Last month Gwen Stefani was told to cover up to appease the sensitivities of the people of Malaysia. I don't remember any member of the paying public protesting her over-exposed assets. Did you?
But Malaysian youths , by far, hardly protest. They allow their elders to make decisions for them. It takes too much trouble to protest...why create waves? They prefer to drift.....drift from one authoritarian edit to the next....Truth is they are easily cowed, sheepishly forced to accept and have hypocritical advice rammed down their throats...and forced down literally.
Malaysians are the most compliant, easily moulded like plasticine, into any shape or size that our pantheon of moral guardians dictate. We have been programmed so religiously that rape and incest is just a way of doing it out of the box. Malaysians tend not to think for themselves. They still need moral guidance after 50 years. Malaysians are still immature. The authorities think so and say as such. They ban this and that because they know that Malaysians (youth that is) cannot handle Gwen Stefani! You allowed the authorities to insult you! Why do I say this: YOU MALAYSIAN YOUTH HAVE NOT RAISED A SQUEAK THAT EVEN A NEAR-DUMB RAT COULD HAVE MANAGED! The authorities believe that you could not handle GS and that if they did not ask her to cover up, you all would, short of jerking off, go on a raping rampage or if that was too difficult, take the easy route....rape grandmothers, cousins or neices!GROW UP LAH, YOUNG MALAYSIANS. Until you speak up, your moral guardians will continue to think that you cannot think for yourselves. They know that you do not have that moral fibre to even volunteer a sigh of protest. Or maybe, this is an easier route for you youngsters......podah! Lan-bird, I say to you.Come on young men and women of Malaysia, surely you do possess that scrotal strength and cuntal courage to tell them bigoted buggers that you can stand on your own and be guided by the values your parents have passed down to you. Again, maybe thats too much trouble, huh?Call me a dirty old man. So what? I still enjoy a pretty face, a pair of lusciously-endowed bag-susu, the smouldering shay-shaying of hypnotic hips. Man, am I not proud that I was brought up by a monthly diet of Playboy and Hustler, until they got banned. Strangely, I forgot to jump on my mother or my sister or somebody's daughter, wife or mistress.OK, YOU YOUNG, HOT-BLOODED MALAYSIANS. PROVE TO ME THAT
Meanwhile I relish Beyonce as she is and wait with bated breath to hear your protest.....I DO REMEMBER THERE USED TO BE A WORD CALLED BOYCOTT.
......and I will also put my ear to the ground to ensure that I hear some sound from you all.....go guys and your thing. it for your own sakes. I promise to walk with YOU ALL.
At last! A voice of reason.
Thanks Mr. Manager boss.
hahahaha... i certainly have no qualms about it...
yeah..I didn't understand that's like IF you don't want to see GS, Madonna whatever, don't see, don't go - HABIS!
I can't understand parents who can't understand or control their own kids but expect the world to teach parenting for them & hvthe govt play nanny for them.
Have the Msian govt never heard of putting an age limit on spectators..but then again, they may decide only those above 30 can go !!
dearest uncle zorro,
well, ever heard or people who have lost all hope for something they used to love and respect?
for us youth who even have the slightest patriotic rebellion in us, we have given up on so many things Malaysian, one of the many being voicing our opinions for the sustenance of a land we used to be willing to spill our blood unto.
and on the contrary, many of us do not drift. we do not nod when we are criticised by the 5 year olds sitting in our once esteemed parliament. we do not accept as directed. we do not kowtow when threatened. however, we do not stand up and rebel for a better malaysia either. we are too exhausted resisting all that shit we've been force-fed since primary one and from the news, that we are drained of all nationhood, of unity, of righteousness. let's face it, politically, you guys had it better than us, in relative terms.
what do we do? we stay ignorant, be indifferent, do as the Malaysians do, maintaining our own sanity and ability to think...
for we (many of us...not all, granted) only await the days when we can leave this place...
this place that have forgotten how to love everyone all at once...
Averdim.....sentiments you expressed close to my heart. I can empathise with you youths.But until we stand up they will not notice you. One opportunity is coming up and YOUTH must make their stand and be heard to be counted. I will walk with you guys.
Big Bro says we are all monkeys (and they, the zookeepers?)
Big Bro says we are all unemployed (are they even giving us per diems?)
Big Bro says we are all Gobloks (yes indeed, coming form them who rather debate on the state of our football rather than pass a motion to debate the Port Klang debacle!)
Big Bro says we cannot handle all this 'westernised' uncultured entertainment (yes indeed, and they scoot off on their yearly annual travels abroad....where in those countries, you get 'wholesome' entertainment!)
I know of one such MB who downs his scotch neat....he knows me too (we have had drinks before), but thats the way it is!
So stand up you Malaysians and put an end to this! No more moral guardians for us, for we have proven that we can very well look after ourselves!
Exercise your right to vote! and do it wisely....
what nice sexy photos. if only we could see more ...of less !
warm blooded and natural. Nice nice
whats the fuss dear political desperados , pretending yet again to kill of all sensations ( then behind some doors shoot own family ?)
hahaha hypocrites are but hypocrites no matter how many times they pretend to pray
grrr! what is it with these people who calls on the female artistes to dress decently? as if they are so holey moley??? so, is it that they themselves, on seeing the female artistes in revealing clothes, will get all excited, hot and horny??? corrupt the minds of young people indeed!! it is their own minds that are corrupted and rusted... rusted beyond repairs!! grr!
The problem is that it is not kids or teens who go crazy, but rather older folk, in their 40's, northwards who find these photo's extremely fascinating, causing them to take advantage of grandma's, & small children.
By the way, arent these people ...
Hey Bernard, great post. Took the words right out of my mouth. I guess the ruling governments since the time you and I were in school have done a A-1 job about churning out generations of sheep. Baaa -GER!!!
good post..
at the gwen stefani show..the audience especially the young girls were more exposed that Gwen..maybe next time they ("Malaysian Talibans") will demand that women must be dressed 'ala taliban" before allowed into the stadium.
If there is anyone to blame, it is the govt who has gone weak on their knees an allow the extremist to dictate. The govt should just tell this talibanist extremist group to "kalau tak suka go live in afghanistan"
Hi Bernard,
Bak kata pepatah ataupun pepatah aku la, "the more u control, the more negative result u get" i.e ban this ban that the same race that commit the most sins. Get me?Not being racist just a example, even other races done it too.
I agree with you and u have put in good readable and nice post.
Uncle Bernard, wa caya sama lu and i will and already decided to walk with you guys!!:)
Macam la budak kat tingkat 4 tu tak suka tengok playboy.
eh uncle patrick.
there are some black sheeps out there too wei.
beyonce is steal beyong comoare with my "hijacked from zorro" Cathy Z-jones and cyber shepherd! as for the young, only a spungkling can act like fave palindrome nat t. and SYT johnleemk:) sigh, s-mile-s
Thank you for sending this important message, Zorro. It's time the young Malaysians use their brain, think, speak and act for what is right!!!
Regards from a young Malaysian at heart who is residing in the freedomland of USA
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