Tuesday, July 13, 2010


TWO things made my day, this morning. One happened at the Shah Alam Court, where as bailor for Pete's son, I must ensure that he attends court when his case came up. The other was what I read in Malaysiakini.

Since this trial began months ago (approaching one year, but the fifth since Raja Azman was bailed) we always had our Special Bunch trying very hard to blend in with the crowd. But the Special BUNCH are so adept at identifying them that we do not lay bets anymore. They are so idiotically so conspicuous. None of the cloak and dagger stuff these Malaysian annointed spies. This morning there were two of them. No cameras though, as they have all our photos on file for sure. After the yang ariff dispensed with a few cases, the crowd thinned and it was just alone with two others. I noticed one of them taking notes and he did not have that reporter look about him - a dead giveaway. He was trying very hard to convince us that he was an SB observer. He finally did when a recess was called. He walked up to police court officer to Salam his friend. The police returned his salam but directed his perplexed "WTF you doing this for" look at us. I winked at the police officer and he was too embarrassed to reciprocate. God help us if we have these as our secret service personnel! Over lunch we were told of an incident in London during the MACC no-come meeting with PI Bala. The group was getting ready for the PC when someone noticed two unfamiliar Malaysians hovering round the group. He as asked what he was. He replied that he was an accountant. He was roundly told that he should be working on a working day and was told to leave. He did. Later, a friend found out that they were SB told to observe the PC. Laughable? More pathetic surely.

The other was of course CNN denying that Anwar paid to be interviewed. Read HERE and you will know who took advantage and got red-faced commenting on the Utusan expose of the week.


Most probably the same trash like....we were misquoted.....all taken out of context....the same APCO-tutored response?


telur dua said...

No wonder Utusan got sued so many times and lost.


Anonymous said...

The 'Anti-False News Panel' is hard at work. Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein is taking himself and his job seriously. The only way to protect and defend 'truth' is to gag the opposition.

Only Umno, Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia are capable of telling the truth. If truth is to fall from the sky, strike our 'wunderbar' on the head, fall into his lap and drop onto the floor in front of him, he won't be able to recognise it for what it is.

Unknown said...

Nicely observed and nicely commented. You're doing good work sticking by Raja Azman. Keep uploading these nicely observed vignettes. They are a tonic when read in the morning.
Terence Netto

Anonymous said...

You have yet to know of our intelligence guys screw ups at our embassies. A bunch of incompetent fools. Sometimes a laughing story at diplomatic cocktails.

Cucu Felda said...

Najib said that the cash reserves of Felda went down, but the assets went up.

Assets, what are the assets? Don't forget: if tomorrow India doesn't want to buy your palm oil, you've got no cash flow. How are you going to run the company? And also loans from EPF. Felda is so big, why does it need loans from anybody?

tupingera said...

The Anti-False News Panel sounds so "orwellian" that it blends very well in the "Doublespeak" culture of the kleptocracy.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...


When Anwar was still very active as leader in Abim
Tape-recorder was in old platic bag fit for the bin
Being used by two conspicuous strangers making a din
Seated at the back switching on and off like drunks on gin

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 140710
Wed.14th July 2010.

Unknown said...

Zorro,a big thank you for looking after RPK's son.A thousand blessing will come your way as God;s justice unfold in the next 20 months.Do not takes his name in vain for Thy will be done.

Anonymous said...

thenk you sir for doing a good job which we should but not able to do do

perhaps there will be a day when we can a teh tarik together

khong khek khuat

zorro said...

KKKHONG, email me and let's get together. U in Selangor?