"If we believe a thing to be bad,
and if we have a right to prevent it, it is our duty to try to prevent it and
damn the consequences." — Lord Milner
Lim Chee Wee (above) must realize that it takes
less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong. He should
re-examine all that he has been told . .
. dismiss that which insults his integrity and his soul like instead of looking
into a request by Haris, he takes to disparaging Deepak (on hearsay?) Isn’t
hearsay anathema in law? Dang, what lawyer lah you?
As a leader, you have to not only do the right
thing, but be perceived to be doing the right thing. A consequence of seeking a
leadership position is being put under intense public scrutiny, being held to
high standards, and enhancing a reputation that is constantly under threat.
Lest the Bar Council President is not aware,
here is a reflection: "In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep
within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and
it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor
reproach evildoers . . . we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath
new generations." — Alexander Solzehnitsyn
Lest Lim Chee Wee needs more help here is a
simple chart to SIT on! Click on image in case you are long-sighted.
Oops! wrong photo, Zorro.
Ooopppps, L C Teh....slip of the finger lah, no fault of the mind, yah?
...hahaha!It's a given with advanced age,Zorro!No fault of the mind just bad coordination...
Very funny Zorro.
That is how Mr.Lim look like yah... He got suntan?
Haris is sick to the core for manipulating this issue. He doesn't know the facts and has no issue of bringing disrepute. First it's almost impossible to say tan Sri committed the offence based on the present facts. The 2nd SD says the first was made under duress. If that's the case how can the lawyer fail to advice against perjury. The answer is in the 2nd SD lah you fool.
The only way haris can hentam the tan sri is to say the 2nd SD is made under duress or coerce and thus tan Sri lawyer committed a wrong. But no. He can't get bala to say this. Why? Coz bala took money. There's no way it's involuntary. Haris think were stupid not to see that. And further we never know whether tan Sri was bala's lawyer. If not theres no duty lah you fool. Haris is a nut case.
The worse is his hypocritical argument. If he says the lawyer tan Sri was wrong for forcing the 2nd SD, why didn't he claim all those involved in the first SD to be punished. There is clear wording by bala himself saying its made under duress. Why didn't he raised a big fuss? Why? He didnt do that coz its against ABU. Perhaps some pr leaders will be involved as well. Sick. Sick. Sick.
the foto may NOT be lim ...but...but could be T Sri ...hehehehe !!
Has the Bar Council President also, succumbed to the UMNO devils? Is it so difficult to pin point the culprit lawyer/s who did the second SD for Bala? Perhaps, a simple tip is to investigate lawyers who got fat contracts from C4 will be an indication in the right direction...and narrowed down to the likely asshole/s.
Reading this, I understand better why Haris is trying to prod the Bar Council to act.
Lim Chee Wee, by his previous actions , has shown he's no UMNOputra prostitute. So, why the extreme reluctance to act in this case?
Also I still can't understand why Haris does not name that scumbag and son openly?In this instance, Lim has no excuse to tread water!!
Aiyah, arselicking pondan, callig himself/herself Ellese, trying to expose his/her filthy blowhole here? This guy is only I, I, I, typical of an UMNO arrogant swine!...earning his last super here or trying to promote his/her blog...capitalizing on others' popular forums. What a low down asshole!
The bar members pick the wrong chicken.They picked the white feathered mother hen.
Why is he cowering.He is afraid his balls might be cut off.Thats why.Sudah lah jadi balless,serupa pondan.
good one, the Guru always. :-))
hey, another seedless durian macam ksk kah !!??
LOL!! that family sickenening stench everywhere?
wandererer AUS,
how about some wine to wash down the swine, eh?
nothing worse than being paid to lie.
at least, prostitute is paid to be shacked, unchanged since time immemorial.
Ellese or whatever,if you have a problem with zorro...come right out and say it. You sure sound bitter like someone who's been buggered when young.A scumbag who'd sell his mother and country for a few $$$.
your analysis is so immature. Now shooo off and crawl back into that hole you creeped out from.
Sigh...what a moron.
Ellese, any change of you entertaining thoughts that you disagree with? That's the mark of forward thinking and acumen, I sense.
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