Monday, November 25, 2013


“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.”  Somebody called Thomas Sowell said that.

Me, I don’t give a flying fuck about rules IF those rules – TO ME – are unfair! Key operative words “TO ME”. If you think the rules we have are fair you have every rat ass right to push your overweight and over-lapping carcass around. But if you come up TO ME and attempt to stuff this trash talk down my gullet, I will allow you to kiss my ass and get euthanasiatically martyred. “Why so rough?” you might ask. Dang, show me a smooth sandpaper! 

So, can rules be unfair? If your Pa made those rules and you reckon they are fair because he said so, you deserve to be your father’s son until you find out he is not your Pa just because your Ma “openly” consented. It is not important WHO ruled that you must obey that rule. What is important is “IS THE RULE APPLICABLE TO ALL”? If it is not applicable to ALL, it is unfair……TO ME…..and I act accordingly…..

In early October 2008, after the global crash I got a gentle reminder about my insurance and road tax renewal. Cars below 2000cc could get cash (RM165) subsidy thru Pos Malaysia. My 940GLE did not qualify and there was an extra loading for insurance. This rule was not applicable to all! 

Some privileged did not have to pay for gas and insurance. I joined the privileged. Since then I have not paid for my road tax and insurance. There is a good downside though. I used to collect a good amount of traffic summonses. In one trip to Penang and back I accumulated 9 summonses. Since October 2008 I have not received a single traffic summon! 

Since October 2008, I religiously obeyed all traffic signs and adhered to speed limits! You could say I was a highway example of courteous driving. If everyone drove like me during the festival exodus, you would not have those sure-dead safe driving drives that annually challenged this year’s death-rate against last-years suicide achievement. Of course I was pulled aside during  traffic roadblocks and some unusually alert matamata noticed the color of my road tax sticker! I have always got off with a promise that I would be doing the right thing the next day. How I got off cannot be shared here…..maybe later. No, I have never bribed a cop although in those early days when we had just two wheelers and the cops usually preyed on us we used to wear badges that said: DO A GOOD DEED, BRIBE A COP. 

I have never, repeat, NEVER bribed a cop. The 3 Ps usually get me off….Poise, Personality, and that thing a former teacher of mine called PLUS…..that stuff that wins a wink! But on occasions I have openly given as much as RM20 to cops who do not waste my time. These are cops who stop you and immediately write out your summons without the usual ritual of delaying tactics until we initiate a deal. I usually tell these cops go buy something for the kids…..they deserve treats because their Pa was honest!

Dang! I just checked that my driving license expired 3 months ago. I will have to renew this. Although Rosie jets about I know she has a licence to drive.  


Monday, October 28, 2013


HARIS (Ibrahim) in an interview: Undoubtedly, the young Malaysians give me hope. The young Malaysians give me hope that even as we appear to be in a state of seeming hopelessness, we will see light at the end of the tunnel. God willing.

LAM (Radio Australia Interviewer): Insyah Allah.

HARIS: Insyah Allah.
The rest of the interview HERE.

Monday, October 7, 2013


A day after the attack on Malaysiakini journalist Lawrence Yong, Zahid was at a security seminar for community leaders in Malacca, where it was alleged that he had made “sensitive remarks”.

Upon the discovery of the presence of journalists, Zahid banned them from publishing what was discussed and he followed this with a threat that he would have their newspapers shut down. The audience booed the media representatives, who were then forced to retreat.

Would Zahid have dared to humiliate, finger-wag and slap the shoulders of a foreign correspondent?

Perhaps, his rude behaviour is reserved for Malaysian reporters because he can gag them and punish them, with the laws at his disposal. A bully boy attracts loyalty by fear. If Zahid harbours ambitions of becoming prime minister, he should tread warily, warns an UMNO insider.
But what do you expect? Shoot first and then ask question or throw out of the window, the witness I mean…..the weapon you throw into the sea what!
Dang! Will the Omnipotent One shut down this blog?
He would if he could but being so macho at Home he might. Which reminds me so much of this macho man who was congratulated when he went to the maternity ward. “Sir, congratulations, you are father to quintuplets,” the matron beamed. “I expected such,” boasted the father of quintuplets, “as I am generously endowed like a chimney!” “Sir, I suggest you clean your chimney from time to time……the quintuplets are all black,” advised the matron as she hurried out as our macho man threatened to close the hospital!
This incident happened when we sent out a Minister to investigate the missing jet engines. He went to London instead of South America. Since he was already in the wrong country he availed himself of his mistake by acting like all normal first-time tourist in good ole London.   
‘What's that building there?' he asks the driver.
'That's the Tower Of London Sir,'
“ Ours is a twin tower, you know?” boasted our Minister.
A minute later he asks the taxi driver again,'What's that building?'
'That's Buckingham Palace sir.'
'We have a brand new palace for our King…… this King lived in the old palace once,' brags our man.
The next historic building in the tour is Westminster Abbey.
'What's that Building there?' our Minister asks.
The taxi driver says,quick as a flash,'Bloody Hell, I've no idea, that wasn't there this morning!'

This coming week is National Senior Minister Mental Health Week. 
You can do YOUR part by remembering to contact at least one unstable Senior minister to show you care.

I have now done MY part!!

Monday, September 30, 2013


Tomorrow morning, I am reliably informed, MPAJ will head for the UKRC (Ulu Klang Recreation Club) to take over its field. The PAS adun has distanced himself from this issue and the PKR deputy President who is the MP deems this not even worth spitting on! I have written in UKRC defence and it looks like we need a more significant effort to this end. I can think of nobody but the THREE of you to step up to the plate whilst those of us who have played a role will continue to take the field in positions we best can.


On Jan 18 2010 I wrote:


UKRC, the Ulu Klang Recreation Club was nearly snatched by some greedy MCA thieves with the help of Khir Toyo of course. That piece of land could make millions for some fat-cat MCA and probably contribute another wing to Toyo's mansion.  However, the community fought back with the help of the Malay Mail then and prevented the raid. The new Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Government dilly-dallied in getting the land officially gazetted after promises on promises. The MP Azmin made countless promises, the adun Saari Sanguib made similar promises. Promises only! Empty promises, that is.
The community played a significant role in the last GE. Period.

That was 2010…..and in April 2012, this is what happened….. on 1 April 2012

On 3 April 2012 we asked if MB Khalid Ibrahim would take the penalty kick for UKRC?

On 4 April we questioned why the Selangor Government was not willing to end this issue

Other postings HERE and HERE

I cannot be there as I have to go for my dialysis. Somebody please take my place.

Monday, September 23, 2013


“All his adult years Najib has depended entirely on government paychecks. No surprise then that his worldview is narrowly circumscribed. His solution to every problem is to distribute government checks, well exemplified by his many “1-Malaysia” handouts. His recent Majlis Ekonomi Bumiputra was no exception; likewise its hefty price tag.”

“Not being introspective, Najib does not and never will recognize his shortcomings. Consequently unlike his immediate predecessor, Najib will never resign voluntarily; he would rather destroy his party and country first. If UMNO does not recognize this, it too will go down with him; likewise the country.”

No, I did not author this. HE did.

Monday, September 16, 2013


“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”

What has become of us……after 50 years?
Can you blame some of us if we move away from the shadow of this tattered once-proud symbol?

Can you blame some if they want to change this tortured fragmented symbol?

Think deep about THIS and THIS


Friday, September 13, 2013


Today I want to share the disgust expressed by a TTDI resident. This article appeared in The Malaysian Insider’s SIDEVIEW:

Rich in your pocket, poor in your soul - A disgusted TTDI resident

Death is never a pleasant subject. Doubly so if the person chooses to take his or her own life in a public manner. On September 11, a foreign migrant worker from Nepal took his own life in the lush and posh neighbourhood of Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur.

The deceased, as was revealed a day later, was one of tens of thousands of migrant workers brought into Malaysia to work as a helper in one of the generic "Kopitiam" chain restaurants which had closed down over the month of Ramadan.

From then on, he had no work, no pay and no way to go back to his beloved family and friends in Nepal. In essence, he was stuck in not only an economic limbo but also a geographic limbo with little way out.

Under the mental strain of having had to pay the eye-watering debt he owed to agents for his journey here, he took his own life in the most public way on a rooftop of one of the shophouses where he lived.

This story unfortunately is a lot more common than we think, what with employers and the system allowing for such migrant workers to be exploited and abused in the worst possible manner. I shall refrain from elaborating on this issue as being a non-expert, I am sure many of you reading this are aware of their problems.

This is, however, about a handful of residents of this so-called posh neighbourhood.

What happened, thanks to social media, was just as shocking, if not more shocking than the suicide itself. TTDI has a community page on Facebook where the residents communicate on lost and found pets, sale of food, restaurant reviews, crimes and traffic problems. If you were to go to the page, you would see a lot of petty postings such as of residents complaining about their neighbours taking over the public nature strips outside their houses. That is to be expected from residents of a posh enclave priding themselves on being educated, well travelled and shall I say sophisticated.

On the morning of September 11, someone posted a picture of the now deceased on the roof, asking for verification that such an event is actually happening. Confirmations came in, with some people reporting that people were shouting at the man, goading him to jump.

This sparked a debate on the Facebook page, which revealed much about the hearts and minds of a few of the residents there. One said he should just jump and get over it, one even said that there was no way he could die from a relatively short height, which was of course proven wrong.

This absolutely disgusted the majority of the residents, me included. I have to caveat this because the most heartening thing that came out of this was that a majority of the residents chided the few who mocked, made fun of and assumed many things about the deceased. One even said that he wished he had actually jumped, instead of rolling off the roof in an undramatic fashion and falling to his death. To be fair, emergency services were there with an air mattress but he evaded it so that death could embrace him, to end his extremely miserable short life on this Earth (he was only 30 years old).

Some said that he was looking for attention and if he indeed was seeking attention, can we blame him?

Some residents even posted the picture of the corpse, uncovered and even videos of the “action”, all in the name of “educating” everyone on this tragedy. The administrators then removed the videos and pictures after an outcry. Of course the next day, some pictures were posted on this event in the newspaper, accompanying the story on the suicide. Of course being that editors are experts at self-censorship, less gory pictures were published. The residents who had their pictures and videos removed from the community page, in all their pompousness declared that if the newspapers could publish it, why not them?

My answer to that is, it’s a question of taste and respect to the deceased. While newspapers are out to sell more newspapers and increase their revenue, are the people who posted it on the community page out to garner a reputation for themselves?

Whilst they were not on-site goading the deceased, the semi-anonymity of posting on Facebook or any social media does not give them any immunity having played a small part in contributing to not only this man's death, but any future would-be suicides. Mocking, bullying and encouraging on social media is as good as them being there. Recent cases in the US and UK have revealed how mass online bullying has encouraged a shockingly high number of teenagers into committing suicide. Be it may that they were troubled children in the first place, one of the rules of humanity which I quote from Hippocrates is, "First, Do No Harm".

For it to come from a community that would help each other look for lost pets, bring lost pets into their homes until their owners were found, hold charity drives (yes, we do have a gaggle of social climbers who hoot and toot about their charity work), have strays medically treated with an ad hoc catch-and-release programme.

This contradiction in the character of a community in itself calls for people to have a long hard look at themselves. I am not asking for my neighbours to have rushed to the site and try to rescue him or try to talk him out of it. None of us are equipped with the necessary skills to do this. I am asking for something that is so simple to be and do. Just be a good human. Refrain from speaking ill of someone who has lost not only his mind, but also everything he has, and much much more.

I hope a lot of my neighbours, and I am targeting the ones who mocked and later tried to aggressively justify why they said what they said, that I hope one day you never have to lose your child in this manner.

I don't have confidence though that this message will get through to such people because they're so firmly ensconced in their luxurious air-conditioned home, lying on their Egyptian cotton bed sheets staring numbly at their 44” flat screen that their world is as far away as it possibly can be from an indentured migrant worker's life. For all their air of sophistication, attempts at writing in English, shopping at designer boutiques and travels to exotic countries that they so proudly display on their Facebook pages, their reactions just tell me how rotten they are inside.

From the good, kind people of TTDI, as most of us are, I would like to extend my condolences and apologies to the family of the Nepalese man. May he rest in peace. - September 12, 2013.

Monday, September 2, 2013


a BPL inspired creation

Friday, August 30, 2013


This is another  of those ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES that BN is endlessly but generously and gratuitously offering for our amusement and distraction. I am referring to this dickhead hand kissing Deputy Minister of Education P Kamal-alan-nathan who publicly proclaimed that the innovative transformation of a changing room into an elegantology  food break venue was a SMALL MATTER.

It was rumoured that had not PKR’s Azim Ali engineered Kamal’s win over PKR’s Zaid Ibrahim this guy would be hankering for a tipping-point hug from Datuk Lee C W’s big Mama. BTW was it a possibility?
Here is another endless possibility – Whytha was cautioned to toe the party line by three cabinet ministers. Former Deputy Minister Wee Kah Siong cautioned Kamalanathan over his small matter puerile remark. Is there a possibility that Najib and other cabinet ministers will tell Wee to also toe the party line? What the outcome of my question…… an another endless possibility?

This morning, the Commander asked me to bestow on Kamal my POOP award. I will not, as the endless possibility of him opening his big mouth as a depository is no small  problem! I would not want him to eat shit and die……thence we would not have him provide us with laughs for the Merdeka festivities.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Dear Prime Minister,

Greetings and Selamat Hari Raya to you from the people of Malaysia. We have a simple proposal for you to consider for implementation hopefully by the end of this year. We really don't want to listen to any excuses. If there are any issues or problems, we feel sure our cabinet ministers can solve them. We want you to Just Do It. If our request is implemented, we will certainly give you our vote in the next general elections.

First consider these statistics:
Estimated Population of Malaysia in 2013 is 29 million
Median life expectancy is 74 (Male 71, Female 77)
Proportion of Malaysians who are 65 years and above is 5.1 %
Therefore number of Malaysians who are 65 years and above is 1.45 mil
Petronas 2011 income after tax was RM 68 billion (RM90.6 bil before tax)
Malaysian Corporate tax rate is 25% so Govt has already taken RM22.7 bil

Our request is very simple. The oil in the ground belongs to the people, so the revenue of Petronas rightly belongs to the people. For every dollar that Petronas earns, the government is already taking away 25 cents as tax. Now its our turn. We've never had any clear accounting of what actually happened to the trillions that Petronas has given the government as dividends over all these years, but that is not the issue we are raising here.

All we are asking is, we would like you to enact a law to set aside whatever amount is needed from the net income after tax of Petronas, to set up a fund that will provide a guaranteed annuity or pension, of at least RM2000 per month for every Malaysian man or woman that is aged 65 and above, no matter what his race, his colour, his religion or his political affiliation is. This will be paid to them monthly from January 2014, till the day they die.

As the number of years that a Malaysian, on average, is expected to live after 65 is 9 years (ie 74 minus 65), for each of the 1.45 million elderly Malaysians, you only have to set up an investment fund that generates a paltry 2000x12x9=RM216,000 over 9 years for each person. To illustrate how easy it is to earn RM216K, if you have access to capital, you can buy a house in Bukit Jelutong for RM900K last year, and this year you can more than double your money by selling it off for RM2 mil. That single investment will take care of the post 65 pensions of at least 6 warga tua. Easy Peasy.
Recognizing the considerable financial wizardry in our cabinet, we are confident this can easily be done.

Mr Prime Minister, if you can do this, you will go down in Malaysian history as the Prime Minister who was brilliant and visionary enough to have provided a lifelong pension of RM2000 per month to every Malaysian man and woman above 65 years, till the day he or she dies, no matter what his race, religion or political affiliations are. We already have a good government hospital system that theoretically can provide for all our healthcare requirements. This universal pension scheme for every male or female Malaysian will complete a financial and healthcare package that will be the envy of every country in the world.

Mr Prime Minister, we know you can do this. Announce this incredible pension scheme in your Hari Raya message, and let your cabinet worry about how they are going to do it. In one brilliant move your stature will eclipse that of every Prime Minister before you, including your visionary late father as well. You can do it Mr Prime Minister. Just do it. And do it NOW.

Yours Sincerely,

Yusuf Hashim, on behalf of ALL Malaysians.

Monday, August 12, 2013


I do not remember much of Errol in La Salle Sentul because he was one of those  kids who walked the line….and seldom crossed it.

But I will always remember those eyes of his. If he looks at you with those eyes, it is as though to say, “Say it again… is not you!”

We got close after several visits to Backyard where most cattle-country Sentul “cowboys” roamed and groaned over wasted days and wasted nights. We got closer when we began to ALIGN at SS4 ONLINE after his watch at the Malay Mail. Mostly we talked country music……until recently when my waterworks department failed and my mobility curtailed my regularity at Bala’s Onine. 

I will treasure those moments with Errol and so would the rest of you who “walk through this world with him”. But as long as there’s country music Errol will never be forgotten. Farewell son……...will catch up with you when Malaysia’s country singers gather at Backyard to “REMEMBER ERROL”. No problem, Mr Chong?

Thank you Alice for taking his hands and..........


and this:

Jeremy Monteiro
5 hours ago
Today, again I am heartbroken to learn that my long time & dear friend Gerard Errol de Cruz, a leading journalist in Malaysia passed away suddenly from a heart attack.

He was a gentle and kind soul but he was not afraid to say what he felt needed to be said in his work as a journalist. Although I mostly had good reviews from him, I did occasionally feel a painful nick from his sharp pen on occasion.

But this never affected our long friendship ever since met him in the mid 1980s.

He was a good musician, preferring to play and sing country music and the blues. We jammed on a couple of occasions which I thoroughly enjoyed since it was more a meeting of the hearts than of the minds.

I spoke to him a couple of months ago, it was a nice conversation where he raved about attending the Rock & Roots Festival in S'pore and meeting Organiser Danny Loong who treated my friend Errol with kindness and generosity.

Errol, news of your passing is shocking as has left me with sadness. Thank you for always being in my corner and writing about me often in the Malaysian press. I will miss you, your sense of humor, your simple, kind and gentle ways.

My deepest condolences to his wife & family and all who loved him. Rest in Peace 


Thursday, August 8, 2013


……all Muslim doctors and caregivers
who took special care of me
then and now.
…….all my muslim friends
who visited, wrote to me to will me to wellness.
But most of all
to all muslims
who for reason of duty of state
must be at their work stations,
protecting and rendering essential services,
instead of being home with their loved ones.
It has been some 17 years since Wayne, Patrina and Bernard
celebrated Hari Raya with us.
Today they are here with an additional two,
Ryan and Patrick
to celebrate this holy festival with our
Muslim friends.

Friday, August 2, 2013


 Zan Azlee is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, writer, New Media practitioner and lecturer. He runs Fat Bidin Media

I never fail to read his offerings whenever he contributes to The Malaysian Insider. I am offering this post of Zan as dedication to Dog trainer Maznah Mohd Yusof, who has been remanded over a controversial Hari Raya greeting video she made 3 years ago, and who has been released under bond.
I just returned from University Hospital. Its confirmed that the growth in my bladder is the big C. So what! It is another battle. I will face it with fortitude and faith as I have always done, but this time with a clearer roadmap and timeline. Help me people, with the time I am left with to make this beautiful country, harmonious and undivided again.....but that does not mean I will take off the kid gloves!

............hopefully this article of Zan Azlee is the first step in our journey.....

Oh my Allah! 
Recently, the newly appointed Vatican envoy to Malaysia, Archbishop Joseph Marino, stated in an interview that he supported the call for the word 'Allah' to be used by non-Muslims in the country.

I don't see the problem in his comments. I support the use of the word 'Allah' by Christians in the country. 
In fact, there is proof that the word is used by many non-Muslims all around the world (even before Islam existed!).
It's an Arabic word which means 'God'.
It's like the Malay word 'Tuhan'. 
It's like the Cantonese word 'San'.
It's like the Tamil word 'Kadavul'. In fact, it's all exactly the same.

In all the Arabic speaking Arab countries that I have visited (Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, UAE, Qatar, Lebanon), the people use the word 'Allah' to mean God no matter what religion they are.
Actually, one does not need to go so far. Just take a quick trip to Sabah and pay a visit to any church there and be prepared for a huge shock!
And if you want to think about it, Christianity and Islam (along with that other Abrahamic faith - Judaism), have the same God, goddamit!

So I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend why so many Muslims in Malaysia think that the word 'Allah' is exclusively for their use only.

Then there are these cabinet ministers in the country who say that the Archbishop shouldn't have commented on something that was considered an internal national issue.

Hello! The last time I checked, issues regarding major world religions didn't belong to Malaysia. 
If I'm not mistaken (and I know I'm not!), Allah has stated that Islam is a religion for all, not just Malays.

And, knowing how important education is to the Vatican, the Archbishop probably has more knowledge of Islam compared to the many Muslims in Malaysia.
A quick background check shows that he has several university degrees under his belt, and amongst them is one in theology (which is the study of the different concepts of God).

These cabinet ministers also mentioned that it is inappropriate for him to comment on something that is still being debated in the country.
Has it even been debated at all throughout the years?
As far as I can see, no discussion or discourse has taken place at all over the issue.

The issue has always faced a dead end every time it is raised, as it is just shut down by those who are in power without any consultation or logical reason.

Why do I feel so strongly about this? It's because this involves the basic human and constitutional right of freedom of religion.

But most of all, because I feel offended that those who object to the use of the word 'Allah' by non-Muslims gives Malay Muslims an image that we are ignorant and that our faith is fragile.
If they are so worried that a mere word can threaten people's faith, then maybe they should treat the disease rather than the symptom - proper religious education and understanding.

This documentary Oh My D.O.G! It's "samak" time could cleanse some warped minds!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Fellow Malaysians,

All of us are 'PENDATANGS' in this world and owner and ruler of this universe is Allah swt/Almighty God. I have to be careful in using 'ALLAH' as it exclusively belongs to certain Malays in Malaysia. I am still waiting for a response to my question on this from OIC as I was informed that only in Malaysia there is a FATWA  on this exclusivity. I stand to be corrected. My apologies for the digression. Sdr Zaidee I agree with your views but a slight correction in that mamaks in UMNO were quite limited at one time but of course with my Pak Cik Mahathir and his gang from Kedah/Penang and Kongress India Muslim Malaysia(KIMMA) becoming an affiliate of UMNO the landscape is changing with all the crumbs and bones thrown to KIMMA. If you look at the constitution of KIMMA it is clear that members have to be Muslims of Indian origin. I am still trying to figure  that out but after all we are living in a BOLEH LAND where anything and everything is possible if you are either in the corridors of power or cash rich to throw money to SOME  hungry dogs in government including the police and GLC's. You can be aquitted after you plot and kill your mistress/girlfriend and AG will not appeal. But AG will appeal appeal when a poor cop is found NOT guilty for a paltry offence of RM1500/=.

The TRUE natives of Malaysia are the 'Orang Asal' and they are also 'pendatangs' going by the definition that this universe belongs to the creator. There are more than 15 ethnicities among the Malays but all clubbed as one race'MALAY'. I dont want to delve further as I might be then charged for sedition but Zulkiflee Nordin can insult Hindus/Hinduism and later admits and apologises publicly but AG's office says NFA to PDRM because there is insufficient evidence. Ibrahim Ali can call for burning the bible and some Morons substantiate that he only wanted to burn those bibles which were misprinted. My 12 year old granddaughter after reading that exclaimed that her toes were laughing. Oops why am I again straying away from the main issue. Yes yes I am in bolehland and the disease has also infiltrated into me.

Anyone who is born in this beloved land called Malaya/Malaysia is a 'NATIVE' and all of us are/have to be proud of our origins and that is the democratic right. The extremist and racial fanatic Malays (probably less than 30% and even an infant can smell that dirty lot who belong to a certain party/NGO's) think that ONLY Chinese and Indians are pendatangs. This is slowly changing among the well informed young Malays who have better exposure and not living under a controlled mindset and thanks to BIRO TATA NEGARA and my pakcik Mamak Mahathir.

Let us all unite and say 'MALAYSIA is for MALAYSIANS' and NO to RACIAL FANATICS. One generation has been destroyed and efforts to correct this is hampered by the Malay racial fanatic faction. Last but not least I have written to National Fatwa Council on many issues based on Al-Quran and Hadith. I will mention the following:

1) BN takeover of Perak Govt in 2009 is HARAM. They have not to date disputed my findings.
2) GE 13 is also HARAM. Not disputed to date.
3)National FatwaCouncils fatwa that 'BERSIH' is HARAM. I challenged them and declared that their FATWA is HARAM. Not disputed to date.
4)Certain actions of Election Commissions is HARAM. Not disputed.
5)Certain policies in Governenment are HARAM.
6)Promotions in civil service/Police/Armed Forces/GLC's are HARAM. Not disputed to date.
7)Single race domination and injustice to others HARAM. Not disputed.

All the above are backed up by verses from Al-Quran and Hadith. Probably that is why National Fatwa Council is unable to respond. Alternatively my continuous bombardment might have sent  it to Intensive Care Unit.I wonder why they can be so immune to such serious allagations. Allahuwallam/God Knows Best.

 Last but not least I was born in India and came to Malaya as a BRITISH subject in 1954 and obtained my Malaysia Minor Citizenship in 1962. I studied from school all the way to my college on my fathers scholarship (my late father borrowed from friends and relatives to educate me and my elder brother who is Speaclist Doctor) and had the honour of being the first Malaysian to graduate as Leather and Footwear Technologist. I was coaxed by my father and cousin (who was working in a legal firm and MARA was their client) to leave my Management Trainee position with Tata's International Management Institute in Jamshedpur,India (my contemporaries later became top 5 for the International operations of TATAs)  as Kulitkraft( then owned by MARA) had started a Leather and Footwear factory in P.Jaya and was managed by 2 expatriates. I came back reluctantly and when I walked into the interview I saw all  the Board members in a state of shock. They had apparently expected a Malay or at least a Malay looking guy but there I was a with a big handle bar misai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I left the building in disbelief after I was told that by one of the board members and was in tears when I thought how I was going to settle all the loans my father had taken to send me to college and had 5 other siblings with a lot of expectation that their elder brother will take over from my unwell Dad)I started walking back to the bus stop and saw a sign board outside Colgate Palmolive for vacancies as a factory worker. I walked in and applied for the job and lied thru my teeth when they asked me what I did from 1968 to 1973. I got the job as a daily paid worker.

2nd  May 1974 is still fresh and evergreen as I started my career with JOHNSON PATERSON FOOTWEAR in Mak Mandin,Butterworth as Quality Controller and rose up to Factory Manager and in 1980 KULITKRAF head hunted me for their General managers post and I went for the interview but when they made the offer I politely turned down the offer that I am not a Malay and related my 1973 experience.

My career took me across to work in Japan/Korea/Taiwan/Indonesia/Hong Kong/UK/Ivory Coast/Cameroon and finally joined a British Public Listed Company's subsidiary in KL as their Business Development Director and rose up to Managing Director. In 2000 the Malaysian operations was bought out from the PLC and I became the major shareholder and then expanded to India/Sri Lanka/Dubai/Bahrain/Qatar.

I did not have any Political patronage in my business but CLEAN GOD FEARING civil servants helped me all the way, Alhamdhulillah/All praise to Almighty God. I humbly can claim credit of being the Project Management Consultancy organisation responsible for executing Bukit Jalil Sports Complex/UIA Gombak/Selayang Hospital(working for the Japanese contractor as their Construction Managers)/Upgrading of various sports facilities/MPSP builting in Butterworth/PKNP complex in Ipoh/Bertam Sports Complex, Kepala Batas/Masterplanning and feasibility study for SHELL Miri new HQ/Study and recommendation on Kulim Hi-Tech park which was not taking off the ground/AIMST University, Semeling, Kedah and various other multi-million dollar projects locally and overseas.

We were also employed by Perbadanan Stadium Nasional to supervise the maintenance contract which was privatised. The Maintenance contractor was very highly connected in UMNO. Had a tough time but I instructed my Engineers to carry out their duties professionally. I paid a very high price when my contract was NOT renewed for the next two years for reason I am not a BUMIPUTRA company. What a shock that from 1993 to 2003 they thought I was a Malay/Bumiputra but when I exposed ROGUE Malay thieves who were cheating with their political connections they suddenly had a revelation that I am an Indian Muslim as stated in my Registrar of Company documents. I wrote an appeal to Pak Lah who was PM and a good officer in Treasury told me to submit a fresh application and should declare my status as MALAY. I politely explained to her why I cannot do that and quoted Surah Al-Hujrah ayat 13 (Al-Quran 49:13). That was another sad day in my life and prayed to Allah swt to open up and give Hidyah to the Malay politicians/policy makers to be MUSLIMS/HUMANS first. The reason why the maintenance contactor wanted us out was because we reported that they had short-changed the Stadium corporation and those amounts will be deducted from future payments. Today the Government is going to spend millions of dollars to upgrade and we could easily save 30% on the announced estimates if the maintenance was done properly. We had a 5 star facilty with NO STAR maintenance after our contract was not renewed.

I harbour no ill feelings against those Malays who nearly destroyed me and my company because Allah swt/God decides my rezeki and after all those Malays are also my Ummah and my brothers and sisters in Islam. I am proud to be a MUSLIM FIRST/Malaysian by Nationality and Tamil is my Mother tongue and so a Tamilian by language with a tradition of few thousand years. I do not need a constitution to back me up to identify my RACE. Of course I respect the constitution for what it is worth. Malaysia holds world record for amending the constitution. Here again thanks to my Mamak turned Malay pak cik Mahathir Mohamed a/l  Mohamed Iskandar Kutty. Oops sorry, Mahathir Bin Mohamed. I stand corrected.

As a Caring Corporate Citizen we allocated 20% of our profits for charity since 1974. We adopted Tamil Schools/Rumah Anak Yatim/Tahfiz Quran and host of other needy organisations and we channeled it thru an Independent Yayasan run by a friend of mine. We adopted 50 students(all Malays) from kampungs and helped them from Std 1 to 6. After that they all went on to MRSM and 42 of them are today Professionals (thanks to JPA/Bank Negara/Petronas/GLC's) who gave scholarships. We are also happy that 16 of them are Doctors and some pursuing specialaist programmes. I was the single largest donour to my Primary school (Cator Avenue when they bult their hall) and also the single lagest contributor to my secondary school Anderson School, Ipoh. I was the team Manager for the schools Hockey Team which won the National Championship for 10 years consecutively (a record still not broken) and financially supported the poor students in the team until they finished school. Well 90% were Malays.

I am now semi-retired and I am in the process of becoming a Full Time Activist in Malaysia and probably an educationist too, Insya Allah/God Willing. I am the Protem Chairperson of Global Tamil Muslim Federation based in Vienna, Austria started by 20 Tamil Muslim technocrats who are all billionaires(excluding me though in their terms I am a billionaire too in Ideas/Integrity/Courage/Guts who can take on anybody, even those in our corridors of power...hahahaha). A number of these members are Malaysians who left with a bitter heart 25 years ago when they were denied entry into UM despite better grades than their fellow malay friends with lesser grades who got into UM. They have not stepped foot in Malaysia after that episode but have made it very big in UK/USA) The first project by this group is to start a US300 million University and provide education to poor and needy children at heavily subsidised cost. If all goes well this University should take off in 2017 and now I am lobbying for the Uni to be built in Malaysia but there is a strong lobby for India. Let us pray for the best.

These 20 technocrats are now living in

Japan/USA/Canada/UK/Belgium/Netherlands/Denmark/Sweden/Germany/France. They did their undergraduate studies in a lot of hardship and some of them working part time every day. Their post-graduate/PhD was by scholarships and part time as Tutors. They competed and won on merit. They were not discriminated. To quote the late Moulana Sheikh Abdur Rahman ( he passed away in Madinah at the age of 102 after he performed his 60th Haj in 2010) “In Europe and USA I did not see Muslims but I saw Islam. In Malaysia I saw Muslims but did not see Islam.” He then elaborated the discriminatory aspects here and especially when Malaysians marry foreign spouses and the hassle they had to go thru to get yearly social visit pass.If foreign men married Malaysian women it was even more hassle (except my pak cik Mahathir's daughter who was first married to a French and later an Indonesian who got their Permanent Residency in a short period of time - Please correct me if I am wrong as I don’t want to be accused of Fitnah and sons and daughters of big shots/politicians had an easy passage) and over the years the rules were relaxed as more Malay men and women were marrying foreigners. Not complaining as in Islam a couple cannot be separated for more than 6 months unless on exceptional circumstances. This I can substantiate and I am sure that it will be even easier and maybe instant citizenship for Najib/Rosmahs to be daughter-in law from Kazakhstan. If the Home Minister does not take orders from Rosmah he better be ready for a SODOMY charge. We must be prepared for more killings at the rate it is going now as reported in the papers last few days. After all you don’t need a MOTIVE to kill anybody. And with C4 explosives available al you need is a connection and probably promise the guys whom you hire if they are Malaysians that their faces will NEVER be exposed at any time and gallows will receive the guy but actual culprit after COSMETIC surgery and new identuty will be living happily sfter i some place Indonesia. Oops I have again strayed. Happy reading and God Bless Malaysia and Malaysians.

Wassalam/Best regards
Selamat Berpuasa and Ramadhan Mubarak

Dato Thasleem Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Haj
DPMP(Perak) PMP(Perak)
