Late this afternoon, reporter Ms Tan was released, but Theresa and Pete are still incomunicabo.
But chief jailer No-hair El Blurr said that they brought in Ms Tan to protect her against threats. It is now confirmed. This idjeet has got maggots harboring in his cranium box. AISEHMAN has his take here.

List of known detainees as at 28 June 2008
Name of Detainee | Position/ Organisation | Date
| Current Status |
Yazid Sufaat | Businessman, Kedah; alleged JI member | 9 Dec 2001 | Sent to KDC on 30 Jan 2002. Detention order extended in Jan 2004 |
Suhaimi Mokhtar | Businessman, | 29 Dec 2001 | Sent to KDC on 22 Feb 2002. Detention order extended by two years in Feb 2004. |
Shahrial Sirin | PR status; alleged JI member | Dec 2001 | Sent to KDC on 28 Feb 2002. Detention order extended by another two years in Feb 2006. |
Dr Abdullah Daud | Geo-info Lecturer, UTM Johor; alleged JI member | 3 Jan 2002 | Sent to KDC on 28 Feb 2002. Detention order extended by another two years in Feb 2006. |
Abdullah Minyak Silam | PR status; alleged JI member | Dec 2001 | Sent to KDC on 28 Feb 2002. Detention order extended by another two years in Feb 2006. |
Shamsuddin Sulaiman | Asst. Accountant, Health Ministry; former ITM student; alleged JI member | 17 April 2002 | Sent to KDC on 13 June 2002; Habeas corpus rejected on 17 Feb 2004; transferred to an undisclosed police remand centre in KL on 11 June 2004; detention order renewed on 12 June 2004 |
Mat Shah Mohd Satray | Technician, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, originally alleged to be KMM member, later alleged to be JI member | 18 April 2002 | Sent to KDC on 13 June 2002; transferred to an undisclosed police remand centre in KL on 11 June 2004; detention order renewed on 12 June 2004; Federal Court rejects habeas corpus appeal on 2 Feb 2005: files habeas corpus application in Aug 2006. Detention order extended again in June 2006 and yet again in June 2008. |
Abdul Murad Sudin | Trader (rental of agricultural equipment), Teluk Intan, Perak; alleged JI member | 16 Oct 2002 | Sent to KDC on 2 Dec 2002; Federal Court rejects habeas corpus appeal on 2 Feb 2005; files habeas corpus application in Aug 2006. |
Zaini Zakaria | Electrical engineer, ex-TNB and Malaysia Airports; helped set up Luqmanul Hakim religious school in Tanah Merah, Kelantan; alleged JI member | 8 Dec 2002 | Sent to Kamunting on 6 Feb 2003 - Detention no. 2580/03 |
Zainun Rashid | Foreign national; Alleged JI member | mid Dec 2002 | Sent to Kamunting on 6 Feb 2003 |
Wan Amin Wan Hamat | Alleged JI member | 2003 | Sent to KDC effective 20 Mar 2003 |
Sulaiman Suramin | Businessman, | 5 June 2003 | Alleged that he was stripped naked and mocked; Sent to KDC on 1 August 2003 |
Sufian Salih | Foreign national; alleged JI involvement | 2003-2004 | Sent to KDC on 28 Feb 2004; Filed habeas corpus application in Aug 2006 |
Mohd Khaider Kadran | Businessman, 38, allegedly “a leader of JI” | 11 Jan 2004 | Sent to KDC on 28 Feb 2004 |
Hasim Talib | Foreign national; alleged JI involvement | Dec 2003 - Jan 2004 | Sent to KDC on 28 Feb 2004 |
Zakaria bin Samad | Alleged JI member; Indonesian national | 2004 | Sent to KDC on 30 Jan 2004 |
Ahmad Zakaria | Alleged JI member; Indonesian national | 2004 | Sent to KDC on 30 Jan 2004 |
Terhamid bin Dahalan | Alleged JI member; Indonesian national | 2004 | Sent to KDC on 30 Jan 2004 |
Abdul Rahman Ahmad @ Deraman Koteh | Alleged militant separatist of | 5 Jan 2005 | Sent to KDC on 4 Feb 2005 |
Mahfudi Saifuddin | Alleged JI member; Indonesian national | 2005 | Sent to KDC on 2 Aug 2005 |
Mulyadi | Alleged JI member; Indonesian national | 2005 | Sent to KDC on 2 Aug 2005 |
Arifin | Alleged JI member; Indonesian national | 2005 | Sent to KDC on 2 Aug 2005 |
Mat Tarmizi Zakaria | Foreign national; Alleged Thai separatist | 2005 | Sent to KDC on 9 Sept 2005 |
A Artas A Burhanuddin | Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” from Tawau | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 16 May 2006 |
Francis Indanan | Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” from Tawau | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 16 May 2006 |
Mohd Nazri Dollah | Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” from Tawau | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 11 May 2006 |
Mohd Arasad Patangari | Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” from Tawau | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 16 May 2006 |
Adzmi Pindatun | Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” from Tawau | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 16 May 2006 |
Idris Lanama | Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” from Klang | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 16 May 2006 |
Aboud Ghafar Shahril | Indonesian; Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 16 May 2006 |
Zainuddin Suharno | Indonesian; Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 11 May 2006 |
Jaki Hamid | Indonesian; Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 16 May 2006 |
Jeknal Adil | Filipino; Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 16 Mar - 3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 11 May 2006 |
Binsali Omar | Filipino (Malaysian PR); Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 16 Mar -3 Apr 2006 | Sent to KDC on 11 May 2006 |
Husin Alih | Foreign national; Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 28 July 2006 |
Yussof Mohd Salam | Foreign national; Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 23 Aug 2006 |
Abd Jamal Azahari | Foreign national; Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 23 Aug 2006 |
Pakana Selama | PR status; Alleged member of “Darul Islam Sabah” | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 28 Sept 2006 |
Kasem Dayana | Foreign national; Alleged foreign agent | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 19 Oct 2006 |
Shaykinar Guat | Foreign national; Alleged member of Darul Islam | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 19 Oct 2006 |
Argadi Andoyok | Foreign national; Alleged member of Darul Islam | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 19 Oct 2006 |
Ng How Chuang | Alleged document falsification | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 30 Nov 2006 |
Ng Keat Seng | Alleged document falsification | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 30 Nov 2006 |
Mohd Azuan b Aniffa | Alleged foreign agent | 2006 | Sent to KDC on 18 Dec 2006 |
Mohd Faizol Shamsudin | Alleged foreign agent | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 20 March 2007 |
Zulfikli Abu Bakar | Alleged foreign agent | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 20 March 2007 |
Zulfikli Marzuki | Alleged JI involvement | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 20 March 2007 |
Amir Hussain | Foreign national; Alleged document falsification | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 28 April 2007 |
Mohd Nasir Ismail | Alleged JI involvement | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 30 May 2007 |
Ahmad Kamil Hanafiah | Alleged JI involvement | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 30 May 2007 |
Muh Amir Hanafiah | Alleged JI involvement | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 30 May 2007 |
Tan Choon Chin | Alleged document falsification | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 12 Sept 2007 |
Mavalavan | Alleged foreign agent | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 22 Sept 2007 |
Sanjeev Kumar Krishnan | Alleged foreign agent | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 22 Sept 2007 |
Lian Kok Heng | Alleged foreign agent | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 22 Sept 2007 |
Sundaraj Vijay | Foreign national; Alleged document falsification | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 18 Oct 2007 |
San Khaing | Foreign national; Alleged document falsification | 2007 | Sent to KDC on 18 Oct 2007 |
P Uthayakumar | Hindraf legal advisor; lawyer | 13 Dec 2007 | Sent to Kamunting Detention Centre on 13 Dec under two-year detention order |
M Manoharan | Hindraf leader; lawyer | 13 Dec 2007 | Sent to Kamunting Detention Centre on 13 Dec under two-year detention order |
R Kenghadharan | Hindraf leader; lawyer | 13 Dec 2007 | Sent to Kamunting Detention Centre on 13 Dec under two-year detention order |
V Ganabatirau | Hindraf leader; lawyer | 13 Dec 2007 | Sent to Kamunting Detention Centre on 13 Dec under two-year detention order |
T Vasanthakumar | Hindraf organising secretary; lawyer | 13 Dec 2007 | Sent to Kamunting Detention Centre on 13 Dec under two-year detention order |
Breakdown of the detainees:
Alleged militant violence (JI, etc) - 46
Alleged falsification of Malaysian documents - 5
Alleged smuggling of undocumented immigrants - 2
Alleged “percambahan nuklear” - 1
Alleged gathering of info for foreign intelligence/security agencies - 9
Hindraf - 5
Total: 68
By the end of June, another 6 detainees had been released leaving 62 in detention.
In the wake of the raging anger among the rakyat, come to think of it the ISA really is not the evil in itself.
It is the evil power brokers who are abusing the existence of the ISA.
By just nabbing people under ISA and the next moment releasing them is a clear indication of the evil ways of some people.
What do you think?
Use ISA to protect? No surprise to me... if C4 have been used to pacify before...
"...that they brought in Ms Tan to protect her against threats."
HUH??? So why didn't they give police protection at her home instead? Or why didn't they go after the "sources which are threatening" her?
So if someone threatens me they will put me in ISA the next minute without telling my loved ones whether I am still dead or alive?
I am not sure whether to laugh or cry at our current situation in Malaysia.
The picking up of Ms Tan was according to the Botak for her own safety. Such infantile reasoning!
For creating so much anger, unrest and bullshit, the Botak should have been picked up for his own safety.
In fact he should be given a permanent residence at Kamunting for the safety of all innocent people in Malaysia.
He should also be given a crash course in straight and crooked thinking so as to save us from more of his brainwaves.
What the hell people keep talking some thing so vile? ISA? What is that? Does it means I suck axx? look like Malaysia Politician like much!
When and where we have chaos?????
KL? Penang? Nonsense! RPK and MP Koek evoke chaos?
Are u mimpi? This is ridiculous!
Hey !
uncle Zorro and all bro and sis,
Tonite , we will light up candles together EVERYWHERE !
“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”
By :-
Abraham Lincoln quotes (American 16th US President (1861-65), who brought about the emancipation of the slaves. 1809-1865)
Godspeed anak-anak bangsa Malaysia !
RAKYAT the power of Nation
When I read Botak's statements to the press, I would like to hang him up by the balls! What a blooming load of rubbish and lies.
UMNO's version of ISA, is designed to put the innocents behind bars and let the criminals, roam the streets.
Have a successful evening!
Let there be a lighted candle within each heart
That can neither be extinguished nor torn apart
To remind each one of us to play our solemn part
In ensuring justice is restored never to depart
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 130908
Sat. 13th Sept. 2008.
ANGER...A-N-G-E-R...A-N-G-E-R ...
!@#$%^&*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*&^%$#@!@#$%^&* !!
" aiyah, the polis used ISA to arrest her is to 'protect' her life which is in DANGER lah , understand !?.... btw i didn't order the polis to arrest her, dun blame me please ! ok , thank you."
fooled by the botak minister !!
!@#$%^&*&^%$#@!@#$%..A-N-G-E-R !!
I posted on this too, calling for a toyol to be arrested. read the masjid nazir's statement on Teresa's case i took from shah's blog.
" hey, botak ! why no ISA on that 'bukit xxx' !? "
" oh..we..we have oredi taken serious actions on him !"
" HOW !!??"
" ...we..we have SUSPENDED him of all party posts for 3 long years !"
" AH !!?? ...!@#$%^&*&^%...!!??"
You mean to say the next time my life is threatened, I can actually go to a police station and apply for an ISA arrest to ensure my safety? That case, many people will flood the police stations, looking at the fact that many "ah longs" are out to collect repayment of loans from those who cannot afford to pay! The government is actually offering sanctuary to such people??
That would only mean a bigger burden on the people when they have to pay more taxes to keep these "protected species" alive!!! Since when BN run a CHARITY HOME like this?????
i hope they throw your sorry ass in and throw away the key. its because of self righteous self appointed marshalls like you running around freely that shit happens here.you and your bunch of bozos.stand for election lah if you think you're so great !
bart simpson
Bro.. i think there is more on the list. They have put some Muslim Shiiah followers in ISA too
Anonymous said…
After 51 years of the Oppression from the BN goons'divide and rule fear tactics the Rakyats have matured & you must see all this coming because All The Rakyats of Malaysia can no longer with-stand the hypocrisies, bullshits, lies and deceits of these UMNO Clowns now in Power ok???
We urge all BN Components MPs with a conscience to do the necessary to make possible a New Malaysia for all Rakyats of Malaysia so that all our children and their children & their children’s children’s future will be safe and secured in the Country we all love and not be intimidated by those UMNO Clowns now in power with their oppressive & fear tactics and in the verge of making Malaysia a Police State if left unchecked otherwise.
Moronic PeeM and Botak Home Minister last minutes’ attempts to cling on power by using the fear tactics of using the ISA at their whims and fancies selectively against dissent & tried to deny their own actions as they now have no balls to face the wrath of the all the Rakyats of Malaysia.
All Rakyats of Malaysia will see to that these Clowns will be thrown out soon come the New Dawn of Malaysia & that all Rakyats of Malaysia will welcome the New Malaysia on Malaysia Day 916, 2008 for a Malaysia for All Malaysians.
Justice MUST BE DONE for Altantuya and for all those detained under ISA without the trial nor the rights of appeal. Light-up a Candle in the Lantern of the Mid-Autumn Festival for them all to usher in the NEW DAWN OF MALAYSIA COME 916, 2008
ZAIDI: Would appreciate very much you or someone can update this for us. Thanks and Peace brother.
wondereraus SIR, dun know how u could hang him by his balls man !?
......he's born 'without' one !!
ISA = Internal Shameful Act !!
Have been thinking 'bout the ISA lately. Sure, it looks draconian, but, if you look at it from another perspective, it's not that evil as it is made out to be.
It is in the same context as with guns and knives. If it is used responsibly, much good can be derived from it.
But, if it is abused and used for the personal gains of the Bersikap Najis maggots, of course it is bad.
It all depends on how you use it.
Robin Hood: We do not need the ISA. We have the process of Law. Today, the Law Minister, Zaid Ibrahim said that he would resign if the BN government continue to use the ISA.
The ISA has been used to shut up anyone who speaks against or act against the Government. Read what Reginald Hicklings, the man who was assigned to draw up the Emergency Ordinance (now called the ISA) to contain the communists during the Emergency Years. When Emergency was officially declared over because there was no more communist threats the ISA should nave been repealed and buried forever. Again I say it we have the Judicial Process, questionable at times as it is.
Hi Zorro,
Sanjeev Kumar Krishnan has recently been released from Kamunting and is presently in detention at home. This young man suffers severe depression from stress and trauma. Also have problems walking and other things that we normal human beings take for granted. Yes, the poor man is paralysed and needs a wheelchair to move about.All as a result of the ISA. F.Y.I He also happens to allege that he was brutally tortured , made to drink his own urine and sodomised by a broom.
I say abolish the ISA. Nothing else would suffice !!!
M Visvanathan
ISA = Insensible Stoopit Assault !
BOYCOTT x999 all mamak stalls !
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