Honestly, I thought Suhakam is history. They dont feature in the news probably because the rakyat knows that having recourse to Suhakam is a cul de sac. Window dressing some would wont to volunteer.....toothless and impotent....the government's feel good buffer in case the world asks questions. To me until just now, Suhakam was kaput, dust to dust, ashes to ashes, until I read the
Malaysiakini report on what transpired today at the Brickfields Police Station. It is a wonder people still have faith in Sukaham. When I think of Suhakam, it takes me back to the days of the Arabian Nights where the potentate is judged by the number in his harem. The harem lives usually in splendid annexes and guarded by castrated Nubian brawny but PENISLESS....
such that celebacy and loyalty to the Emperor/Sultan is a given.
But now that you still exist, is it too much trouble to throw some shit at the police for continuining to intimidate the people with chemical-laced water jets. If you can't do anything, have some self-respect, enmass resign and go plant vegetables or learn to make chocolate cakes. The people dont need you, not one bit.
A f#cking bunch of well dressed Eunuchs!
They do even have the galls to whisper to the SOB in this UMNO-BN gomen.
DAMN ! I was the very 1st guinea-pig been called up for its historic INQUIRY in 2000 = nato ! DAMN !!
excellent advice. i totally agree with you that the whole gang of suhakam should resign publicly
a second thought... would then the UMNO goons take over all the posts?
These men have a steel resolve. It takes more than chemical-laced water cannons to stop them. They had gone through the days of the Hindraf march. They would take on the tougher days ahead to drive their messages home. And bring hope and aspiration for the majority of the Malaysian rakyat. Syabas.
yeah, where were you when you were needed?
Quite useless to remain only in name
Being a toothless tiger staying lame
No point being accused of being "just the same"
Without the clout to sort out matters and issues to tame
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 280209
Sat. 28th Feb. 2009.
millions of our BLOOD tax money being wasted in !@#$%^&* suhakam !
Hahaha!!! that was a great pix Zorro. Yeah teloq kecut huh!
To “P. Uthayakumar, the Hindraf leaders & supporters”...
- I say, you have “Stood your Grounds”, with a show of solidarity very bravely....
- My heart goes out to all there, for suffering the “Unnecessary & Reckless Intimidation” by the PDRM & FRUs, even more so with their “Chemical Water Canon” on Defenceless “Anak Bangsa Malaysia” men & women supporters of the Group.
- God Almighty “Hears & Feels” the Call, the Pain & the Despair of our “Defenders” of Truth, Justice, Equality & Freedom & the downtrodden rayaat.
- Remember “What goes round, will come round to these Desperate UMNO Ketetuanan Beggars” - Past, Present & Future.
- The “Opressors” will “FAIL” & God Almighty will ensure “Justice” will be done.
- Do keep up your “Prayers” to God Almighty in your own way for “Sanity, Human Rights, Justice, Freedom, Equality & Peace to “Prevail” over “EVIL.”
- John Quincy Adams:
- “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”
My proposal is to arrange for some “Good Honourable & Retired Statesmen” (4-6 persons) personalities to see PM on this “Issue” whilst he is “Compassionate” with the “Toll Issue”.
I am “Confident” he will be “Compassionate” to take “Remedial Actions”.
in ipoh, the mic boss : " i'll PLEAD
with pm for his medical treatment !"
pleading = begging lah !!
a freaking flower vase to please the international community.
dont waste any more money on them. PERIOD.
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