We are having the dinner early today AT 6:00PM as I am committed to attend the candlelight vigil at the Civic Centre. This will be some mother-of-all-vigils as DSAI and MB of Selangor are lending their support to protest against Police Brutality, the ISA and Israeli agression.
Flyer, smsed me to warn that the police may get brutal. I am not very sure about that. Haven't they got enough bad flak over the murder of A Kugan whilst in their custody? I always believe that there are good men amongst the police force. But would it be asking too much if these good men break ranks. I am not asking them to mutiny. I am asking them to question their bosses when instructions go out , instructions like putting a stop to innocent people assembling to protest against the ISA, which is a bad law. Obeying bad laws is wrong. Enforcing bad laws is doubly wrong. Which Towering Malysian can stand tall and abolish this law. Can the King, the Sultans do that? I am just wondering. No they could, only if they WANT to and they should if laws protect some and oppress the majority.! And why don't they WANT to for their oppressed subjects?
The table is set and the jiew-hoo-char is just irrestible. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MALAYSIANS.
Happy New Year to u..
hope to see u and the others at MBPJ tonite...hopefully we can make it to the venue..with all the warnings about the police blocking the roads to the area...
All the best with the candlelight vigil. God bless all of you who faithfully attend it. You are the change this nation needs.
The universal Nuremberg Principle still applies today i.e. no employee, Govt or private, is obliged to act on an illegal order or one that would violate basic human rights, issued his superiot(s).
Real reform in our police system will only happen when rank and file members refuse to obey these inhuma orders given by their superiors who seem totally disinterested in justice or fair law enforcement.
Happ CNY to you and your family Zorro!
By the way, the ball just started to roll. First defection in Perak, though its a state assemblyman.
Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR and may prosperity and good health follow you and your family always.
The subordinates cannot question their superior even when everyone on the line has reservation on making arrests at virgils. No one dares. No man would stand up to be counted unless he wants his head to be on the chopping block.And these personnel just follow the order blindly. But when the tide turns, you'd find these men becoming the first to turn their backs on their superior officers. They hath eyes, and yet they do not see. They hath ears, and yet they do not hear.
Happy Chinese NIU year 2009 !!
btw, Perak has an umno adun frogged
over to PKR which has now 31 against
27 xxxx !! horray !!!
Happy New Year, Z and Mrs Z.
Vanitha & Devid
Happy Chinese New Year to you and yours. Also to all Anak2 Bangsa Malaysia celebrating CNY. I certainly didn't get any jiew-hoo-char this year as my mum has decided to spend this year's celebrations with my brother's family in another city so I can only reminisce.
Hope the vigil went well and with two big guns there, I wonder if the goons will try their stuff again.
The Botak Syed Hamdid is the culprit. He is fanning the fire. He should get a taste of his own medicine.
If BN want to change. Then send him to Kamunting.
Happy new year to you brother. Take care of your health, Malaysia needs people like you to keep the spirit and continue the fight.dh9753
I wish you and your family as well as all our chinese brothers and sisters,A Very Happy New Year.
Zorro, Wishing u a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year although u may need to skip ur family reunion dinner to attend the candlelight vigil.
I saw u at the candlelight vigil but I could not catch u in the hall. Maybe, next time...
Till then...G'nite M'sia...wherever u are...
Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and all your loved ones.
Wishing you, Zorro, a peaceful and happy Chinese New Year's Day.
May you find every happiness and success along the fortuitous way this new year and beyond.
"Imagine Power To The People" John Lennon.
Botak Syed Alba Hamid, my New year message to you:
Obeying BAD LAWS is a sin.
Enforcing bad laws is a double sins.
Ignoring the citizens' voice is a triple sins!!
HELL awaits you baldie!
Gong xi fa cai to you and yours, Zorro!
I often wonder where are the good guys in the police. Or is it that only bad guys get promoted? The police image is now in taters and yet they keep on their old merry ways. Pleasing their political masters are more important than doing the job of protecting the public it seems. They are their own worst enemy. One effective way to improve the situation is to recruit a more racially balanced force.
post-mortem to be out NEXT bulan wo ?!
Happy CNY 2009 to you sir. Take care of your health as you lead the fight for justice this coming year of the Ox.
Happy CNY to you and your loved ones, unmasked man !
Seems like we the rakyat have to add in the polis as public enemy number 1 to replace the snatch thieves , killers of Nurin and mat rempits . Where is the real law and order in today's Malaysia?
Happy New Year to Zorro and all readers.
Have a good year, Zorro! No doubt the OX in you will be stronger than ever. !!
el ZOR, are u leading the 'fight' for JUSTICE !? pls masukkan aku, ok ?
Hey clown..it is good to see you're still alive.
Hey fatty, don't be surprised you will meet your maker before me...and then the clown will have the last laugh. STAY HEALTHY IF YOU DONT WANT ME TO HAVE MY LAST LAUGH.GOTCHA!
Hi, Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family.
And like the other old year, we can expect more 'bull' in BolehLand to give Zorrow enough to cope fighting for the downtrodden by those hotheaded bulls in power.
check out my ox-picious greeting in www.jonathan66-my.blogspot.com.
Take care
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