Its a tough call, this by election. Unless DAP can garner 65 percent of the Chinese votes it will be a hard climb to the peak of success. But many things are possible and these will unfold itself during the campaign. But for a start DAP will have to face the 3Ms in Sibu - money, machinery and media manipulation. But Terrence Netto, Malaysiakini's columnist dismisses this threat:For this by-election, however, that formula may no longer be winning because of greater awareness by the people, via the internet principally, that the 'old politics' of the 3M type is passé.
PKR should concentrate their campaign on the Iban in Bawang Assan with Pas focusing on Nangka while DAP can scour the two while bringing their big guns to bear on Pelawan where they have been the preferred choice of the Chinese voters there.
According to three Sarawak bloggers, Taib’s reputation was a tremendous liability among urban voters in 2006. These voters have enjoyed access to a broad range of media, including online news portals and widely-read Chinese newspapers. This led to the remarkable result of urban SUPP members voting en masse for the DAP, and against their own party’s candidates, allowing the DAP to clinch six urban seats and the PKR, one.
It may also explain why Taib is expected to take a back seat in the Sibu campaign. Nonetheless, his family’s fortune remains a potent campaign issue. But his money will flow SUPP's way....some easy agreement between two fathers-in-laws.The group, one of six major timber companies of Sarawak, also invests in Indonesia, China, Australia and Brazil in timber, plantations, construction and other businesses.
Recently KTS's tree plantation project in the Baram area of the northern Sarawak touched off a controversy when affected Penan communities staged a road blockade late last year. Lives were affected by such incursions into ancestral land rights, yet some stubbornly bow down to crumbs wiped off the high table. Intriguing?
Yes, admittedly it will be a steep climb. They say that the higher you are the harder you fall. And going downhill is always more dangerous than climbing uphill. Is SUPP free-falling downhill?
We know that the main portions of Sibu are built on peat swamp. Often there's the problem of sinking ground. The situation can get worst as new construction takes place without proper planning or shortcuts taken due to corruption.
Reports have it that residents of the low lying areas are experiencing more frequent floods year by year. Promises for better drainage remain as promises. A bund system along the river bank following the Dutch model has been proposed for several years.
However, as time passes, the mighty Rajang continues to be silted up by indiscriminate logging activities upstream. With the impoundment of the Bakun Dam, more uncertainties can be expected soon. The patience of Sibu people is running out.
Common sense says that upstream management and excavation of riverbed sand would be a better solution.
Back to the uphill climb. It is challenging and from the scenes below on Nomination Day, the Pakatan Rakyat coalition will face this uphill task and not succumb to "altitude sickness". Win or lose, their attitude says, we will give them a good fight,the same fitting words that YB Lim Kit Siang said to me when he invited me and Fauzi to come to Sibu.
Keep up that Magnificient effort together with the DAP candidate Wong Ho Leng, LKS, LGE, Tengku Aziz & all the supporters there.
Eventually, Justice will Prevail & We shall Overcome!
I would like to share this with you & all there in Sibu...
How queen gets last word on UK election
May 8, 2010 11:11 a.m. EDT
This was how it used to be in Malaya/Malaysia during those Good old Days under Tunku & his 1st Cabinet.....Men of Distinction & Honour!
Since 1969 Bolehland's Leaders have Abused, Corrupted & Destroyed our Constitution & Democracy to what it is today... Sad indeed!
Yes, I want you to pass it "INFORM all" our SABM members & hopefully to the Powers that be "Especially" to EDUCATE EACH ONE OF THEM & REMIND" them...
I have been doing my own Research and this is the most accurate one I found, for the "Westminster Style Constitutional Monarchy Democracy" from the Queen Elizabeth II....
Would any of the Bolehland's Leaders "Challenge" this....
Cheers & my best wishes all there.
Unker Zorro , great report/comment you have here.
We sure owe you for your relentless effort to kick out the present gomen.
Keep up the good work, power to the people !
Good photos uncker. Keep up the good work! Need to wake those natives, Penans, Ibans, Melanaus etc, cause they've been fed too much craps and crabs by Bumbo-Numbo government resulted them being Dumno Dumbo.
Make sure those 'Orang Asli' wont do what Orang Asli did in recent HS buy-erection.
Hope you enjoyed the Sarawak hospitality.How does it feel to be able to eat and drink in one shop with people of all religion. Have you notice malay stalls operating in a Chinese coffeeshop? We like to preserve this thats why UMNO is not welcome in Sarawak by all Sarawakian.
Welcome to Sarawak Uncle Bernard.
We will win in hearts. Our objectives are sincere.
With all the negative statistic, the members of supp parti(ayam brand)are blinded from their leaders. Ask how much supp leaders gave them? Ask how must supp parti took away from them which belonged to their children and later their grand children?
The followers are blinded. This art the PAKATAN must learn but it must be blinded my good deeds not like b end which will be the end.
miracles do and can happen... people are fed up with the BN govt... for more than 50 years, BN has plundered sarawak... it is time for a change!
hidup rakyat!
Thanks for the update which otherwise would have been deliberately marginalised in mainstream media, Zorro. Good luck and all the best in Sibu!!!
Dear Zorro,
Wasting your time again in Sibu, Sarawak???
DAP will not get the support of Al-Juburi, Zaid, Nik Aziz, etc. because they smart enough not to!!!
Intimidations will also not work on the FRU officers on duty!!!
Please Do Not Behave Like Typical Pembangkang Rakyat Supporters!!!
"For too long, his late cousin five- term MP for Sibu, would deploy all the power of his party's use of the '3M' formula – money, machinery and media manipulation"
Actually it's 4Ms. You miss out the "machai" bit. The late Robert was closely associated with gangsters in Sibu.
anon 11:12PM said....
"Thanks for the update which otherwise would have been deliberately marginalised in mainstream media, Zorro" very true Bernard and Fauzi!
Take care you guys, watch your backs at all times and thanks for the updates and pics.
I hope the Ibans will wake up. Robert junior is the scion of the KTS family, the company that had been stealing Dayak lands and main destroyer of our forests and jungle. Elect him and he will even be more powerful and closer to Taib family. It's like giving KTS a licence to continue to plunder the Dayak's remaining heritage. Young Dayaks should tell their elders why they should not vote BN otherwise they themselves will lose their inheritance.
Thank you Zorro.
You remind me of Winston Churchill famous quote :
" much owed by so many to so few...'.
God bless.
People of Sibu, please wake up. You folks have suffered enough from the ruling BN politicians. While most of the politicians and their cronies are dirt rich and you are no different from what you all are for the past 52+ years under BN. In fact more worst off.One day you folks will be overwhelmed by those foreigners from Indonesia, Philipines and Burma. They will be sons of the soil.
Now is the apportunity to win back your rights and your state wealth by voting DAP/PR/PAS.
VOTE DAP/PR/PAS now!!! wrote: Wasting your time again in Sibu, Sarawak???
How could I be wasting my time AGAIN in Sibu when this is my maiden trip.
You need to brush up your use of English if you want to post comment here. You might be wasting my readers time.
Anyway, no name, it is MY time I am wasting and not yours. You should not waste your time coming in here. You will not learn anything here. Go give all your 200% support to the UMNO bloggers.
"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."
Quoted by
Edmund Burke
Kerajaan "akan" merobohkan bangunan Kompleks Penjara Pudu untuk dibangunkan sebagai Bukit Bintang City Centre.
Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, berkata...................................Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media di sini, sebentar tadi.
woit…APA JADI DENGAN MENTERI WARISAN?.... kah kah kah…
"....Kerajaan "akan" merobohkan bangunan Kompleks Penjara Pudu untuk dibangunkan sebagai...."
Actually the works "has been started since early of the year".....Come and See for yourself in Jln PUDU.
In West Malaysia,we say one vote for MCA is one vote for UMNO.In Sibu,it's one vote for SUPP is one vote for "white hair".He He he,where is the white hair ? Atas atau bawah ?
You see,all component parties of BN which include UMNO are liability to Malaysians.Do not wait for God to dispose them,God gives us the brins to do it ourselves.
Wah look at all those yellow people!
With their alien like behaviour and all.
Rakyat Sibu, better wear a face mask when you leave home.. these chinkies are SARS carriers
Never in the field of human's conflicts,were so much owed by so many to so few.Pak Zorro,take care.
It is clever for taib to stay away and stupid for selangor mb khalid to be there.He will bring the failure of ulu selangor to sibu.I have spoken and just wait for the result.
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