A few evenings ago I received this SMS: 60 accounts executive from Price Waterhouse Coopers are currently stationed at the PM’s Department to troubleshoot issues affecting government projects and also proposing to turn around their projects.
My response: PWC can station their whole troop for all I care. They have become a joke after their involvement in the crime index fiasco. Massaging and manipulating are now synonymous?

Following are some comments by some Malaysiakini readers”
Jiminy Qrikert: Just imagine what this does to the morale, self-image and honour of the police force.
These are the men and women who are faced with the increasing barrage of reports of crime but are forced to be a part of this huge lie and succumb to the political pressures to doctor data to prop up their political masters.
They know it's a lie but are helpless to prevent it. At the same time, they see the extent of corruption committed by these political masters who are powerful enough to literally get away with murder.
It does not take much pushing or temptation for these police to also succumb to crime and corruption since you might as well join them if you can't beat them.
No wonder, Umno-BN is so deeply buried in corruption as the police are now guilty accomplices in spinning a crime into a non-crime.
Amused Malaysian: Why crime statistics only. What about Hari Raya road fatalities? There's none of the fuss of previous years. Don't tell me there are no road fatalities this Raya.
(Just wondering if PWC has morphed into a government SPA…..massaging the dead to live again…..kudos to JPJ for a deathless balik kampong record!)
Kgen: It is not uncommon to massage figures to portray a better picture but this has been carried too far so much so that reality and statistics move in opposite directions.
This is when the strategy backfires as the public totally rejects the said statistics. Yet the government still insists that crime is a perception problem because its statistics say so. This is an insult to our intelligence.
What government think-tank Pemandu is doing is like trying to sell ice to Eskimos by saying that the natural ice around them is a false perception.
Well, Mr IGP (inspector-general of police), your brilliant little scheme has been found out. You had Pemandu fooled completely but not us, the suffering public who has first-hand experience of crime.
Please don't insult us by saying ‘perception' again and that goes for that loudmouth home minister who grudgingly said police will focus on fighting crime as if that is something extraneous for them.

If the recent revelations of an experienced police officer is telling enough you have not heard enough.
As part of the BBC's Who Runs Your World? series, Jonathan Kent in Kuala Lumpur looks at how Malaysia's notorious triad gangs are run.
(By now Ah Hing would already be a tai koh, if still surviving)
Ah Hing makes no bones about his world and his life. "I admit that I am a bad guy, and that I'm a gangster," he said.
"So who runs your world?" I asked - to which he gave a simple reply : "The government".
There you have it HERE a link provided by one of my readers.