The newly established Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) must act above board in all of its dealing.
It was also very important that the commission remained fair and professional.
This was the advice given to the commission by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi when he launched the body at the Putra World Trade Centre in
A reader made this comment:
This government-owned lap-dog (macc CHIEF Ahmad Said) is a disgrace and only act as a mouthpiece to the irreevent BN. When the double face frog Adun from Bota crossed over to Pakatan he barked arrogantly and haughtily proclaimed on national television that investigations will be conducted for corruption against the hopping frog.However when this double face frog jump back to the evil Umno/BN together with the three treacherous frogs from Pakatan, this dog kept silent and not a single word was uttered on the possibility of corruption against Umno/BN
Remember that IPP guy in East Malaysia who was told by TNB that he should desist from twisting arms. He put his firearms on the table. What does it tell you? And nothing is done. When one puts on a condom, one uses it unless one harbors some recently discovered sexual fetish. If this display of arrogance is not intimidating and the Police looks the other way, we know that the squeeze was applied,
When you (elaboration not necessary)awarded the screening of foreign medical workers contract to a company owned by your son's firm, allowing your son's firm to collect a couple of hundred ringgit every year per worker, (just multiply by RM 200 X 700,000/year to get some feel), Harvard Business School wanted to award you best Making Money Out of Thin Air Business Plan.
I shall end todays bits with an extract from NST's Syed Nadzri column:
AH, the weird world of public figures. Sometimes they quit when you least expect them to. At other times, they just refuse to go under any circumstances, even when everyone else wants them to disappear.
The story about former Japanese finance minister Shoichi Nakagawa, who resigned after looking and sounding drunk at a press conference last week, is quite amazing. Seen in the context of some of the things happening around us in
We have come across acts and many instances worse than this I am sure -- at press conferences here where the answers to questions were not only slurred and incomprehensible but downright insane. And nobody resigned.
Disgraceful antics, at times in our own Parliament. Nobody resigned.
Hills came tumbling down on houses recently. Nobody resigned. Malaysian soccer in the pits. Nobody resigned (but the coach and assistant manager got sacked)
Quote PM:
MACC has responded and carried out investigations and (the decision) announced. If the cases have been
closed, then they should be closed,"
The sleepy head is not sleeping after all. Is'nt this a preemptive strike?
The opposition held States are digging out the dirt that the previous BN govt did...he must have realized the fire is slowly approaching his ass.
No Mr Pm, it is not closed until the FAT MAMA sings!
We live in la-la land where everything is ok. We also deserve what we get when more than 50% of the voters keep voting in idiots, thieves, liars, sexual predators, uncouth foul mouthed MPs, suspect murderers, and a Medical Doctor who, whether knowingly or unknowingly prescribed the wrong medicine to our country causing it to go into a political coma. *Sigh* Maybe we should change our battle cry from "CHANGE" to "Rebirth of Merdeka". We need to start all over again, and no screw-ups this time. Thanks for allowing me space to vent my frustrations.
A dog by any other names is still a dog. Anyone for a MACCDOG?
Just look at the face of the MACC chief Ahmad Said Hamdan & the “Stupid Uniform” that he wears with all the “Trimmings of a Military General” - a man who suffers from “Inferiority complex” with no Honour, Integrity & Intelligence!
No wonder he breeds such a “Depraved & Mentally Sick” son who should have been on “Displinary” Inquiry & SACKED - an INSULT & SAFETY RISK to the Airline Professionals, our NATIONAL AIRLINE & NATION….
With the Malay Muslim Hadhari Ketuanan UMNO Leaders & their Lapdog Goons preaching about “Morality” & being “Holier-than-thou”, yet they are the same ones caught with….khalwat, sexual harrassment, etc & also breed such children…SAD!
He must have used all the “cables” from the MD to external connections to save his son.
Yes, from my inside source, his son is still flying “Unashamedly” still with the notion his father has connections.
Ya, one day it's going to be pay back time. Sad to say, our children are the ones to suffer. Their's will be overseas.
Beautiful words from famous philosopher ......
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social conditon; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
Just wondering if our PM knows how to turn on the computer, and if he knows whether he reads anything, be it the MSM or the internet media? Doesnt he listen to anyone else or read? What does he do when in his car? Is he aware of the turmoil that is going on around the world as well as within his country? Does he,.. does he... gosh..!
hi bernard - mayb can make a book out of your compilation.. 50 or more years down the road this book can be use as history lesson titled The Darker History of Malaysia: When Bigots Use to Rule
I want a autograph copy frm you :-)
can someone lodge a police report for the inaction of 'mana ada sistem' to showcause, domestic inquiry and dismissal' of that pilot son?
can someone take up the matter with the islamic bodies (jakim or whatever) on the pervert pilot son?
and then lodge police report against them also if there is no action?
Malaysian Are Conned & Canned
Hi Bro,
MACC Chief guard dog is a disgrace to all Malaysians.This pariah dog should send to 'elephant stud' farm so let the bull elephant shalf his mouth with 'canon'.
Hundred of cases involving UMNO(bn)rakyat's blood suckers were lodged but only some unlucky 'ikan bilis' being hauled up just for show.Even abuse of power and curruption lodged by their own UMNO members against their chiefs are still 'under inverstigation'after months BUT very fast to act against PR heads.
This MACC chief pariah 'anjing kurap' should be pounded and destroy inorder for good...GOD help Malaysia.
You can build an ERL to KLIA and then secretly enginner a clause in the concessionaire agreement that you will be paid $5 per person from airport tax collected even if no one uses the ERL.
Then when this charade has been exposed, you can work it out that MAHB will pay you and then MAHB will be reimbursed in full for this taxation without representation subsidy by the Govt i.e. Taxpayer!!
The Minister of Transport, Ong Tee Kiat, who is in the midst of a total cover up of the audit report on the alleged $4.2 billion fraud/financial scandal at PKZ Klang involving MCA big-wigs, will then defend this illegal practice by saying that ERL is not being subsidised.
Lust for Power makes these dogs do anything!
Of what good are these so called "Professionals" in the MACC when they cannot even smell a rat from the recently published expense statement for what was spent on the security arrangement at the recently concluded Kuala Terengganu by-elections? RM6,000,000 for canopy rental over 2-3 weeks??? They could have bought it for that kind of money. Now if I can more or less estimate that or feel suspicious of that, and I am not even a professional, what good is there for taxpayers to pay to keep MACC going, when by not smelling out this rat they have shown us how incompetent and hopeless they are?
Time to grow up, RPK has, have you?
For he’s a jolly good fellow
Wednesday, 25 February 2009 15:54
Raja Petra Kamarudin
For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny
And so say all of us
And so say all of us
For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good felloooooow
And so say all of us
Yes, that is probably what many, if not all of you, will be singing today. And you will be singing that because His Highness made what you perceive to be a ‘fair’ and ‘balanced’ decision. But you only perceive it to be fair and balanced because it favours the opposition. If His Highness had ruled that Eli is an immoral person, not fit to remain as a Selangor Wakil Rakyat, and that she should resign, then you would whack the Sultan of Selangor, as you did the Sultan of Perak when he ‘took Umno’s side’ and ruled against the opposition.
Is this what Malaysia Today is all about? Is it about being pro-opposition and being anti-establishment for the sake of being so? Even when the government does good things it is still wrong while the fart of the opposition leaders smell sweet just because we support the opposition.
No, this is not what Malaysia Today is all about. It is about supporting right when it is right and opposing wrong when it is wrong, never mind who the personalities may be. We do not overlook wrong and oppose right because of the person involved. If you still don’t get this then the more than four years of trying to ‘educate’ you through Malaysia Today has totally gone to waste.
I do not believe that Eli should resign. And I will not think so even if she happens to be a MCA or Gerakan Wakil Rakyat. It has nothing to do with the fact that she is from PKR or Pakatan Rakyat. This must be the spirit of how we perceive things. Eli’s fart still smells foul as anyone’s fart would smell. This can never change although she is an opposition Wakil Rakyat.
Malaysia Today’s readers appear to be very biased indeed. You oppose people because of their political affiliations, not because of their ideals. And if their ideals are opposed to yours you will oppose them as well, never mind if they share your political affiliations. You will only support people who share your sentiments.
PAS is ‘bad’ because of their ideals. They aspire for an Islamic State and since some of you do not agree with this you feel that Pakatan Rakyat is better off without PAS. Many also do not support HINDRAF because they fight on a Hindu platform. Even Indians of Muslim or Christian persuasions do not have nice things to say about HINDRAF.
Can’t we agree to disagree? If Khairy Jamaluddin fights for freedom of the press, an end to the persecution of Bloggers, the abolishment of the Internal Security Act, Police Act, Sedition Act, Printing Press and Publication Act, Official Secrets Act, University and University Colleges Act, Official Secrets Act, and whatnot, would you support Khairy, notwithstanding the fact he may be the Umno Youth Leader?
Of course you would not! Khairy is Umno and he must be opposed because he is Umno, never mind what he stands for. And you will support Anwar Ibrahim, warts and all, because he is PKR and Pakatan Rakyat. This is what Malaysia Today is all about, at least to most of you.
But this should not be how it is. We must be more matured in our thinking. We must know how to separate the wheat from the chaff. This means we take what is good and reject what is bad. And it must never be about the personalities.
I always use the analogy of the half glass of water. Most of you perceive the half glass of water as half empty. But a half glass of water is also half full. Half full is positive. Half empty is negative. And since most of you have negative thoughts you see things as half empty rather than half full.
PAS may not be a full glass of water. But it is certainly more than half full and far from half empty. Why can’t we see PAS for the many good things that it is instead of the few bad things that you don’t like? I wrote about this in my article awhile back about the one bad brick amongst the 99 good bricks, if some of you can remember.
So, the Sultan of Selangor has said something we like. So, he is a jolly good fellow. Tomorrow, he may say something we don’t like. He then becomes a bad fellow. And the same goes as far as the Sultan of Perak is concerned. When he swore in the Pakatan Rakyat state government soon after the 8 March 2008 general election, he was a great guy. Now he is a bad guy and should be dethroned. This is how we think.
Sultans are human beings just like you and me. They too have opinions and feelings. Sometimes their opinions do not matter as they are bound by both the Federal and State Constitutions to perform certain duties. So, what they believe is not as crucial as what they are bound, by law, to do. That is the price they pay as Monarchs. If they do what they like and not what the Constitution says they must do, then they will become Absolute Monarchs instead of Constitutional Monarchs. Then we will not need elections or Parliament. The Sultans can instead run this country like how it used to be in the days before Merdeka.
We need less emotional and more clarity of thinking. Okay, I am one mother of an emotional person. That is my weak point, undeniably. But I need to be emotional about what I do. I call it passion, though, not emotion. And my wife can testify to how passionate I can be. That is why she does not want me back in Kamunting. She said she would miss my passion, which she finds in no other man -- at least this is what she tells me. Whether it is just to ambil hati, I don’t know.
So, allow me to be the passionate one here. The rest of you need to put the brakes on the whole thing by being more clear in thought. Look at things from all perspectives and not only from your own perspective. Things do not always work out the way we would like it to. Sometimes things work against us and we just have to accept it. And never shoot the messenger just because you don’t like the message. The messenger can’t be faulted for the message, just like you don’t give the postman a French kiss whenever he delivers a cheque in the mail. He is just the postman.
Okay, the Sultan of Selangor is now a jolly good fellow. If a half dozen Pakatan Rakyat State Assemblypersons from Selangor cross over to Barisan Nasional, and what happened to Perak also happens to Selangor, would he still be a jolly good fellow? Knowing you guys and gals you will smear my cousin to kingdom come. And you will not blame Pakatan Rakyat, PKR, PAS, DAP or Anwar Ibrahim for losing Selangor. You will blame His Highness the Sultan.
I never blame the fox for eating the chickens. God made foxes with the natural instinct to eat chickens. I will blame the chicken owner for allowing his chickens to get eaten by the fox. Foxes can’t help themselves. They eat chickens. This is what they do. Or would you like to instead blame God for making foxes? Yes, that’s an idea. Let’s blame God while we sing: for he’s a jolly good fellow.
MACC- Kuman di seberang lautan nampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tidak nampak. Ramlax
Haven't U guys heard the real undistorted truth why the PM was handpicked, selected and chosen by othe former dental PM? Because the Dentist thought all along the PM was a religious zealot who would submit to him who wants to play his role as the puppet master after he retires. History tells us what happens. The script was written but the acting did not go as planned. Malaysia has her own version of "The Slumdog Politicians".
Former dental PM? Have I missed something? Malaysia has her own Slumdog Politicians? Slumdogs or Slimedogs?
YUP, a fart by any propinquity,(intensity,forced,silent,stifled)
SMELLS the same. Then it is a jolly good fart, no matter where it exits.
Thanks for reproducing the full text....I normally have MT with breakfast or tea, although I have NEVER volunteered any comments in MT. What does that tell you?
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