I always had dogs (at least 2 at any one time) until condominium living forbids this.
But of late, certain anointed professional agencies, legislative. judiciary, preventive and protective
have earned such simplistic but embarrassing sobriquet like TOP DOGS, RUNNING DOGS and now LAP DOGS.
Also MOB1900 kicks ass his way.
At the Federal Court this morning I was surprised to learn from one of RPK's lawyers that KARPAL SINGH was unaware that MACC top/lap dog's son was caught peddling child porno into Australia.
At the Federal Court this morning I was surprised to learn from one of RPK's lawyers that KARPAL SINGH was unaware that MACC top/lap dog's son was caught peddling child porno into Australia.
can anyone confirm that the MAS porn pilot arrested and charged in australia is the son of this lap dog of a ccc (corrupt chief commisioner)
latest from Kit. MACC acronym for Malaysian Agency for Cars and Cows.
Darn it, do rob the state blind but dont you ever get entanble with these two forbidden items.
shucks, Teresa sued Botoxman, she was ISAed for her own good.
Ronnie Liu sued same Botoxman, he was charged by police.
Khalid sued the moral Botoxman, he was villified by MACC chief as a corrupt.
Next time, Zorro you better not get entangle with this Botoxman. he seems to have all the insitutions in his hands. He may even call Mr Irrelevant to send you to the gallows for telling the truth. Darn powerful eh?
Yes.Whoever touched on orang minyak will be called up by the institutions pretty soon ?
Any Magical charm or Unseen force
behind him ?
If UMNO today is professional in their public office appointment, we would not need deal with low quality person like MACC commissioner. Probably he wouldn't even get a position as an ordinary manager.
Ahmad Said, your farking pathetic face tells all....looks like your mouth has done overtime work...which ass did you take such a strong liking?
I wonder, if his son try to smuggle
those porn photos for him to try some new tricks to please his masters!
This stupid dog. This filthy animal. This bastard has no shame. The whole country is cursing him.
They have clearly signalled their intention to be biased against Pakatan and to concentrate on bringing down the 5 Pakatan States.
You have to fight fire with fire and expose all these fakes and the huge wad of cash they have illegally acquired.
Ahmad Said son http://webpanas.blogspot.com/2009/02/malaysiakini-anak-pengarah-sprm-kena.html
Ha....ha....looking at this guy performed in front of television cameras just the other day did give me the sneaking feeling that you wouldn't trust him with your mother-in-law's underwear! Come on people, don't tell me you are going to trust these so-called anti-corruption goons when they are actually the servants of those UMNO masters. Who do they answer and report to? Not to the Agung I gather but to their masters in perhaps the most corrupted political party in the world. So what do you expect?
Dear Zorro,
Checkout this link from Might Of The Pen:
Cheers mate !
Urr...rgggg-ly ! lap DOG : look closely at his enlarged picture, ough! careful ! el Zor, it bites !!
( how does its porn-pilot doggy son look !? any foto ? )
Since when MAS became the official carrier for porn materials!
Ahmad Said, you have no self respect and dignity...a maggot from the same UMNO shit hole....pooooorah, pundeh!
So shall we call this one is MACCDOG?
I have a dog and she has more integrity than this this bunch. Please stop giving dogs a bad name.
It does not take the wisdom of a King Solomon for anyone to realize that the administration of Malaysian justice has degenerated into a joke – the laughingstock of a civilized society. From a justice that is without favour and fear and blind to colour, skin and status, it has morphed into a completely different animal altogether. Now it is a cross between a donkey and a kangaroo, sired by a once powerful but still living demigod who was fascinated with and dabbled in genetics engineering.
It is part donkey because its main characteristics are servitude, weak-mindedness, avariciousness and its sycophantic abilities as exemplified by conniving and weak-minded judges; a crafty and unprincipled Attorney-General; a castrated Anti-corruption chief and a goon Police chief.
It is also part kangaroo because of its naked power, greed, arbitrariness and selectiveness as symbolized by an unsavoury, scandal-proned Prime minister soon-to-be; an incompetent, irresponsible and powerful Home minister; and, ministers with unfettered powers above the ambit of the Courts. In sum it resembled a kangaroo justice system. Malaysian justice looks like and sounds like justice but is not justice. Outwardly, Malaysia has the biggest courts in the third world and a bloated justice administration but inwardly it is sheer manipulation, naked power, greed, vindictiveness, selectiveness, shifting-of-the-goalpost and a technicality game – anything but justice.
Here's a checklist of how the Malaysian justice system works.
1) Who and what are you: if you are from the top echelon of the ruling party you are untouchable. For example, a coming emperor whose name was implicated in a grisly murder of a Mongolian beauty was not investigated, and those who were closely associated with him were not even been interrogated in the court proceeding which is still ongoing. Incriminating evidences and critical witnesses disappeared. All he has to do is to swear on the koran and it was accepted as gospel truth by the sitting judge. A lot of inconsequent judicial motions and moves took place but the prosecution team was programmed to loose the case.
2) Who do you know: if you are a member of the component parties in the BN group and is aligned with the power wielders you are safe from all investigations and prosecution. If you are not, you will become the sacrificial lamb in order to appease for the public's call for blood.
3) Money talks: Malaysian justice is being commodified. The guardian of justice are making money out of it. If you are a businessman or a gangster you can pay yourself out of trouble. Rules and laws can be bent and modified for your convenience. Judges can be chosen and bought. The Royal Commission investigation in the Lingam case is ample proof. If you are an ordinary mortal, you can still buy justice: go to any BN MPs and they can intercede on your behalf, with some under-the-counter considerations enriching the enforcer.
4) Political enemies are always wrong: If you are a politician from the opposite camp you must be an angel. You must not be involved in the slightest wrongdoing. If you are, a ton of bricks will land on your head. The recent case of the Selangor MB is an interesting case. The MACC chief was not interested in the billion upon billion of ringgits that was reported and stolen by the BN politicians throughout the years but is only interested in the cow-and-car technicality case.
5) Frogs are welcome: If you are an opposition MP but not impeccable to corruption and sexual impropieties you will be targetted. But you can come out of your predicament and become a few million richer if you are willing to hop over to the other side. This is froggies' season but be sure that the BN are still two-thirds short of power. Once that is achieved you are not welcomed anymore.
6) Doctrine of majority: As Nasri has commented in one of his interviews that something is not true if the majority in the kampongs do not talk about it in the coffeeshops. For example, if Nasri's wife or daughter got raped in Chow Kit Road and if the newspapers do not carry the story so that the kampongs will not know and talk about it in the coffeeshops, then it did not happened! That's Nasri's logic. People in the urban areas might blog, demonstrate and get disgusted about an event but if it was not reported in the MSM to get the kampong folks excited, then the truth of the event is not there. So the tyranny of the majority applies in the arena of justice.
7) Only police reports of UMNO Youth is entertained: Yes, UMNO Youth reports against the Sin Chew reporter and Teresa Kok got swift retribution and landed them under ISA detentions. Kapal Singh and Lim Guan Eng was called up. Reports from the opposition against BN thieves are never entertained and will never see the light of day.
8) Attorney General and police have discretionary power of investigation: The AG and police can pick-and-choose what they want to be investigated. Anything that are not investigated even though they were the truths are assumed to be false and the courts will accept them as gospel truths. RPK's case is a classic example of misplaced justice gone wild.
can someone find out if the pervert pilot son of the CCC (corrupt chief commissioner) - macc still flying for mas? has mas dismissed him? has the islamic powers that be taken any action? has those-holier-than-thou types aka toyol and the likes taken up the issue and demanded the ccc’s head for raising such a perverted child?
hey arse hole, how about some comments on your pornographic loving son
On Feb.13, 2008, you asked a question in your blog:
Well, one year later, that question has been answered and the son involved is the son of Malaysia Monkeys And Conniving Charlatans (MACC) chief, Umno lap dog Ahmad Said Hamdan.
Therefore, since your question has been answered, it is imperative that you publish the answer. Thanks. I can see some bloggers have already given you some links mentioning the corrupted soul's escapades, for further info, you can get from PAS friendly blogs like:
nikhassanazmi and greenboc and also notoumno.blogspot.com
kautim alredi, mah. everything covered up for his son and now he has to return favours to whack Khalid.
wonder if like father like son. Dei, like porno like your son?
This MACC commisioner must be a big jokker trying to please his boss as his unprofessionism is tarnishing the entire ACA.Better to be branded as Managing Agency for cars and cows rather than the existing so-called MACC.What's a jerk!
This MACC commisioner must be a big jokker trying to please his boss as his unprofessionism is tarnishing the entire ACA.Better to be branded as Managing Agency for cars and cows rather than the existing so-called MACC.What's a jerk!
aiyah shit lah : oredi @#$%^&* with one 'ahmad', the wretched bukit mamak rat from penang, NOW ! another 'ahmad' which arrrrrgggghhhs & gigits ! SIGH !
what else : zombie, toyo, natang, 'shit' in BM, sial sil, mamak jr,
zzzz, keris-rustum, leak & lick, lessbian/lessbrain .....DOOMED !!
So Ahmad is not so clean of integrity after all...
On the other hand..if he doesn't take action on reports of UMNO wrongdoings...do you really expect him to do anything on the pilot porn peddler
Shame on you Ahmad..this is what I call disgrace to your race!
how could he arrrrgh actions on umNO salah doing one ! he cant eat the bowl food & over turn it what, ok !!
btw, did someone say he 'over-licking' asses = thick lips ! ...hahaha !
Hi couldn't agree with you more Zorro. And Kit's acronym is apt. These fellos still think BolehLanders believe them on this selective disclosure. see 'Is there a load of bull to the bunch of holy cows on car-lid? www.jonathan66-my.blogspot.com
i found this somewhere regarding thattoyol botox, and i quote...
20 kes rasuah Khir Toyo
1. Meluluskan projek pembina jalan merentasi bendang termahal, di Sekinchan, sejauh 20.5 km, bernilai RM92.5 juta kepada kontraktor yang hampir disenaraihitamkan, Meram Holdings.
Menurut taksiran JKR, kos jalan itu tidak boleh melebihi RM50 juta. Subkontraktor yang menjalan semua projek berkenaan, Cabaran Wangsa, di miliki Pua Kim An, 27 tahun, tuan rumah yang pernah disewa oleh Khir, manakala seorang lagi pengarah syarikat, Ahmad Tarmizi Tajjeury adalah kroni Khir yang juga mendapat 100 ekar tanah yang memberi keuntungan minimum RM20 juta.
2. Meluluskan tanah 400 ekar di Shah Alam, pada 20 Disember 2000 kepada empat syarikat berbeza (Layar Kekal/ Tirai Gemilang, Samasys, Usahasewa Sdn Bhd), tetapi seorang nama pengarahnya (Samsuri Rahmat) hadir dalam semua syarikat tersebut, iaitu seolah-olah Khir meluluskan tanah berpontensi tinggi itu kepada seorang sahaja.
Nilai tanah di kawasan berkenaan boleh mencapai RM1 juta untuk satu ekar. Samsuri boleh untung minimum RM300 juta dari tanah tersebut.
3. Meluluskan tanah kepada kroninya secara berulang kali dalam tempoh masa singkat. Daripada hanya dua mesyuarat Exco Kerajaan Negeri yang diambil secara rawak, iaitu pada 20 Nov. 2000 dan 4 Julai 2001, sekurang-kurangnya empat nama bertindan yang mendapat 100 ekar setiap orang, Ahmad Tarmizi Tajjeury, A.Rahman Mokhtar, Suzilawani Mustaphin dan Ali Nordin. Semua mereka ada hubungan, sama ada dengan Khir ataupun Setpol, Dr Karim Mansor. Sebahagian tanah ini telah dijual, dan pemiliknya boleh mengaut keuntungan RM200,000 seekar tanpa mengeluarkan modal walaupun satu sen.
4. Meluluskan tanah seluas 50 ekar setiap seorang kepada empat pemohon yang hanya baru berusia 20 tahun (Ahmad Azmir, Noor Ashikin, Mardhiah, Azril Yusri).Salah seorang darinya adalah anak pegawai Daerah Kuala Langat, di mana lokasi tanah itu dikesan. Difahamkan sebahagian anak-anak muda ini tidak tahu pun yang mereka mendapat tanah berkenaan kerana mereka hanya penama bagi pihak yang rapat dengan Khir. Mereka ini hanya menjadi pengarah syarikat, tidak pun sampai 40 hari sebelum Exco meluluskan permohonan mereka. Beberapa syarikat terbabit dikenal pasti mempunyai pemegang syer yang sama, yang terdiri dari dua wanita yang ketika permohonan diluluskan baru berumur 24 tahun.
5. Bagaimana Khir, pada bulan Mac 2001, hanya selepas 5 bulan menjadi MB, boleh membayar semua baki pinjaman rumahnya sebanyak RM150,000 secara tunai kepada BBMB Kajang. Kalaupun beliau tidak membelanjakan langsung elaun MBnya, beliau tidak mampu membayar semua pinjamannya itu.Rumah itu juga diubahsuai dengan kos yang besar, ini belum lagi dikira kos membina rumahnya sekarang di Simpang Lima, Tanjung karang, yang menelan belanja lebih RM300,000.
6. Menggunakan kuasa dan pengaruhnya sebagai Pengerusi PKNS untuk mendapatkan sebidang tapak banglo di Lot 14, Jalan 2/1G, Seksyen 2 Tambahan, Bandar Baru Bangi dengan diskaun hebat, 50%. Khir berbohong di Dun Selangor pada 31 Oktober 2001 apabila mendakwa beliau tidak membeli tanah itu, kononnya kerana tidak mampu dan dia juga menafikan pernah menerima dua tawaran dari PKNS dengan harga yang berbeza-beza. Salinan pembayarannya telah diperolehi.
7. Khir memberi sumbangan peribadinya, berbentuk telur ayam, ayam dan peralatan sekolah kepada pengundi di kawasannya, di Sungai Panjang pada 25 Disember 2000. Nilainya hampir RM200 ribu. Apabila dipersoalkan dari mana sumber kewangannya, beliau, melalui akhbar Malay Mail pada 15 Januari 2001 mendakwa sumbangan ayam diperolehi dari Lintang Bistari Sdn Bhd sebuah syarikat bumiputera yang menurut Khir adalah syarikat ternakan ayam terbesar di Sungai Panjang. tinjauan menunjukkan bukan ayam atau reban tidak ada di kawasan berkenaan, malahan bulu dan tahi ayam pun tiada.
8. Pada 17-18 April 2001, meluluskan kawasan kayu balak Kompartment 78 Hutan Simpan Hulu Langat kepada Fungsi Mewah Sdn. Bhd, seluas lebih 1200 ekar. Fungsi Mewah dimiliki oleh Pua Kim Seng, adik Pua Kim An, yang mana rumahnya bersebelahan rumah sewa Khir di Sekinchan dahulu. Pua Kim An juga dikesan mendapat tanah 100 ekar di Shah Alam. Keluarga Pua ini menyumbangkan dana kewangan yang besar kepada Khir semasa kempen pilihan raya 1999 dahulu.
9.Projek membekal dan memasang paip air besi keluli MS1200mm, dari Semenyih ke Banting sejauh 37.3 km, bernilai RM82,385,182.. Projek ini terlalu mahal dari taksiran awal, yang tidak boleh melebihi RM40 juta. Dan jika sumber air diambil dari Pekan Dengkil kemungkinan jaraknya dapat dipendekkan menjadi hanya 20 km dan ini lebih menguntungkan. Ahli keluarga terdekat Khir didakwa mendapat imbuhan berpuluh juta daripada kontraktor LBH Engineering.
10. Meluluskan konsesi membekalkan peralatan paip air untuk jabatan Bekalan Air Selangor kepada syarikat milik Naib Ketua Umno Tanjong Karang, JAKS Sdn Bhd. Harga paip JAKS 50% lebih tinggi daripada harga kilang. Bayangkan, untuk 1 meter paip, harga JAKS adalah RM900 sedangkan harga kilang hanya RM600. Selangor mahu tukar 5,000 km paip,jadi berapa untung JAKS?
11. Meluluskan kawasan balak di Kompatmen 78, Hutan Simpan Hulu Langat, seluas lebih 1,200 ekar kepada Fungsi Mewah, milik Pua Kim Seng, iaitu abang kepada Pua Kim Seng, bekas tuan rumah yang pernah disewa Khir di Sekinchan. Keluarga Pua ini juga mendapat kontrak membina jalan termahal (RM4.6 juta untuk 1km)merentasi sawah padi daripada Meram Holdings, kontraktor yang hampir disenarai-hitamkan.
12. Khir membayar RM10,000 sebulan bagi tapak banglonya, di Lot 14, Jalan 2/1G, Seksyen 2 Tambahan, Bandar Baru Bangi, yang dibelinya daripada PKNS dengan harga diskaun 50 peratus. Sumber pendapatannya dipertikai kerana sebelum ini beliau membayar tunai RM150,000 untuk selesaikan pinjaman rumahnya di Kajang, selepas lima bulan menjadi MB.
13. Beliau mengarahkan Pengarah JKR Selangor, melalui nota pensil (agar dapat dipadam jika timbul kontroversi kelak), agar menyerahkan projek yang membawa keuntungan lumayan kepada kontraktor kroni. Antara projek terbabit ialah pembinaan jalan di Sabak Bernam, masjid di Puchong Perdana, kem wataniah dan kuaters kakitangan SUK di Shah Alam.
14. Khir mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan kontraktor yang memohon projek kerajaan negeri, misalnya beliau bersama keluarga pernah bermalam di sebuah resort mewah di Janda Baik milik kroninya. Majulia Sdn. Bhd. Ini bercanggah dengan surat akujanji yang ditandatanganinya di depan Sultan Selangor.
15. Menswastakan kutipan tunggakan pembayaran ansuran bulanan rumah awam kos rendah seluruh Selangor kepada syarikat kroni, Noble Nexus Sdn Bhd melalui perjanjian konsesi pada 27 September 2001. Untung lumayan dapat dipungut secara mudah kerana tugas Nobel Nexus hanya menghantar notis saman dan 30% kutipan menjadi miliknya.
16. Meluluskan pembelian kenderaan rasmi kepada Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Menteri Besar (dirinya sendiri) melalui mesyuarat Exco ke 25/2001 pada 26 September 2001, tanpa melalui prosedur yang lazim digunakan. Usia kereta rasmi MB belum sampai lima tahun (didaftarkan pada Jun 1997), dan tempoh Khir menjadi MB baru setahun iaitu tidak sampai lima tahun seperti sepatutnya. Beliau juga tidak merujuk kes ini kepada Perbendaharaan dan Ibu pejabat JKR di Kuala Lumpur. Meskipun menyentuh kepentingannya, di mana kereta rasminya Merc S320L, no. plat BGF7337 ditawar untuk dijual kepadanya, Khir masih mempengerusikan mesyuarat dan tidak mengisytihar kepentingannya.
17. Khir mengarahkan agar semua minit dan kertas mesyuarat exco dikutip semula selepas mesyuarat tamat, manakala segala bahan-bahan penting mesyuarat Exco yang dipengerusikannya sejak Ogos 2000 tidak dibenarkan disimpan oleh Exco lain. Selalunya kertas-kertas penting itu diedarkan kepada anggota Exco sehari sebelum mesyuarat, iaitu pada Selasa, tetapi selepas isu rasuahnya terbongkar, ia hanya diserahkan selepas setiap Exco duduk di kerusi masing-masing. Maknanya, “Exco Selangor masuk mesyuarat berlenggang, keluar pun berlenggang.”
18. Meluluskan hampir 11 ekar tanah di Bandar Baru Bangi, yang diwartakan sebagai kawasan rekreasi, kepada syarikat kroni, Bestarama Sdn Bhd. Masyarakat setempat membuat bantahan kerana setakat ini banyak kawasan hijau dibangunkan demi mengejar keuntungan lumayan. Bestarama boleh untung segera lebih RM14 juta. Menariknya, pemegang syer Bestarama juga pemegang syer Noble Nexus. Kedua-dua wanita itu hanya penama bagi suku-sakat Khir.
19. Menggunakan ratusan ribu ringgit wang kerajaan negeri untuk membeli iklan dua muka penuh berwarna dalam Utusan Malaysia, sekurang-kurangnya pada 1 Feb, 16 Mac 2002, bagi menjawab serangan Lutfi Othman yang mendakwa Khir mengagihkan tanah (yang luas dan mahal), pelbagai projek besar, balak, buat kroni dan suku-sakatnya.
20. Mengeksploit mesyuarat Majlis Tindakan ekonomi Selangor (MTES), untuk meluluskan segala tanah & projek kepada sesiapa yang disukainya tanpa kehadiran Exco lain. Mesyuarat Exco esoknya (pada setiap Rabu) hanya mengesahkan saja. MTES, menurut bekas penasihat undang-undang negeri, adalah tidak sah dari segi legal kerana ia merampas kuasa mesyuarat Exco.
..end quote.
So if MACC is a lap dog of BN, Syed Hamid Albar is probably the attack dog, and the police probably the running dogs. Who is the top dog then?
hey sollo(chinese version)
this amno lapdogs son is working for a porn syndicate to bring in child porn into oz.i m really suprised how the oz govn let him off so easily.
having this pathetic arsehole heading macc is like having a rapist in charge of a netball team...
This Umno lap-dog is a disgrace and only act as a mouthpiece to the irrelevent BN.
When the double face frog Adun from Bota crossover to Pakatan this dog arrogantly and haughtily proclaimed on national television that investigations will be conducted for corruption against the double frog.
However when this double face frog jump back to the evil Umno/BN together with the three treacherous frogs from Pakatan, this dog kept silent and not a single word was uttered on the possibility of corruption against Umno/BN.
nama anak : 'bin ahmad said'!?
Dear Unc Zorro,
As a Malaysian I wonder. If TNB were to ON the street lights at 7.30pm instead of 6.30pm, how much do you think it would save in a year? How much rebates would the rakyat get?
Any way, does the rakyat have any say in Malaysia at all?
Like a rotten carcass putrefying under the sun, sooner or later just to appease the rakyat, they will form another agency to keep an eye on this decaying piece of meat called the MACC. Guess what they will called em next? The Malaysian Mother of nAnti Corruption & Commission of cos! In short- the MMACC. We'll get to the MMMACCC when the time cums.
The choice is rather simple if anyone wants to be top-dog in any of the important government agencies. If you are straight, you will never be allowed to tread in the corridors of the elites that are built so crooked and bent that a sidewinder will have trouble negotiating the curves. If you have vile 'merits' to be inducted into the inner circle, you must abide by the rules of 'misrule'. The slightest suspicion that you have regain or were imbued with an iota of moral integrity will get you posted to a desk job at the stationary department at the lower floors where their structural pathway are..shall we say more in tune with your disposition.
Pleading with top-dogs to bite their handlers while putting on a good show is extremely difficult. They didn't get where they are by biting the hands that fed them. All are 'champions' in their own field of expertise and most are Best-of-Bleed in the political arena of corruption and croynism. Their frontier and challenges lies is the cojones of the higher stratified dog in front. To scrumptiously lick and overtake it to hopefully win the ultimate Best-In-Show one day. With that title, you have everyone trying to wax yours while there is no more puckered nuts in front of you to bother with.
Life is good in the world of dirty politicians and their dirty servants. Like the saying goes...'Sticks and stones will break my bones, but cows and cars just tickles me.'
Stop all these protests nonsense. Our economy is in the gutter. People are losing jobs everywhere. We fucking had a GE last year and if we want change, lets wait for the next one. In the meantime, lets focus on bread and butter issues!
All these protests, vigils etc are a waste of time. Dont tell me PR are clean. Look at what happened in Perak.
Enough with all these talk about change. What change you are talking about when factories are closing and firms downsizing??? What vigils you are talking about when people cant bring home money?
Stop talking cock.
IF bn gment & cronies COULD save up billions & billions for the defectors
toads, pockets sendiri, kick-backs,
commission, duit2 kopi,&.........!, we will have FREE electricity lah !!
sinmeng chinese school got new building opening ceremony : PR leaders are invited = school headmaster & teachers NOT allowed to attend !!
Hi Bernard. Check out my latest post/poster! The Mutt Agency for Car and Cow!
with the list of toyol's wrongdoings posted above by anonymous - pretty detailed at that ...u mean to tell me the PR govt of selangor cant find any discrepancies in anything on the list? So toyol must be clean afterall ?
Yikes, you have spoilt my lunch. This is one UGLY MUTT who has got an even uglier mouth, sprewing shit all about. This FILTH has to be working for BN-MACC.
anon 10.21am
factory closures the work of PR?
why dont you ask the great FM about his stimulis plan?
who went thru the backdoor for a coup de'tat in Perak?
who uses all the institutions to destabilise the Selangor Government? Freaking Malaysian Agency for cars and cows even has the temerity to villify the MB while the ex-MB goes scot free with nothing done on over 20 reports fo corruption against him!
OMG< everything is the fault of PR which is trying its best despite the sabotage.
for once, anon, go hungry a bit coz fasting is good for your soul.
Anon February 23, 2009 10:21 AM
is correct in a sort of way.
WTF is BN-led Gov using focus on wrestling powers from PAKATAN states?
BN is using every way(legal & illegal) to grab all the states they've lost on March 8th, 2008 and now we're witnessing the onslaught of their gutter tactics and extortion through law-enforcement agencies to scalp Pakatan leaders. Perak > Selangor > Kedah > Penang.
Winning states was just the our begining, keeping and improving our states with BN beating our backs will be long and hard.
Simple fact: States = Money = BN is running dry with their insatiable greed.
We keep states = BN losing $$$.
State money goes back to state residents, BN takes your money and it will be just feeding themselves and cronies or worse, buy your MPs over with YOUR money.
Fight a good fight, ressist the Monster known as BN in ways you know how!
Yeah... UMNO is filthy. But Pakatan & Zorro are filthy losers. Spewing lies and wasting people's time. Istead of doing your job,Pakatan are wasting people's time whining and whining.
Pakatan are full of smart lawyers (eg That singh guy). So, stop whining and protest. Be smart (as you claim you are) and bring the UMNO to the court.
But the question is, does these 'whining ladies' got balls?
Anon 12;26pm,
WHAT exactly are you WHINNING about? Go, and do some comfort sucking between your masters' there. That should calm you down. You have symptoms of rabies, son.
You see, people tend to turn a blind eye when MACC file charges against UMNO members or Government leaders.
Many have been nabbed. When Umno Supreme Council member was called in and investigated so efficiently and promptly, the people say it is good.
But when MACC investigates Khalid Ibrahim, the people say MACC is a lapdog.
Double standards of Pakatan clearly exists.
It is as though Pakatan is trying to menghalalkan kesalahan by blaming Barisan Nasional for everything under the sky.
So cheap.
When I was a young boy in Raub fifty years ago there was this classmate of mine who lost his father when he was only nine years old. His mother, a teacher, took care of him and his sister. The mother worked in the morning session while me and my calssmate attended the afternoon session. We lived in the same area and usually went to school together.
Then suddenly one day he stopped going to calss with me gaving some reason which I cannot recall and left earlier than usual. This went on for two months and I did pay much attention because I had made other new friends. The next I heard of him was when he was sent to Boy's Home in Kuala lumpur.
The story slowly came out in bits. When going to school my class mate usually stopped at a fruit and sweet stall to buy some sweets. As this was an owner operated stall my friend had all the opportunity to take extra items without paying for it. Apparently his mother did find out but did not discipline the boy. Hence, he became bolder and bolder. He went on to remove bigger items without paying and got away with it. Unfotunately, one day the temptation was too great. The operator of the stall left his cash box open, it was a milo tin actually, and went to the back of the shop. They boy saw this opening and put his hands into the tin and took ten dollars which in todays's terms would be RM100. Just as he was doing it the operator came out and caught him red-handed. At the hearing in Chambers the boy was asked if he had anything to say before he was sent to the Boy's Home. He said that he would like to say somethig to his mother. He signaled to his mother that it was only for her ears. The mother bent down and placed her left year to listen to what the boy had to say. In a flash, the boy bit off a part of his mother's ear and shouted "this is for not guiding me when I did wrong." Ramlax
1. ahmad said, the lap dog says the australian court and magistrate who convicted his pedophile son is a liar
2. ahmad said, the lap dog sasy that child porn is equivalent to traffic offence
3. ahmad said, the lap dog watches child porn with his pedophile son
4. ahmad said the lapdog says he has child porn on his handphone
read about it here: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/3/1/nation/3370222&sec=nation
1. ‘Ahmad Said vehemently denies that it was child pornography’.
but the magistrate says ‘“This material is repugnant and abhorrent - any decent minded person would be so affected by it,” Magistrate Simon Smart said. Mr Smart said the rape scene featured a crying girl aged under 18 being forced to have sex with an older male.
so who is lying- ahmad said the lap god or the australian magistrate?
2. ‘It’s like committing a traffic offence here and paying the summons’
wow, so go watch child porn and traffick it and expect a compaoundable summons hah???
3. ‘Ahmad Said vehemently denies that it was child pornography. He said that the titles of the video clips found in his son’s laptop computer were misleading’
how can he be sure. because he watched it and shared it with his son. now i am wondering the someone who emailed the porn stuff to the pedophile son (as claimed in his defence) is the lap dog father.
4. ‘“I can bet with you that it’s something that you will find on most men’s handphones,” he said.’
there he said it. the lap dog ahmad said has child porn on on his handphone. OR he is NOT a man.
interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you guys know that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.
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