Thursday, December 31, 2009
My Dad is off the drip and was able to speak softly today. Best of all he was moved out of ICU into a ward. He's requested for some time to recover before having any visitors as he's still tired and regaining his energy. I'm sure with your continuous love and energy transmissions his "batteries" will be fully recharged in no time.... thanks once again to everyone for your prayers, blessings, positive intentions and thoughts.
My Dad is off the drip and was able to speak softly today. Best of all he was moved out of ICU into a ward. He's requested for some time to recover before having any visitors as he's still tired and regaining his energy. I'm sure with your continuous love and energy transmissions his "batteries" will be fully recharged in no time.... thanks once again to everyone for your prayers, blessings, positive intentions and thoughts.
December 30, 2009 3:19 PM
Readers of this blog would have realized that over the week I only blogged on ANTARES. I was not going to be distracted by anything else, even the festivities around us. The concerted positive qi we have all expended on Antares is seeing him through the critical stretch. He is off the ventilator, the dialysis machine and the tubes are unplugged. After her 4:30pm visit Mary Maguire informed me that it was possible that Antares would be out of the ICU today. We will remain focused until we hear that he is pushed out of the ICU to gather strength in the ward. As such it would not be advisable to visit him except for his immediate family. You and I know how INTENSE this guy is…..he will tire and we don’t want that from him. There will be lots of time for him to verbalise his experience.
There you go.....one New Year gift granted....Antares will be fine. After posting this I will head for the Jalan Duta court, 4th floor to hear if Catholics are allowed to call on God as Allah. If yes, this would be a good start to a New Year, yes?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My dad's completely off the ventilator and all other support machines/drugs and even trying to speak although he's still rather weak. So nice to see him without all those tubes which I'm sure were really uncomfortable. Nurses say he's making major progress. He's not up for visitors yet as he still needs to regain his strength and energy but oh boy, is he feeling your love and I'm sure he's very grateful. My Dad will be back on his feet in no time jumping from rock to rock :)
Yup Antares is Back and more importantly so is my Daddy-ums :)
December 29, 2009 2:05 PM
People see how powerful this energy called LOVE is......continue to blast him with this until we get him out of bed. Meantime
Monday, December 28, 2009
I just saw my dad and he managed to open his eyes and even smile!!!! Words can't describe how happy and relieved we are. He's got most of the tubes out and hopefully when we see him again later he won't need any tubes at all. The parasites have been wiped out and they're expecting him to be out of ICU within the next day or two. I told him that everyone is praying for him and sending him love. Thanks so much for all your healing and support. His 60th birthday on Jan 7th will be a day of celebrating his "re-birth" :)
December 28, 2009 3:22 PM
THANKS Sweet! Keep whispering into his ear that the legions of us care, as always.
I was on Karen's cell phone talking to my three grandsons in the Bahamas when my own cell phone "croaked" an incoming call.
It was a call from Mary Maguire, our direct link to Antares. I told Mary that I will return her call after the Bahamas call. Mary gave me a progress report of Antares. I suggested to Mary, who is Antares direct neighbor to blog on his progress and that we would pick up her link for our readers. She did just that:
My dear friend and fellow ecowarrior, Antares (magickriver.blogspot.com) has been battling severe Malaria for the last 4 days. He's currently in ICU and today has started to show signs of improvement. He's already off dialysis and the doctors are starting to try and wean him off the ventilator. It's amazing how many people have been sending love, healing energies and prayers his way and I'm sure that they are really having a positive effect. So thanks to all and keep it coming.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Hold it people before we start making assumptions that Sister Stella is an UMNO Blogger. UMNO Bloggers, some of whom are still my friends, will never take this infantile route. This Sister Stella is a sicko who probably don’t have the scrotal gumption to put up his own blog.
I came home to moderate the last postings and this is the comment by this Sister Stella:
Anonymous said...
Sorry to inform you this way, kindly spread the message to all his friends as i do not have their contact numbers.
Antares had passed on to a better place at 10.40 pm on 26th december.
His family is devastated and are collecting their thoughts as to the best final remembrance for him
I will update on the ceremony as i get more info. Kindly pray for him. He is up there smiling at us. Do not be sad, it is not what he wants. Let his spirit guide you through this life.
- Sister Stella -
Antares had passed on to a better place at 10.40 pm on 26th december.
His family is devastated and are collecting their thoughts as to the best final remembrance for him
I will update on the ceremony as i get more info. Kindly pray for him. He is up there smiling at us. Do not be sad, it is not what he wants. Let his spirit guide you through this life.
- Sister Stella -
December 26, 2009 10:54 PM
This did not sound right. At Boom & Rodi’s earlier at 11.40pm last night we saw this Facebook Message from Mary Maguire our direct contact:
Mary Maguire is feeling blessed to have so many good friends. Antares is a little better than yesterday. He has been taken off dialysis but is still fully sedated in ICU and is still in a critical condition. I'm certain he's receiving all your love and prayers and that they are really helping so please keep them coming. I'll let y...ou know when he is able to have visitors. Right now it's strictly family only.
I immediately asked Rodi to contact Mary. The message is a hoax. I spoke to Mary. She replied to this weirdo:
What kind of sicko freak are you Anonymous Sister Stella? Your comment about Antares is NOT TRUE in fact he has shown signs of improving health today.
I really don't know what you think you're achieving by spreading such nasty and malicious lies. Imagine how his family will feel if they read this you heartless and nasty person.
I really don't know what you think you're achieving by spreading such nasty and malicious lies. Imagine how his family will feel if they read this you heartless and nasty person.
December 27, 2009 2:50 AM
People take heart. Antares has so many friends who have been praying and willing for him to come out of this. Do not then wish ill of this sister stella…..he already is ill.
Let's continue to will Antares to get well!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Armed forces chief Azizan Ariffin said the theft was only the "tip of the iceberg" after a newly completed audit revealed equipment worth millions of ringgit was missing.
And it took TWO (2) years for the tip of the iceberg to surface!
And by simple calculation, it will take another THREE (3) years for anything to happen! Why?
1. In an interview with Bernama in New Delhi , Abdul Gani admitted that it would not be an easy case as it involved a range of agencies - ministries, transport and forwarding agencies, the security network, and companies involved in repairing engines. (Slow and steady wins the race - pun could be intended, depending from which side you are.)
2. In another development, Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan said the AG Chambers had returned investigation papers on the two missing engines for a more thorough investigation.
But the Attorney-General returned them and asked us to investigate further, get important documents and find out how the engines were taken abroad. (Dang! Here is a short-cut according to my SINister friend Shah101 - LIMA is the easiest way to do your shipping! No?)
OBE on the roll HERE
But the Attorney-General returned them and asked us to investigate further, get important documents and find out how the engines were taken abroad. (Dang! Here is a short-cut according to my SINister friend Shah101 - LIMA is the easiest way to do your shipping! No?)
OBE on the roll HERE
3. THREE years is about right according to Malaysiakini reader Karma to gather more evidence or to destroy them? (Cheeky Karma, but you may be spot on!)
4. Assuming the AG and the Musa dont play ding-dong, it will take the Chief Justice another year to choose his "elite" panel that is if none of his men don't give up the ghost by then.
If everything went as planned, then the case will be heard 26 December 2012 which would be 5 days after 21 December2012, the end of the world. Now you know why Nostrdumbass is pissed?
Friday, December 25, 2009
The resident "waterworks" specialist at the Wharf tells me that I should never, never hold back when pissing. It is traumatic for the prostate! At my age, besides receding gums and losing some oomph for intrusion into the ethereal, I only trust my "pumphouse" and "waterworks" advisors. So I will not hold back on what this reader wants to know.
Anonymous said...
Master it would be nice if you could do some digging into another lpk scandal which invovles megat najmudiin.The scandal is about the development of lpk quarters along the jln telok gadong in klang. What was last heard that this also a 100 million scandal.
December 25, 2009 11:24 AM
Megat is a friend from the 60's but so what? This is the second time in this last quarter of 2009 that he has asked Pete (RPK) to stop running. It is like asking to stop pissing when you are experiencing that ejaculatory burst. For pete's sake (pun intended) stop pissing from that ivory tower of yours, and tell that idiot Deputy Minister of Education farthead Puad that his trickle is not making any impression.
So anyone out there can give us some inkling into this other 100 million scandle?
So anyone out there can give us some inkling into this other 100 million scandle?
This morning Boom,Rodi and I went to the Sungei Buloh Hospital to peep in at ANTARES. He was warded in the ICU for acute malaria that brought about other complications, amongst which is renal failure. He was heavily sedated and on something like a dialysis machine. Shoot up a prayer for Antares,please.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dr Mahathir ...Probe You Not Pak Lah
In order that the enquiry by the commission would be successful, Government must give the undertaking to give full access to the commission of all the documents and accounts of the Government over the period 1981-2009. There should be no cover-up of any kind.I am very glad that Dr. Mahathir has agreed to be probed, and I volunteer to be the sole judge, jury and executioner in this matter.
Finally for once in his life, Dr. Mahathir is agreeing to take the responsibility and be scrutinized. I hereby request the following documents from him/ the Government .
As nobody has any issue with Pak Lah, he should first seek to clear his name. Pak Lah's name is very clean. Nobody is calling Pak Lah any names nor are any foreign writers claiming that Pak Lah cost RM 100 billion.
- All Government contracts, privatization options, PFI projects given to Mirzan Mahathir
- All Government contracts, privatization concessions, PFI projects given to Mokhzani Mahathir
- All Government contracts, privatization concessions, PFI projects given to Mukhriz Mahathir
- All communications, proposals and working papers relating to the purchase of MISC assets by Petronas
- All communications, proposals and working papers relating to the repurchase of MAS for RM 8 / share by the Ministry of Finance, inclusive of the approval and working committe papers
- Summary of all Contracts given for the development of Putrajaya
- Summary of all Contracts given for the maintenance of Putrajaya
- Summary of all Contracts given for the development of KLIA
- The shareholding of the companies awareded contract sums in excess of RM 2 million for the development of KLIA
- The shareholding of the companies awareded contract sums in excess of RM 2 million for the development of Putrajaya
- The names of all Ketua Bahagian UMNO between 1993 - 2000. We will cross reference the list in 6-10 to prove that Dr. Mahathir did not give any contracts to his political cronies. This is a free service
- A Legally Binidng Rights Waiver, enforceable in Switzerland that allows the holder to check against a list of Private Swiss Banks on any accounts held by the said individual. The individual will be named later in front of a Commissioner of Oaths
- The working paper report behind the Maminco Scandal
- The internal reports post the Bank Negara Forex loss
- The entire volume of correspondences between the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Finance with the subject heading "Perwaja"
- The terms and contracts of Solution Protocol Sdn. Bhd for the computerization of the Government Hospitals, with an annexure of shareholding of SP by companies and the director's of said companies
- A list of all known business associates, proxies, partners of Mukrhiz, Mokhzani and Mirzan Mahahtir, if such a document exists, and if not go search for it.
- The finalized audited statement of accounts for the Commonwealth Games
- The terms and contracts behind the privatization of the IPP
- The terms and contracts behind the privatization of tolls and highways
- The working paper report, if any, which showed that the IPP was bound to lose money for Tenaga and bound to be a burden for the people. If it does not exist, then look harder
- The list of all APs holders, with special focus on all holders directly related by marriage or by family to Dr. Mahathir
- The total sum of credit exposures Malaysian registered Financial Intermediaries had with respect to Mirzan Mahahtir and Mokhzani Mahathir between 1996 - 2000
- The detailed operational accounts of Danaharta
I await his answer.
In the mean time I find him GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.
He should be ashamed of himself.
Causing so much problem and dishonour to the country by being accused of all of this.
Really what a disgrace!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
APCO Worldwide Opens in Malaysia
Firm to assist new Malaysian government in strengthening communication
Hong Kong (August 10, 2009) – APCO Worldwide, continuing to broaden its activities in Asia, is opening a new office in Kuala Lumpur, Margery Kraus, president and chief executive officer, announced today. Among the office’s first clients is the Government of Malaysia under the government of Prime Minister Najib Razak.“
One of the first clients of APCO’s new office will be the Malaysian government, which is retaining APCO to assist in evaluating its capabilities to communicate through new media. APCO will also assist the Malaysian government’s new leadership by sharing recent developments in strategic communication undertaken by governments in Europe, North America and
"I don't have time to entertain them (allegations)."
" I have nothing to say."
Firm to assist new Malaysian government in strengthening communication.
Friday, December 18, 2009
When Haris called me this afternoon I told him that I was going to give the convention a miss. I gave him a different reason as I was not alone then. Of course I was disappointed when I learnt that key factors we expected that would be brought up at this FIRST convention was not on the agenda - factors being Local Government Elections and the promise of wireless broadban access in the Pakatan States.
These were the promises bandied about at all ceremahs leading to GE12. We bloggers wrote about these and candidates made promises.
Now what?
However I will be there tomorrow and I will remind some of our PR MPs and Aduns to stand by their promises.
Here is some background re Local Government Elections and why it must happen:
These were the promises bandied about at all ceremahs leading to GE12. We bloggers wrote about these and candidates made promises.
Now what?
However I will be there tomorrow and I will remind some of our PR MPs and Aduns to stand by their promises.
Here is some background re Local Government Elections and why it must happen:
Conference on the Roadmap to Local Government Elections
A conference on the Roadmap to Local Government Elections was jointly organized by the Malacca Bar Committee in cooperation with the Civil Society Initiative for Parliamentary Reform (CSI-Parliament) and the Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI) on July 26th, 2008 at King’s Hotel. The aim of this conference was to serve as a platform to propel practical but exciting development options to hold elections in local government and to encourage further collaboration between the federal administration and local authorities in regards to civil society advocacy. The outcome of this conference will form the basis for wider public consultation and it is the fervent wish of the organisers that it would ignite institutional reform towards a democratic system of locally elected representatives.
Session 1 of the conference was entitled “Why Local Democracy”. The first speaker was Mr. Derek Fernandez, a town planning lawyer and a member of the Petaling Jaya City Council. Mr. Derek gave a presentation on the topic of “An Assessment of the Status Quo Under the Current Laws.” He commented that the will of Pakatan Rakyat state governments in having local government elections was eroding. This should not have happened as the most crucial factor of Pakatan Rakyat’s win in urban areas in the last election was due to its’ component parties’ promise of restoring local government elections. He further elaborated that the need to restore local government elections arises from the many issues concerning poor management and abuse of power in local authorities as highlighted by our local newspapers.
People were angry by political interferences in the decision-making of the local councils and they want changes to be made. He also went through the statutory provisions governing local government with the participants, amongst others, section 9 of the Local Government Act 1976 (power of state authority to issue directions) and section 10(2) of the Local Government Act 1976 (criteria for councillors of the local authority to be appointed).
The appointment of local councillors under the present scheme or system is a political appointment and certainly there is no transparency. Mr. Derek was of the view that section 1 (4) of the Local Government Act 1976, Article 95B(1)(a) and Article 113(4) of the Federal Constitution actually provided a way out for the state governments to abolish the present appointment scheme and call for the elections for local government. He also opined that certain emergency legislations which suspended the local government elections may be invalid. Article 150(5) of the Federal Constitution was also interpreted by Mr. Derek as requiring emergency laws to contain the express provision on emergency matters and if there is none then such emergency legislations should be invalid.
on why Local Government Elections must happen.
Alerted by HAWKEYE
Barisan Rakyat Bloggers Invited
10:15 pagi : Rehat
First Pakatan Rakyat Convention
Barisan Rakyat Bloggers Invited
Got a message that says Salahuddin Ayub has extended an open invitation to the Barisan Rakyat Bloggers to the First Pakatan Rakyat Convention.
Details are as follows:
8:00 pagi : Pendaftaran bagi wakil media di Tingkat 4, Auditorium MBSA.
9:00 pagi : Pembukaan
9:15 pagi: Ucapan Perdana Ketiga Pimpinan Tertinggi dan Perasmian Bersama Konvensyen - Saudara Anwar Ibrahim (Ketua Umum KeADILan), Saudara Lim Guan Eng (Setiausaha Agung DAP) & Saudara Hj Abdul Hadi Awang (Presiden PAS).
10:15 pagi : Rehat
10:45 pagi : Pidato Dasar Pakatan Rakyat (dipengerusikan YAB Khalid Ibrahim) - Saudara Salahuddin Ayub (Naib Presiden PAS), Saudara Tony Pua (Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP), Saudara Sivarasa Rasiah (Naib Presiden PKR) dan Perbahasan oleh 2 perwakilan setiap parti.
12:45 tgh : Makan tengahari di Laman MBSA.
1:45 tgh : Sambungan perbahasan oleh 3 perwakilan setiap parti (dipengerusikan Saudara Teng Chang Khim).
3:30 ptg : Majlis Penutup (dipengerusikan Saudara Wan Abdul Rahim Wan Abdullah).
Rumusan oleh 3 Pimpinan : Saudara Karpal Singh (Pengerusi Kebangsaan DAP), Saudara Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat (Murshidul Am PAS), Saudara Anwar Ibrahim (Ketua Umum KeADILan).
5:00 ptg : Majlis bersurai. Sidang media di Tingkat 3
Bilik media terletak di tingkat 4, berhampiran tempat pendaftaran. Bilik media dikhususkan untuk wakil media dan blogger yang memakai tag media sahaja. Untuk memudahkan urusan pemfailan bahan berita/posting, saudara/saudari digalakkan membawa sambungan internet.
“I was 17. A scrawny boy who loved doing nothing else other than playing football, trying to play guitar properly and perhaps to sing a few songs. I had one direction in life. I had wanted to play football. If that failed, I had a back-up plan. I would be a musician.
Back home, I was under tremendous pressure from my grandma to pass my MCE. The fact that I had long curly hair and would be seen carrying my guitar around the village at night did not endear me much with her. To top it up, I had begun experimenting with cigarettes and other smoky material at such an "early" age. I was doomed.”
But was he?
Read Art’s captivating piece about his
that brought back a deluge of memories of
“Bunker” sessions with my to-be-prefects
for the next scholastic year.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Home Ministry has drawn up a new set of comprehensive guidelines masked as 'self-regulation' for an already restricted newspaper industry - but it is fighting back.
The draft was unveiled by senior ministry officials at a meeting on Monday with unwitting print media representatives in
Although a full day of discussions had been scheduled, the meeting broke down about noon, in the face of protests and heated debate by the media representatives.
For example, articles may not discuss "open lifestyles" beyond religious and societal norms. This means a ban on topics of cohabitation, adultery, homosexuality and counter-culture movements (black metal, punk and skinheads were three examples given).
Dolls, figurines, illustrations and sex aids which portray human genitals may not be published, along with pictures of anyone in suggestive poses, or who is semi-nude or wears skimpy clothing.
Although a full day of discussions had been scheduled, the meeting broke down about noon, in the face of protests and heated debate by the media representatives. Some media reps were conspicuously absent. We just wonder why?
YES, it is the season to forgive, kind of like you are discharged now but not amounting to an acquital. This Cabinate Minister will not be in the chamber as announced. Parliament is in session and the Chamber's Board of Directors do not want to be seen as encouraging absenteeism amongst Parliamentarians.
Anouncement: The chamber was pledged another permanent contributor. KKK made this pledge when we met at Groove Junction last week. Thanks patriot.
Anouncement: The chamber was pledged another permanent contributor. KKK made this pledge when we met at Groove Junction last week. Thanks patriot.
René Guitton,
When Jerusalem was conquered in 635 AD, the second caliph Omar Ibn Al-Kattab refused to pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, despite an invitation from the Christian patriarch Sophronius, for fear that his men invoke the precedent to turn the place of worship into a mosque and thus deprive the Christians of their right to freely practice their religion.
Although 1,400 years have passed, people were sometimes more civilised and more tolerant then than in our modern world, where passions and tensions seem to have translated into a return of fanaticism and religious intolerance.
'People of the Book'
The example set by Omar, the inventor of dhimmitude, the code governing the life of non-Muslims under Islamic law, is symbolic of the covenant bearing his name, which granted the "People of the Book" (a term which refers to Jews and Christians) the right to live on Muslim-majority or Muslim-ruled lands and possess their own places of worship.
Is it possible to imagine Jerusalem, Aleppo, Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus, Tunis, Algiers, Casablanca, without their lace-like filigree of church towers, minarets and sometimes synagogue cupolas soaring up to the sky like so many ladders guiding the prayers of the faithful up to their God?
The complicated Middle East of bygone eras provides a simple lesson for today, one that it sometimes finds hard to follow because it finds itself riddled by deep contradictions and attempts toward religious uniformity.
This situation, which has been exemplified by Switzerland on 29 November with the adoption of a law prohibiting the construction of minarets on its soil, risks promoting a rejection of the "other" and the unconditional right to pray as one chooses.
The incident would be trivial if it were not, in a sense, tragic. It is difficult to fathom how Switzerland, a country that prides itself in its centuries-old neutrality, could feel that its existence and culture are threatened by the construction of minarets.
Regardless of the factors inspiring the bill, many feel its results primarily expressed a rejection of Islam and the right of Muslims to practice their rites freely wherever they live.
Do not only affect Muslims
However, the Swiss referendum results do not only affect Muslims, although they are its main victims. It also risks institutionalising the so-called "clash of civilisations", leaving it up to citizens, or their elected representatives, to decree lifestyles and mindsets as a function of demographic majorities.
With this type of reasoning, a ban on the construction of minarets in countries where non-Muslims constitute the majority could also apply to the construction of churches or synagogues in Muslim-majority countries.
In this regard, ethno-religious uniformity and viewing religion as a monolith risks reviving the post-Reformation concept of one people, one country, one religion, in which the ruler's religion determined that of a country's.
The absurd application of this principle is responsible for the disappearance of the time when Spain was known for its three religions, when the Jews and Moriscos (Muslims forced to convert to Christianity and suspected of doing so in name only) were expelled at the time of the Renaissance, a move that resulted in the spiritual and material impoverishment of the Iberian Peninsula.
Synonymous with inequality
The same principle inspired many a totalitarian regime in the modern era, in an effort to remove any spiritual element that might threaten their rule. The same principle is again at work today in many regions of the planet where being a member of a minority is synonymous with inequality.
Those who reject the construction of minarets in Switzerland do not realise that they could be viewed in the future like those who burnt synagogues or destroyed churches in what was known as the Fertile Crescent, or elsewhere.
It is worth recalling that whenever a community is threatened, be it Jewish, Christian, Muslim, agnostic or atheist, others could be threatened too.
The spiral is now set in motion and could wreak its horrendous effects unless we stand up to reaffirm that the pre-eminent dignity of every human being, and the right for every person of faith to pray to his or her God as he or she sees fit, are not subject to a building permit.
The minarets of Geneva are worth as much as the bells of Basel. Now is the time for one and all to remember this.
We pray and hope that the above article can throw some new insights into the current
controversy over the usage of the word ALLAH in Christian Bibles.
Aren't Malaysians Christians included in 1Malaysia?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
No! I did not put up any posting yesterday. Three sms and one email ask if I was OK. I was OK but I was fuming and when you are in that state it is best not to speak or write.
I was fuming over the Pakatan Rakyat Parliamentairans missing when an important bill was put to the vote…..and damn it, it is the second time…..the first being when the DNA Bill was put to the vote.
Somebody tried to console by saying that at least 78% of the PR were in attendance whereas the BN only had 50% attendance. That is irrelevant because the BN votes carried the day.
We are not bothered about the BN but we are concerned about this complacency creeping into the PR coalition. Take a look at the list of absentees (above). I will take Gobind out of the list as he has been suspended. Even if some were overseas, so what? Parliament is in session and scheduling could be more professional, no?
We just hope that this will be the last fiasco!
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