM100 angpow yesterday. I went to a fine dining joint along Jalan Sultan Ismail and ordered the whole works including a Principes Republica Dominicana cigar. When the nearly RM1,000 bill came, I said, I had no money.
The manager called the policeman, and handed me over to him.
I gave a RM50 note to the police fellow, going down the lift and he set me free.
Isn't that a wonderful example of financial management?
It speaks volumes for corruption opportunities in Malaysia !
But please do not imitate that hobo. This will bring the country into disrepute, yes?
My friend sent me this note in my comment box:
Wenger Khairysaid...
Hi Unker Zorro
Its this time of the year again when the fingers get itchy.
I connected with Herr Wenger during the Kuala Trengannu by elections and he blogged seasonally as Padedor, The Rembau Times, Judge Wenger Khairi and now as an English Peer.
I am Sir Wenger Khairy, the Earl of Gloucester, the Grand Duchy of Deutschland and a commander in His Majesty's Royal Navy. I have been commissioned to help free the inhabitants of Putra Jaya from the menace of the Maha Pirates who are pirates by profession by only "maha-er" than normal pirates
Visit him HERE
“But let me say some nice things about Najib. Najib is a personable fellow and if you get close enough to him, you will have to be a black-hearted person NOT to like him. But that is as far as I can go. He is a nice and a personable fellow,” said Datuk Sak.
I concur on this….nice and personable. I remember him not wanting to be in the VIP box during a Pahang/Selangor Malaysia Cup Final. He preferred to be with those on the grand stand below the VIP enclosure. He was then with that exceedingly ravishing first wife. Both did not want to go into the VIP room for refreshments during half-time and when I volunteered, as was my duty then, to bring them their drinks both refused graciously.
He was nice and personable, yes.
But we do not need leaders who are only nice and personable. Nice and personable are all desirable traits we all aspire to. But a leader needs more than just that. We need an effective leader who will not be cowed and ape the suspect ways of his predecessor(s)! We do not need a leader who thinks he can toy with us the rakyat with his childishly comedic “you help me I help you” baits. If he is not with the rakyat, he is against us. We don’t need a leader who espouses moderation in an international forum but shows a pusillanimous streak when it comes to handling Perkasa and his own Malay First and Malaysian Second Deputy. We definitely do not need a leader who is not his own master!
Anyway, that is the leader I want, a leader who is not led by the nose by some sawdust caesars! Now go ahead and read what Datuk Sak has to say……HERE
Sharks aren't the true killers — we are.
Sharks netted will have their fins sliced and thrown back into the sea to die.
Once favored by Chinese Emperors for its rarity, shark-fin soup is now eaten at weddings, corporate celebrations and high-falutin' business lunches to demonstrate a host's good fortune. "It's like champagne," says Alvin Leung, owner of Bo Innovation, a two-Michelin-star Cantonese restaurant in Hong Kong. "You don't open a bottle of Coke to celebrate. It's a ritual."
Unfortunately, this gesture of largesse comes with a price tag much bigger than that $100 bowl. Last week, as millions of viewers in the U.S. tuned in to Discovery Channel's Shark Week, probably nearly 1.5 million sharks were killed in the shark-fin industry — just like the weeks before. All told, up to 70 million sharks are culled annually for the trade, despite the fact that 30% of shark species are threatened with extinction. Indonesia, India, Taiwan, Spain and Mexico land the most sharks, according a recent survey of global shark populations conducted by the Pew Environment Group. "Sharks have made it through multiple mass extinctions on our planet," says Matt Rand, director of Pew's Global Shark Conservation division. "Now many species are going to go the way of the dinosaur — for a bowl of soup."
Sharks populations can't withstand commercial fishing the way more fecund marine species can. Unlike other fish harvested from the wild, sharks grow slowly. They don't reach sexual maturity until later in life — the female great white, for example, at 12 to 14 years — and when they do, they have comparatively few offspring at a time, unlike, say, big tunas, which release millions of eggs when they spawn. (Not that overfishing has left big tunas in much better shape than sharks, but that's another story.) As a result, the sharks that are netted are either adolescents that have not had a chance to reproduce or are among the few adults capable of adding new pups to the mix — and never will. "The shark stock on the Great Barrier Reef was hit hard when fishing started in earnest here 30 years ago, and it hasn't recovered at all," says Richard Fitzpatrick, a filmmaker and marine biologist who studies shark behavior on the Great Barrier Reef.
There has been some progress internationally after basketball superstar Yao Ming, who stopped eating shark fin five years ago, added his considerable size to the cause in September by urging others to join him and British entrepreneur Richard Branson in their abstinence. Sales have been reduced about one-third in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.
But as John Bruno, a University of North Carolina, told the New York Times, politicians need to attack shark fishing, not just shark’s fin soup:
If we’re going to save sharks, we need to start treating them as animals worth saving.
Global luxury hotelier, the Shangri-La group declared that its 72 hotels would no longer offer shark fin or other shark products in their menu.
"We are concerned about the environment and we have a strong corporate responsibility," said Maria Kuhn, director of corporate communications of Shangri-La's international operations.
The global luxury hotelier took shark fin off its menu on January 17, in a major boost to the campaign.
In Hong Kong -- the top shark-fin trading centre, handling about 50 percent of the global trade -- conservationists lauded Peninsula Hotels group's decision two months ago to similarly ditch the dish.
"We are very happy to see what they have done and we believe the demand for shark-fin consumption in Hong Kong will reduce," Stanley Shea, project coordinator at the Hong Kong marine conservation group Bloom, told AFP.
A survey by Bloom last year showed 78 percent of people in the southern Chinese city now consider it socially acceptable to leave shark-fin soup off the menu for a wedding banquet.
It is a sentiment which is gaining ground in Singapore too.
Alex Teo, 29, a banker said he left shark fin off the menu at his wedding last year despite initial worries that guests might be disappointed.
"We were not sure if people would feel unhappy about it, but seven personal friends who, when they replied about their attendance, asked me if we could not have shark fin, so we went ahead and removed the dish" he told AFP.
A growing number of shops, restaurants and hotels have in the past few months given up selling shark fin, throwing a lifeline to the marine predator that activists say is long overdue.
"Yes, we do see an increasing number of locals and international businesses saying no to shark's fin," said Elaine Tan, chief executive for environmental group WWF in Singapore.” More than 100 hotels and restaurants in Singapore and Hong Kong are now part of the programme, up from only 12 when it was launched in 2010,.”
"This change in attitude could be due to an increasing awareness of the plight of sharks as well as the result of many shark campaigns worldwide," she told AFP.
Mainland China -- believed to be the world's top consumer of shark fin -- is also seeing a dip in its popularity.
As public awareness grows in China, there are even moves towards a ban on the trade.
Businessman delegate to the National People's Congress Ding Liguo made the proposal, saying Beijing should lead the way because 95 percent of shark fin is consumed in the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
TRAFFIC, an international network that monitors the trade in wildlife, said more action from Asian governments was needed.
"We see a clear shift in the public and corporate mindset away from shark-fin consumption and sale," Elizabeth John, an official with TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, told AFP.
"Unfortunately, it's not reflected in decision and policy making except in very few cases."
Hazel Oakley, a representative of Shark Savers Malaysia, which lobbies for a shark-fishing ban, said: "The time for this legislation is now. Public opinion has changed... The shark-fin wealthy Chinese market is definitely dying."
On 14November last year Karen, Patrina and I at a wedding in Oriental Banquet abstained from sharkfin soup and suckling pig.
HORATIO: Are you aware that there is corruption in Pakatan Governments?
ME: Of course it exists…..a natural 50 some years spillover of HABIT. You take away the H, and ABIT is left. You continue to take ABIT off, IT still remains. But I remain optimistically encouraged that we are collecting evidence of such transgressions.
HORATIO: What next?
ME: We will make a concerted effort to prevent these seemingly untouchables from contesting.
HORATIO: Not going to the Press?
ME: Lancheow Horatio! When you don’t indulge in minor vices like smoking and drinking you invariably graduate to major vices! GO TO THE PRESS?
HORATION: To shame them what!
ME: How would you feel if your son goes to the neighbor that you abhor and detests and tells him that you his Pa were caught dipping into some pussy pits? What would you do?
HORATIO: I will insist that we wash our dirty linen at home. Tell me in my face.
ME: That’s sublime thinking. What if he disagrees and persists?
HORATIO: Disown him!
ME: Admittedly a divine decision no doubt, but he is your son man!
HORATIO: I am the master of the house. We don’t send our dirty linen to the PRESS neighbor!
ME: Your son can disown you?
HORATIO: That’s OK by me…..he can cross over or leap frog over next door to do his laundry. How are you guys going to combat corruption?
ME: We will collect documented evidence and pass it over to the Pakatan leaders. Let them decide. If they persist we will campaign against the tainted candidate until he is withdrawn. But we will not throw anyone OUT the window over RM2000!
HORATIO: And then?
ME: Good Socratic question. After we achieve ABU we will launch ABC on PutraJaya Pakatan.
Megaupload, the file-sharing website shut down Thursday by the U.S. federal government, is a Web hosting tool that now finds itself accused of being an online haven for digital pirates.
Many people probably never have heard of the site. But to millions, the 6-year-old site, based in Hong Kong, was a fast, easy way to store massive files in a “locker” online and then share them with friends or colleagues.
Stay tuned, HERE…… this is a developing story.
Mamasita’s CNY greetings…..
To all my Chinese blogger mates and silent Chinese blog readers, to all my Chinese friends from young until we're already quite old, to all the kind-hearted Chinese who have helped my parents through our hard times (if they're gone, then my greetings to their beloved families), and to those who've helped my immediate family once upon a time..wherever you are..
'Kam sia', 'Xie Xie ni'..
Wishing each and everyone of you a very prosperous Chinese Lunar Dragon Year.
Happy Chinese New Year!
GongXi GongXi GongXi ne ya..**^-^**
Mamasita, whom I read regularly.
“Najib Abdul Razak, the apprentice prime minister, vowed to spearhead the ‘clarion for moderation', unveiling also an institute of Wasatiyyah (Moderation) under the purview of his own department.”
“The man making a clarion call for the Malays to rise up against others is now the head of government, but the mainstream press - especially all the major Chinese dailies - now pretends the racially and politically charged gathering did not happen.”
“Seeing the subservient and pliable character of the Malaysian media reminds me of what George Orwell wrote in 1984: If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that even, it never happened - that, surely, was more terrifying than more torture and death.”
“Finally, Brother Jib, would you ensure a peaceful, orderly and constitutional transition of power should Barisan Nasional lose at the next general election? Any silence on his part would be telling enough to debunk his myth of moderation.
Received this email about an hour ago during brunch:
Uncle Z, my boss wants you to keep this SOB Nazri in your Fart Chamber until Chap Goh Meh.
My boss is seething that this upstart good friend of Penang CM has gone against every word he said at the current International Conference on MODERATION.
Go HERE and HERE to know why my boss wants your service.
My boss also requests that Madame MemgeesokMem sit extra long on his face.
Thank you for doing this bit of national service. I know you are not friendly with my boss. For this once, do him a favor. I am,
Yours truly,
Acting PA to PM
“Reformasi” was the clarion call since 1998.
“Hidup Rakyat” “Makal Sakti” strengthened “Reformasi” to make an impact in 2008.
DAP’s UBAH made a significant THRUST in the Sarawak Elections.
REFORMASI can only come to pass if UMNO is REMOVED.
THE ABU REVOLUTION is fully aware that with the recognition of pro-rakyat parties, we can together crush UMNO.
If you believe this to be true, endorse this revolution.
The ABU REVOLUTION ask each MPs and Aduns when you take the stage to end your speech by just calling out ABU !
It is that simple, yah?
So Just Do It
I said it HERE in my 12 January posting, that a former MB with three Mohamad to his name was going to be a Chairman of one of those 1 this 1 that thingy that has become the trademark of this current PM of ours. This MFer is so shallow and he reminds me of what Lady Gaga said recently: I don't like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I'm from New York. I will kill to get what I need.
You certainly are not shallow enough to not figure this out!
I hope you will after watching this clip.
But before you say it let me say this:
Lancheow to this 1Care con!
ASIDE: My by-elections campaigner friend Ah Mei Chai from Kuantan called me and said that she got her RM500. She is donating it to DAP Kuantan because it did not come from Najib, but from the rakyat.
Dang! That’s 30 pints of Guiness at LaDelicious CITTA Mall.
And do you know what? She said that her s-i-l will be sending thru William a Principes Long Fill Churchill NAT cigar for me to relish when I meet up with Rodney from Ipoh at Ol Skoll tomorrow night.
William and Rodney are ABU adherents, you must have guessed.