SICK of what has been happening during the Merdeka festivities. I normally welcome the countdown with friends in the pubs. This year for obvious reason I wanted to do it differently…..join the yellow wave Janji Demokrasi more so after threats by the “petty” trader who traded in luxury cars . I made up my mind when the police announced that Janji Demokrasi was illegal at 1130am on the eve. I have said what was necessary HERE.

This year’s Merdeka Celebration was not only BASTARDISED but blatantly HIJACKED! It is no wonder that the young showed their distaste and anger in ways that only children do…..they throw tantrums…..and taking cues from certain adults ….showed butts and trampled on images of the living powerful. I do not condone such acts but some psychologist must explain in a study the sudden surge of youthful exuberance since Bersih 2.0. Suddenly the police have acted with such alacrity and have threatened to use the Sedition act when they did not lift a finger when a BN clad individual urinated on the images of Tok Guru and Tok Hadi.
And what is all this shit about asking for forgiveness! That is a cheap word today. Even the judiciary will let you off when you regret you rape under aged victims.
But this afternoon I feel better……there is still hope after I read THIS!
Sorry, Mister Zorro, I couldn't manage to watch the annual Merdeka parade at Dataran Merdeka because I don't feel like it....
Yoy mean the petty trader who made his millions by sucking his political masters tongkats.Then he became a crony and was set up as a car dealer because he was able to satisfied his masters lusts.Hehehe.
Yeo Bee Yin, firstly, I must congratulate you for picking a correct political for you to pursue justice to all Malaysians. I am away from Malaysia for almost 30 years and I am still backing DAP without any reservations...totally committed to this fine political party and confident of its young talented leaders.
I hope you will one day be the beacon of hope to the youth of tomorrow...truly Malaysia.
Many will agree that what the two 19-year olds did at Dataran Merdeka on Merdeka eve was 'ta'sopan' but why the double-standards, PDRM?
What's all that 'seeking forgiveness' thingy about?
If Najib is a lil smarter, he should search and reflect, ask himself why young generation of Malaysians today have so much hatred towards him and his wife? AhUhh, don't bother to blame Pakatan Rakyat, it's pointless.
When I was in school, I learned that "respect" must be earned.
Here's for PDRM to check and
view pix from Malaysiakini's archives since their men had not been alert and/or unaware...
What is that 'tak sopan' got to do when there is hatred?
My advice to Yeo is to pack and leave Malaysia. Life is too short to try to save Malaysia.
I left Malaysia years ago and I continue to encourage all my family members and friends who are still in Malaysia to leave that god-forsaken place.
Indeed, God has abandoned Malaysia. It's now swarming with the army of 'thou-shalt-not-say-his-name'.
It is a bloody big joke to get arrested for stomping at Najib's photo. He is the non-elected prime minister of Malaysia, not GOD! He wasn't even elected by the rakyat. And here we have millions of Malaysians in Malaysia who get shit-scared of that.
Did not the UMNO youth people stomping on the photos of other leaders in Malaysia and other countries/ Should they not be arrested too? The fact is the police don't give a shit about what the law says or what the rakyat feel.
So you see, Zorro. Yeo will pine to leave Malaysia in a few months. There is noting left in Malaysia to salvage. I will visit Malaysia in future as a tourist and throw a Ringgit or two to the pitiful and ignorant BN supporters who are still living from hand to mouth.
Pictures and reports of double standard practices of PDRM:
wandererAUS should not hide overseas but be present in Malaysia, perhaps for the Himpunan Hijau at Pengerang on 30 September 2012 coinciding with mooncake festival.
Ms. Ong Sing Yee is one of many who represents the future generation of Malaysia. All right thinking Malaysians will support her particular in the face of Gomen threat to use outmoded and outgoing Sedition Laws to intimidate her.
It is important that the authorities understand the feelings, challenges and frustration of these teens before throwing the book at them. Respect for our leaders and love for our country has to be earned, and not gained through an overwhelming use of threat and force.
I feel sick when Shuhaimi Baba has had to swallow her artistic pride and once-independent spirit to get Finas funding to make Tanda Putera movie as a propaganda for Umno, and in the process follow the footsteps of Leni Riefenstahl, propaganda filmmaker who served the Nazis?
How we miss Yasmin Ahmad!
大小眼的法律罪: 踩踏相片两种罪? 贱踏在野就没罪, 狠踩在朝就有罪。
摇臀美嘉就没罪, 露臀纳吉就大罪, 贪污腐败算啥罪, 国阵应该判何罪?
Sad day for Malaysia when Tanda Putera is screened.
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