The full posting HERE.
YES Pewaris have this right too, this right to believe that the ISA is necessary.They have their reasons just as we have ours to say NO TO ISA.
Let us respect each other’s convictions.
Both groups have one common foe tomorrow - THE POLICE. They have warned that they will act against the protest. They started by setting up road blocks (HERE). I do not know why they are reacting this way. Probably they want to show that they are in CONTROL, not on crimes but on peaceful protests marches. I have been to all rallies. They have done away with peaceful negotiations with the organizers of rallies. They have graduated from the “I give you 15 minutes to disperse” to “On the count of 3, we will arrest” hoping that we will all evapourate in 3 seconds. However, that too is their right, though how their interpret their right has always been questionable and not consistent.
But both NO TO ISA and YES TO ISA supporters must prove to the police that we can march peacefully as Malaysians. Let tomorrow’s march be a silent, peaceful march for our beliefs. Let the numbers do the talking.
Readers of this blog are advised to visit Laila’s Blog, MERAH HITAM (NO TO ISA) on my sidebar. She has given an exhaustive list of DOs and DON’Ts.
Our band of BLOGGERS AGAINST ISA (you can be in this band if you put this logo on your sidebar) could do likewise by pointing your readers to Merah Hitam.
Last night the Civil Rights Committee-KLSCAH and two facebook groups – Justice for Beng Hock and 1BLACKMalaysia, themed the memorial “MAY HE BE THE LAST” with the hope and prayer that Teoh Beng Hock’s would be the last custodial death in this country.
R GUNASEGARAN, 31 was next. He was a suspected drug addict. But no country “kills” drug addicts. Most countries try to rehabilitate them, not take the short cut.
Even kangaroo courts would not administer this type of justice that results in 1,805 deaths whilst in lock-up detention.
1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now…... how false….truly non-Asia….verily
"Someone please wake me from this nightmare and tell me that this did not happen in my country and that Teoh Beng Hock is safe at home with his family."
Reporter: Encik Samad, congratulations for being awarded the Medal of Valour for your bravery.
Samad: Thank You. I did it for my country.
Reporter: Tell us, during your 20 years in service, where have you been to.
Samad: Oh,
Reporter: Where would you say was the most trying place to go.
Samad: I would say,
Reporter: Were you ever hurt?
Samad: Yes, I was shot in
Reporter: There are still some more volatile places where UN Peace Forces are needed.
Samad: I have been to so many explosive places and come back alive although I met with lots of hostilities. I have faith in my abilities to survive. I will go on even an hour's notice just as long as they don't send me to a police lock up or to the MACC. I may be brave but I do want to live.
Thanks Chegu.
People, go visit him for more subtle offerings at Kata Tak Nak.
It is heartening and encouraging to know that Home Minister has set his KRA (Key Results Area – reduce crime rate), KPI (Key Performance Indices – reduce crime rate by 20% ) and Goals – reduce crime by 20% by 2010). I would assume that he has put this KRA (objectives) thru the SMART tests – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) to add validity to his KRA. As a practioner, I must volunteer that his KRA is dismally limited in scope.
But let me throw a bucket of cold water over this impending adventure of his. He must realize that his Goal will not be achieved if his KRA and KPI are not managed (and I am not even thinking about the monitoring process) religiously and professionally. Each State Police Chief should write down their KRA and KPI towards the Goal of 20 reduction in crime by 2010. If the Home Minister don’t get this in writing (and written in stone, WHAT THEY WILL DO AND MUST DO TO REDUCE CRIME BY X% IN THEIR RESPECTIVE STATES,TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE OVERALL 20% REDUCTION OF CRIME GOAL), this will be another exercise in futility that we have all grown so familiar with.
And what if the Police Inspector General tells all the State Police Chiefs to “shit-can” all this new shit, and our Home Minister will deliver to his cousin a tankful of you-know-what by 2010.
All management gurus have subscribed to DOING THE RIGHT THING RIGHT THE FIRST TIME AND ALL THE TIME.
For Hisham, if he wants to achieve his KRAs, KPIs and ultimate Goal, he must do the RIGHT THING RIGHT THIS FIRST TIME – advise his cousin not to extend the Police Inspector General’s tenure.
This what most Quality Management Gurus have espoused: In God we trust, the others show data.
Here are some data from the Home Ministry website to gauge if the public felt safe from crime in the country.
Right from the beginning, 97% of those polled volunteered that they feel unsafe and 95% hold that their security is not assured.
As at 9.15 am yesterday morning, 97% of 8,761 of 9,044 respondents felt unsafe while only 1% or 76 respondents felt safe.
In fact, I would advise Hisham to redo his first KRA to read: Replace Police Inspector General immediately. This KRA passes the SMART tests invariably!
If the PM does not change the Police Inspector General…..the reason could be here……. (with the help of a little spin I have learnt from the MSM, the message is discernable…and you could replace Ave Maria with “for a new extension").
Recently, there has been a lot of shit and stirring in Pakatan Rakyat.
There is wide speculation that the most recent stirrings might have caused the demise of a member of the family.
That of course is despicable and should not have happened!
But to stir shit, there must be a subject (in this recent case, 2 actually, yes 2!) and a verb.
So who is the subject – shit?, which after the fact can also be a verb to shit.
Who is the verb – to stir which after the fact can be a subject itself as in stirrer.
Now this is getting messy, no?
But whatever, I recall the old adage:
My unsolicited advise is that Pakatan Rakyat must do some serious housekeeping, as UMNO like a buzzard, hungrily lurking on the fringe like all scavengers, can turn your subject into a verb!
In reality with the current BN government is perceive as muscling the opposition using the country enforcement agencies. The movement of the Malaysian Non BN political parties has always been monitored. I would not be surprised that there is a dedicated task force that is monitoring the movement, actions and decisions made by the PR MPs, ADUN’s and State Exco’s
The way the Police and the MACC conduct its business in this country has not given the people the confidence that they are truly independent. The truth is far less importance then the perception in the eyes of the public. Right now the image of the MACC and the RMP is in a bottomless pit. This will have a big impact on BN
19/07/2009 by drrafick
The following writing is done based on assessment of various images and writings on the mainstream media (MSM) as well as the online media. I am trying to understand the tragedy that took place at Plaza Masalam. It would be great if I have access to MACC office and location where the body was found but without such access, readers can expect some gross margin of error in my writing. Do let me know what the errors are so that we can come to a clear conclusion on what transpired.
Part 1
The second item of concern is that his body posture is lying on his right side. Why not face down? A man that is conscious at the time of his fall is most likely to fall on his face flat down or his back if he is being pushed through a window. If he had jumped I would expect that he would have ended leg first. The pictures are not conclusive enough to indicate any lower limb fractures. Post mortem would be able to shed some light.
Part 2
I believe that he had died prior of hitting the slab roof the 5th floor podium based on the limited amount of blood on the roof. If his was alive and his heart was pumping, then there would be a large amount of blood on the roof if he did not die instantly.
Part 3
I tried to piece the time Tan met TBH and according to my source, when Tan left a short while later the sun was brightly coming up. He had estimated the time based the sun. I checked the time for sunrise in Shah Alam for the last few days. The sun is up at about 549am.
Assuming that by the time Tan came out from the building, it was about 549-555 a.m., I estimate that Tan saw TBH at about 530am. This means that TBH was indeed alive at 530am. This is about 8 hours before he was found dead.
Part 4
If he had been alive upon exiting the window and died upon impact, I expect to see more blood on the roof. The blood would take about 15 to 30 minutes to clot properly and hence in that amount of time, the blood would ooze through any open wound profusely. This is very true especially there is an arterial bleed.
Part 5
In my previous article, I theorized that either one or two person carried the late TBH whom had died for about 30 mins to the window. He carried the person with TBH on his right side and places it on the windows edge. As he pushed the body out the window, the latch got hooked to the pants at the centre of the trousers. TBH weight and the action of trying to push the body down literally tore the pants towards the left pocket.
Part 6
I wrote because my conscience tells me that what had happen is wrong. Today it happened to TBH. Tomorrow it can happen to us, our siblings and our kids. It is my religious duty (Fardu Kifayah) to share and to find conclusion to this dark episode.
Part 7
Last night I received an email from an anonymous (Lets call him Mr. A) person who claims to be working with the mainstream media. I am not sure whether it is true or not but he claims that all MSM media will be running stories in the next few days that the wound on TBH base left hand (the media will say wrist) will be played up as a sign of suicide. It dawn upon me that I have not said anything about the triangular mark on the right hand.
I was alerted by some readers on the existence of a new blog which has made serious allegations against 2 DAP State Exco members on purportedly explaining “DAP corruption modus operandi” in Selangor at www.t4tbh.blogspot.com. I suspect that it is part of a counter strategy that is being deployed by certain people to deflect the current issue surrounding TBH. Who are they? I can safely assume that what you ever think is right.
* The documents will be scanned and posted in next posting.
Posted by 4tbh at 12:15 AM
On June 4, 2009, Carradine was found dead in his room at the Swissôtel Nai Lert Park Hotel on Wireless Road, near Sukhumvit Road, in central Bangkok, Thailand. A police official said Carradine was found hanging by a rope in the room's closet, and the Bangkok Post reported that his body was found curled up in the wardrobe with one end of a shoelace tied around his penis and the other end around his neck. The same officer said: "Under these circumstances we cannot be sure that he committed suicide." It has also been reported that Carradine was found "with his hands tied behind his back." Carradine was in
Khunying Pornthip Rojanasunand, a Thai forensic pathologist and Director of Central Institute of Forensic Science, stated the incident met four of the criteria for accidental death involving autoerotic asphyxiation leading to an autoerotic fatality. Police Lieutenant General Worapong Chewprecha, Commander of the Metropolitan Police, remarked that the closed circuit television installed within the hotel supported the theory that no other persons were involved with the death. Carradine's representative and family members told the press that they believed the death to be accidental and not a suicide. Chuck Binder, Carradine's manager of six years,[15] indicated neither suicide nor accident was the likely cause since "the family has been told Carradine's hands were immobilized (behind his back) by the rope." However, this is contradicted by photographic evidence from the scene published by Thai Rath newspaper, showing "hands apparently bound together above the head".
On June 5, the Carradine family lawyer Mark Geragos spoke on Larry King Live and dismissed claims of suicide, stating instead that David Carradine could have been murdered by a secret sect of kung fu assassins, after it was revealed that Carradine had been attempting to uncover groups working in the martial-arts underworld. In July 2009, it was reported that a private pathologist, after carrying out a second autopsy, also ruled out the possibility of suicide, but was still unable to "determine whether Carradine's death was accidental or a homicide" and was awaiting further toxicology test results.
Two of Carradine's ex-wives (Gail Jensen and Marina Anderson) stated that his sexual interests included the practice of self-bondage.