YES, whiffs of corruption and incompetence a la Peter Principle are rearing its ugly head in the PR. Allow me this opportunity to state once and for all especially for the benefit of the UMNO/BN Bloggers that I am not a Pakatan Rakyat Blogger. I AM A BARISAN RAKYAT BLOGGER. You have to be blinded by prejudice and whatnot if you fail to see my public declaration on my sidebar.
Rocky has thru the Star (Focus) claimed that I am inspired and paid/sponsored (was that the word used?) by Anwar Ibrahim. Inspired, maybe a wee bit because I think he is the only one (with the other PR coalition partners) who will give this country some semblance of good governance, so that I can fly the FLAG as how a flag should be hoisted. I did not care to dispute Rocky’s claim as I was not given the opportunity of the “right of reply”. To date the Star reporter has not called me to clear this one-sided allegation. I am patient to a point so I can wait until WCW turns professional and thus point that reporter in my direction.
I also like to direct you people to my mast head:
Revealing anything swept under the carpet and unmasking the sweepers
I have not spared the PR camp as early as a month after 308. If I whack the shit out of UMNO/BN more than PR, it is because there are more dickheads in the former than in the latter. And that does not make me a Pakatan Rakyat blogger unless you continue to remain rabid in your thoughts, words and deeds.
However be ready for some revelations as some details are coming in on the missteps in PR, especially in DAP Selangor on some tender (pun vehemently intended) bibs. Of course I have written about the UMNO stench that some PKR guys have brought along with them into PR. No reminders necessary about the frogs in Perak.

And if you think PAS has escaped the net you will be disappointed. As an Islamic party with a top-heavy religious agenda, I am able to disregard when they banned this and banned that but when they train their line of fire at women, read SIS, that’s carrying things a wee bit too far, no? And if they want to sleep with UMNO, count me out amongst the supporters. I may have to chuck the “PAS For All” cap that I wear everywhere.
I somehow trust people who have made it for themselves and then enter politics rather than those who enter politics to be RICH.

I agree wholeheartedly with Zorro. We cannot allow Pakatan to degenerate into another Umno, the most corrupt party in the world. Any party that embraces Umno's phililosphy of greed and cronyism is doomed. We will not allow it.
Agree with you wholeheartedly. I'm a wee bit disappointed by the PR. They can't seem to put their house in order. Their negativity is starting to rub on people and that can't be good. Some of their people are behaving exactly like the BN goons. Maybe that's the problem, too many ex-BN goons in their mist. At the rate they are going, all the BN has to do is wait the opposition to screw themselves up.
Yeah Zorro
It's clear Pakatan needs some kind of co-ordinator and over-sight person(s) to consult before they formulate policies, enact legislation, take unilateral action and make public announcements.
Many of these new Aduns are not PR savvy and are clearly green and intellectually challenged.
A panel of 3 with people like Zaid would certainly stop all this public bickering and clashes among Pakatan bigheads, which is like handing it on a platter back to UMNO!
Lastly, they should stop taking in these UMNO rjects. If they are that desperate, I am prepared to offer my service, gratis!
BN tak bole pakai. PR also tak bole pakai.
Thats why I dont waste time and energy on Malaysian politics. I just make my money here and migrate later on and leave this country to the dogs.
There is no way Malaysia can be saved. Dont waste your time and energy.
It aint easy to dislodge 50 years of UMNO shit from our septic toes so it surely will take a while to be disinfected, at least toe by toe.
We know who and where those PKR reps come from dun we ?
As people say we live in interesting times , more so now when the UMNO Bloggers are growing in strength ( led by a kind of awfully obnoxious bru ) against the widening cracks showing up like sore thumbs in PKR, about time too we do something proactive TQ
While others would have sold their mothers to be a minister; Zaid Ibrahim resigned his ministerial post as a matter of principle to protest the abuse of human rights .
This is the type of great personality we need in Malaysia.
Master remember i told you yesterday about this well this corruption started one week after 8/3 supporters, came and demanded for contracts.You see they have done a ali baba by giving the contracts to umno contractors for a cut.
Now the question to ask is how to get rid of this problem,easy make sure that even a person like ronnie kui does not give letters of support to contractors.You see the present crop of govt servants behave ala umno wherby if anyone barks throw them a bone(contract)and all is well.If you look at councillors appointed only a handful can work the rest are there for contracts and kang tow.Most of them don't even know that these govt servants are taking them for a ride.
On another note tell ronnie to stop being a slave to contractors and developers as you end up behaving like bn.Remember master you can take the man out of bn but you can't take bn out of him(this is for pkr and certain pas guys as there is a joke going around that umno guys are also using skull caps for contracts).
Agreed, the Rakyat need to keep PR honest & on the straight & narrow. We need to remind them of their promises before the elections (transparency, accountability etc.) & of their committment to the People's Declaration.
Perhaps we could keep track of PR by a PRmeter, where we kept a report card of their promises & achievements. An example we could follow is the Obameter used to track Obama's performance.
am with you, zorro.
zaid is trustworthy. and rocky said you were paid/sponsored by Anwar? I am not a bit surprised with such comments from him.
Maybe they'll need an undertaker later.
I am with you on this one. It has been a year plus since March 2008. The honeymoon period for PR is over. It is time for them to shape out or be ready to ship out.
I will not say Zaid Ibrahim as devils-advocate, co-ordinator, caretaker but I will surely place him as rakyat's ombudsman.
Finally, count me we are not BN bloggers nor are we PR bloggers. We are BR (Barisan Rakyat) bloggers. In the words of WJ Khairy, we are the independent ronins...
PR, you the new kids on the block..once you become corrupt, you will become the unknown devil..
you know what they say when you have only 2 choices - between the known and the unknown devil.. guess which would be the people's choice? or are you a 1 hit wonder?
agree Uncle. Zaid is a good candidate but i think if PR government is transparent enough... there'll be lots of us who will be able to help the check and balance.
All said and done, UMNO would have the last laugh. PAS is going to deliver the votes back to UMNO. Dear me, Tun Najib gonna be expecting to sit as PM for a little longer than we thought.
Bismilah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim
We TG Nik Aziz Die Hard Pas members solute u for your stand as Barisan Rakyat Blogger And we thank u for supporting TG Nik Aziz . May god with u for ever.
You choose who you want to be and not what people want you to be. You are downright very straight and we at audie61 appreciate your Truthfullness.Kuddos my friend..
Uncle Bernard,
The idea to have a caretaker for PR should have been inspired early indeed.
Have you ever been asked that what if DSAI no more fit to be the leader in Pakatan (or Premier as hoping by those guys necking for 916 early)?
then any other person suit for the post as the leader (or premier) ? Azmin ? ...any others you able to named from PKR ? or other alliance party's leaders - such as LKS, Tuan Guru Hadi, and who else do you think suit for the post ?
Just for this reason, (they) should realised how important to have a caretaker ! They knew, but they can't "produce" any ? right?
So in this crucial time closing to the "sodomy" trial, then only (they) start "masturbating" scratching on for their replacement. (perhaps my English level low) Should I get you wrong?
[ the 3rd PARTY ]
Hi Guru,
Yes we are the BARISAN RAKYAT BLOGGERS which means Blogging for the People and Nation no matter who is in the government.
Welcome to the world of original thinking, Z.
As an avid reader of Zorro, i dont find Bernard to be on either side .
He whacks anything that is not right.
Just like Raja Petra.
Anything that is not in the right, whack it.
As for ahiruddin atan, he have his own agenda.
The position of MalayMail editor is dangling in front of him.Hell he sure does changes his "mission" to fulfill his whatever needs and desires.Most of us notices rocky bru is one of najib's boys
Yes! the 3rd force is and has been always on.We may be not seen on the surface,but the ever ready consciousness heart is here and there to give the PR a voice of justice,fairness and reminder.
Be-end no longer able to hear from the rakyat,PR is new.
Some PR is still using the old be-end methods.We would work those who are willing to change for the better tomorrow.
Thank you anak bangsa Malaysia.
An excellent idea.
I was angry to read this malaysiakini news on a land scam :
Not that the land scam happened, but the fact that NGOs who were helping the effected people were not allowed to join the discussion. So much for being transparent and democracy.
The people should be allowed to bring any advisers they seemed fit. Is the PR government scared of NGOs having more influence then them??
And I tot Rocky a spy for UMNO. No! An aide to UMNO then. No? then employed by UMNO.
I see no harm in Zorro's blog. But rather dubious Rocky site.
PR is proving to be an alliance without substance. This is what happens when you collaborate for the sake of power without having discussions on whether everyone shares the same ground. The PR was formed hastily without having proper ground rules -the objective only being to stop BN, not to save the Rakyat. The good thing is, we get to see their true colours sooner than expected.
Uncle Zorro,
Yep, I'm all for it but not so much confine to a "BARISAN RAKYAT BLOGGERS" but a 'Citizens Watch Group' should draw concerned citizens to contribute.
Unca Zorro,
Agree with you...!!!
Can we voice our views & comments to PKR "gang"....???
So as to know the rakyat better & by our suggestions PKR "CAN" better themselves...! Next GE comming. I would like to see them as "The Goverment".......!!!
Who knows the rakyat's "ideas" will work yah....!!!
Can you organize a "Rakyat & PKR"
Thanks !
i agree with your choice of Zaid Ibrahim. I had the opportunity to talk to him once. The man has got substance. His vision, mission and goal will definitely jive well with Bangsa Malaysia.
I thot People's Parliament was supposed to be the Barisan Rakyat's watch group for the MPs? Why re-invent if Haris and U and the gang can use it to expose the corrupt going ons in the govt/ with elected reps? Haris can always start another blog to publish his personal thoughts.
Unc Zorro, I have never taken you to be EITHER pro/anti-bn OR pro/anti-pr. you are 1 of the rare who have maintained your principles since day 1.
I always see you whacking bn and more than pr. But that is becuase there is so much in bn to whacked for. And yes, you did whack pr be they dap, pkr or pas. i like those with (selecyively) short memories and accusing you of being a pr stooge to be reminded that you have even considered dap's lks for your fart chamber when he failed to toe a certain line.
And Zaid, I can agree with you 100% on this fine fellow.
I just unmasked DAP, looks exactly like UMNO?
If everybody wants to be the hero, then who will play the villian?
Just read RPK's message. Yes Minister is my favourite british satire show on British government.
Hehehe, watch even when I was in primary school. It's in the 80s mah.
It's always been a constant battle between the civil servants & the ministers.
Jim Hacker said
1) The Opposition is the Opposition in exile
2) Civil Servant is Opposition in residence
Hahahaha! Watch Big Brother! I love it when Hacker brow beat that pompous Humphery. But Khalid need people like Tom Seargeant....But wait a minute, me don't think can get those in the opposite side. Perhaps, Dr Hsu can help.....He's from Gerakan.....
Watch it! Better still watch the whole things.....The final episode (What a Tangle Web we Weave)is a sad one......Humphery got no choice but to carry the ball because his indiscretion.
I believe Khalid knew civil servants are dead against them......Khalid was waiting for the big shot civil servants to make mistakes & hold them ransoms
Well, In Big Brother, Hacker decided to announce his plan......Khalid sounds like him too......Hackers say nice thing about Humphery. Then, drop a bomb shell. Then, the famous word.......I believe the civil servants such Humphery would make sure that policies would be implemented. If not, heads will roll
1) No Tom Seargeant
2) Civil Servant under federal
Lets see if Khalid can do a "Hacker" on civil servants
The hero,villian and the one that do nothing are all ONE,the manifestation of Source.Proper understanding that there is in fact no individual to understand is the heart of Truth.All scriptures points to this ONE Truth.
Sad, the Pakatan fellos can't see they are imploding themselves and loosing their grip of the rakyat's faith in them. Their concept of a shadow government seems to be tainted with shady fellos all carrying the racist flag and being so BN-like. They have only themselves to blame when the get drowned in the tsunami of 308. They seem wobbling on the surf board which is turning into a survival board each day they continue to immerse themselves into in-fighting for power! If they don't listen to their own leaders, Zaid's wasting his time with them.
hi Uncle Bernard,
Say No to Cyanide !!!
Hope u can help us to spread tis cos there has been no coverage by the mainstream media on tis issue that was affecting the Bukit Koman residents.
Raub villagers protest potential cyanide use
Soon Li Tsin | Jan 24, 07 3:56pm
Some 3,000 residents of Kampung Baru Bukit Koman in Raub, Pahang, are questioning a state agency’s decision to allow the use of cyanide in a gold-mining operation in Bukit Koman.
Chemical Dangers :
- Cyanide is highly toxic, rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical
- One teaspoon of a 2% solution can kill a person.
- Cyanide is the killing agent used in gas chambers.
Very soon, this potential hazard has every chance spillover into Selangor once The Pahang-Selangor Inter-State Raw Water Transfer Project is completed.
The Story Unfolds Here...
Say No to Cyanide, pls sign the Petition :
Chi. This is a promise. I will get on to this today after I sort out my car problem. A solemn promise. I have been meaning to post on this topic as I have gathered sufficient info.
Pakatan Rakyat seems to be in dire straits now. What with Perak in Najib's hand, he has started the ball rolling again by trying to splinter the Pakatan coalition.
People supported PAS in the last GE and the subsequent bye-elections not because they are enamoured by its policies and public utterings BUT because they wanted UMNO/BN to lose. People are just fed up with the corrupted and power hungry UMNO/BN goons.
Now the ulamas in PAS are showing their true colours. They too want to have ill-gotten wealth and trample on the rakyat who voted for them by wanting to share power in a unity government with the much hated UMNO/BN.
And to show their fundamental Islamic mindset, they are asking their good friend, UMNO/BN to ban SIS. What is wrong with these ulama dickheads? Don't they respect women at all? Don't they realize their mothers are also human beings and not just playthings of their mcp dads?
If this the route that the PAS leadership proposes to follow in their greed for wealth and power, then they are in for a very big shock during the next GE. Moderate Malays and non-Muslims are going to avoid PAS as the plague.
Pakatan Rakyat leaders have a lot of soul searching to do. They have to drop slimeballs like the controversial Kulim Adun, Zulkifli Noordin who has the temerity to rebrand SIS as IWK. He is a shame and disgrace to all lawyers and the legal fraternity. He should leave PKR and join PAS where the ulamas of similar grey matter would welcome him with open arms. It would be good riddance to a lowdown scum.
As you pointed out Pakatan Rakyat needs someone with the stature and itergrity of Zahid to play the role of devil's advocate or at least to be in a panel to iron out the kinks that seem to be showing in the PR's fabric.
If left unchecked Pakatan Rakyat is going to be a divided house where unwanted third parties like Najib and his goons would have a field day creating havoc. That would only lead to another 50 years of misery to all except the corrupt UMNOputras, the towkays in MCA and the kacang putih sellers in MIC.
Thks Uncle Bernard.
Those who share your views know how bad Malaysia is today. Indeed there are soo many things to highlight on the failures of the politicians especially those with powers.
As a nation we need to swallow the lump in our throat,but you are among those people who want to point out the problems of our country to solve them.
Stay Healthy Always and May God Bless You.
Perak's Zambry Haram the PHD Gambir & Snake Oil salesman is at it again!
He managed to pull out a rabbit from the hat,
visibly happy with the recent Perak constituional crisis, announced a whopping RM9billion investment since Black 7May09
First it was Mukhriz, now Zambry Haram, it does look like Malaysians are going to beat Houdini's records!
Malaysian Insider reports:
How many Zaid Ibrahims can you find in a thousand years in Malaysia; he is the epitome of what a righteous nationalist should be! How about "Zaid Ibrahim for PM!" as our new chant? Fearless and unbiased, any party that can get him in as a leader would definitely, rule the day in Malaysia.
Perhaps Zaid Ibrahim should think of joining PAS since there's vacancy and pressure is on the two top leaders to leave the party for having intention to sleep with the devils, and they are being shown the door!
Meanwhile UMNO is bursting and rolling in laughter having effortlessly done enough damage to Pakatan Rakyat for time being!
You may be slightly too late on Zaid... Maybe someone else ?
Anyway, whatever it is we need a caretaker... rightfully said.
Muhammad Firdaus Christopher
Money 'may not' make life happy BUT
moneyless 100% makes life unhappy !
Poor politicians aim for richness too.
RICH politicians make excellent
leaders fighting for causes !
If Pakatan continues with this attitude, I think very susah for them
to win more seats/states in coming
GE 13,la. I am disappointed with them
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