Probably Hartal MSM was softening the impending blow that new MCA chief was rumored to be mulling over....who will take over from Wong! If testicles is not politically correct, marbles would be idiomatically correct, no?
Anyway Star today humored its readers with a STAGED SPECTACLE
Priceless memorabilia: Tan holding up the teacup which was used by Najib at his shop in Kuala Kubu Baru yesterday. Behind him is the chair that Najib sat on during his visit to the coffeeshop.
KUALA KUBU BARU: Coffeeshop owner Tan Sew Sewan, thrilled by the Prime Minister’s visit here last Saturday, will “preserve” the cup, plate, fork, spoon and chair used by him.
The 60-year-old grandfather said a souvenir shop was making a glass showcase to store the cutlery for display at his shop.
Tan said no one would be allowed to sit on the chair “as I am going to wrap it and display it in my coffeeshop.”
“This shop has been in business for over 70 years and it is hard to believe that the Prime Minister actually came here for tea,” he said.
Anyway the Whisperer and I will try his Hailam mee come Tuesday and if his fare is not as good as SB Loy, I will tell Grandpa Tan that his is Lowlam.
When we want to hold Veteran's day we say cannot use tugu negara. Presence of statue is idolatory. so what the fuck is this? If this is not idolatry then I am at a loss for what is
The irony of things.
Revering the one who s#$@w you kau kau.
Am I a sour grape????????????
Tainted chair ..even the fart smell good to them.Why not wrap in gold ?
The right place shud be in the fart chamber.
Ah Pek nyayuk.
Someone should offer the guy a broom stick to sit on, right side up.
Relax Bro , everything being paid for many fold lo.Wayang sajalah to make the share(image)to escalate....
Can't you see the unseen guest(s) sitting on the chair ?
Dont play play-kopi ore kao kao.
hey, wrap up the tandas too !
Why can't some Malaysian voters realise that NTR is only the head of the government of the day which is change-able every five years?
He's just a custodian for the nation's upkeep and if the 'janitor' ain't carrying his weight, sack him and get another.
If NTR has to sit in a 'special' chair to have his mee hailam and coffee, it reflects badly on his various MSM publicised 'walkabouts' which ironically were meant for him to turun padang and get closer with rakyat. Plastic chair not comfy enuf?
Must have been an APCO photo-ops advisory which NTR follows without question since RM28 million of taxpayers' monies was used to pay for a foreigner's insight into local sentiments. Yeah, right on!
And just to squeeze more juice from this lemon job, get some umnoputras to offer to buy the 'cutlery' from the shopowner!
Reminds me of larger-than-life mock cheques handed out at BN events which are not fulfilled by real moolahs after the ceremony.
Or pick-your-project-out-of-the-box at the KT by-election in January 2009 meant for class F contractors.
Grandpap oh grandpap, where have you been the last 60 years? I guess he never cared about reading online news and he still harbour the notion that the MCA is still the savior of the Chinese community. Bucksheet, there goes another vote down the freaking teacup!
The mainstream press under an idiot named Ahmad A. Talib has stooped so low that you wonder how much lower can they go. Chubby Checker used to ask how low can you go. Well, Ahmad Talib and his sidekick Rockybru say they can go lower to set a new benchmark for journalism. Be that as it may, if you want to experience a cathartic sensation, and you need to cure your constipation, you can read the New Shit Times and then top it up with Rockybru. Guaranteed cure for constipation. Tiuniamah. chair? red chair good enough mah!!!!
should boycot this coffee shop!!!!
Strange things always happen during election times. Did Najib's minders brought with them a silk covered cushion and clean sanitised linen as well?
Look closely and you'll see that the coffeeshop use red plastic chair. And the cushioned one where the exulted one parked his fat ass on is new. Paid by us poor rakyat, again?
The nyanyuk MCA Tan holding up the cup & saucer should get his head examined for getting those to be placed in a glass case. WTF for?
Doesn't he realize it is going to bring him lot of misery and bad luck?
Stupidity personified at the behest of the MCA lapdogs. What else is the MCA pornstar going to do to suck up to the one with a lot of garbage?
Can't you see the unseen guest(s) sitting on the chair ?
It is Chin Ming period...YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE!!
This is all cheap skate show by BN/MCA. This coffee shop guy must be well "rewarded" by those BN politicians esp from MCA to put on this show on how great our 1Malaysia PM is. However, most of us know that this guy just want to cari makan. After all, 70 years and still making coffee. Anyway, it is a greedy and disgrace deed indeed esp to the chinese community. Frankly, i would never ever patronise this shop again.
Hope the voters will not get buy in to such type of unethical act.
VOTE PKR!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday? OK, let's make it in Tuesday to KKB then...and try his Hailam mee. And let's see what he will do to the chair used by Malaysia's future PM :) Will he wrap teh chair too or will he rue the missed chance in years to come?
Will call u on Tuesday for RV point...heh heh heh...
Did he pee or shit at the coffee shop? Then wasted. Should have preserved his pee or shit.
This Tan chap is a nut if he was not paid for the act fullstop
Dear Zorro,
It is No Surprise on ALL the Negative comments in your blog!!!
It is not everyday, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, goes to Mr. Tan Sew Sewan's coffee-shop for a cup of tea and Hailam-mee!!!
Even, if it is Pre-Arranged, So What???
Mr. Tan will definitely say this to you, "Eat Your Hearts Out, Guys!!!"
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