Tuesday, February 20, 2007



Band of Bloggers, gather the band to walk with Rocky and Jeff on 22 February 2.30pm. They are taking the blows for our freedom of speech. Walk with us to cushion the blows with your bulwark support. Four cowardly Malaysians (?), under corporate cover are challenging Jeff's and Rocky's right to freedom of speech and right to disagree; even their right to call a spade a spade (defamation?) The suit brought against them is a suit against every bloggers' right to free speech.
Many of us have posted agreement in both their blogs. That was our right to agree or otherwise. That is what unity in diversity is all about. It would be a very mundane and bland Malaysia if we just kow-tow, sit on the fence (too long in this posture can be painful), lick ass or polish apples and close one eye. Bloggers are a special pedigree. That's why we are free to agree and sometimes vehemently disagree with each other without threatening suits against each other. The tit for tat mentality of the puerile 4 is infantile. Those cowardly 4 are supposedly professional journalists. They are sufficiently equipped with all the resources they have in their media to counter or refute.
They abdicated the right to use their journalistic armaments ....words. Instead they ran to seek despicable shelter from their NaSTy bully brother, who in turn went slithering into the legal undergrowth to seek redress. Rocky and Jeff used the only weapon they possess - words penned from the heart, the craven four chose other weapons....not a fair fight by any stretch of the imagination.We the Band of Bloggers will fight you even if you let loose your bully-boys to tie our hands before the fight. We will end up using our brains and we will bite, even if you threaten us with your ISA. The Band of Bloggers comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but we are a united bunch of Malaysians who will not prostitute our right to dissent. Bring out your legal goons, the Brotherhood of Bloggers will link hand, lock arms and shoulder to shoulder, defend our stand for free speech. United we fear not.


zorro said...

Correction to Post:
Should read: Many of us have posted disagreements.....

susanloone said...

Bravo, Mr Zorro Unmasked. Thanks for the "candle", though I may be away, please "feel" me there in spirits. I'm walking with you all on the 22nd.


i will be there,mr zorro.
you can be sure of that.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Khoo, I happened to come across your blog site whilst net surfing on a boring wet afternoon.

I am sure you have had many students during your illustrious teaching career in La Salle Sentul so I dont expect you will remember me. Anyway my name is Harwinder Singh and you were my Form 3 teacher in 1973.

It has been an honour having you as my teacher. I recall that you were teaching us English and History. One day you had a history quiz and I still remember you asking this question - "What was the clour of Napoleon's white horse ?" - something still etched in my memory and excuse my plagiarism as I used it when tutoring my boys.

I currently reside in Australia, and would you belive it have come across many ex- La Sallians students and teachers as well e.g. Mr & Mrs Baldev.

PS - The red indian / missionary joke "him ride my bicycle" came in handy too whilst squaffing beer in the local pub.

zorro said...

Hawinder, you made my day. I cannot remember you unless I see you. 1973 is a long time ago. But I treasure the memory of La Salle Sentul. My wife Karen and I still keep in touch with the boys in Sentul and in fact they are our closest buddies. You are free to use and share all the good things I tried to impart. Please keep in touch. I treasure you people. At various Sentul class reunions (by the years) I am often asked what awards I have on my shelf. I always proudly say, "None, you people are the best awards I can be bestowed with." I may have given you something but you guys in Sentul didnt realise that you touched my life and I am what I am because you shared your ups and down with me and Karen. I am now 67, my daughter Patrina is domiciled in the Bahamas as she married a Bahamian amd Bahamians being descendents of slaves are black.I have three lovely grandsons. My son Kevin will
be married to an Indian girl come September. My two kids are very colorful and I am thrilled to bits.
Do kkeep in touch either thru this blog or email: mine is ktswee@hotmail.com Looking forward to more communication. Much cheers to you and yours Hawinder and once again thanks for visiting this blog.

zorro said...

Hawinder, I meet Mr. Baldev occasionally when he gets bored with Australia and comes back to recharge his batteries. You must call me as and when you come back to KL. This is an order and we can spend the whold day drinking piss.....isnt that what aussies call beer....they still call beer grog, if I can recall. I prefer piss though....it has the color quality and it is liquid. I really dont know what it was called grog. Swan lager has always been my favorite.

zewt said...

looks like the spirit behind the band is strong...

jasgill said...

Hi there Mr Bernard. Noted comments by hsingh. Hello brother... I was taught by Mr Bernard in 1968 (Form 3). Some of my classmate's names that my failing memory can recall are Francis Periera, Terrence Netto, Vengata Rao, Henry Dibble, Philip Sequira, Yap Kwan Seng, Guy Vergheese and Shubon. Also Imbiraj who was a goalkeeper but left IIANM. The other 2 Singhs in my class were Avtar Singh and the famous Surat Singh of JPJ.The teachers that I recall with fondness fr LSS were Mr Fernando, Derrick Scully (had a unique style of teaching history), and the BM teacher who was the daughter of the then MB of Selangor (cannot recall her name). Mr Bernard was form teacher and English teacher but regret did not keep in touch after leaving LSS. My pr school teachers were Mr Santa Maria, Mr Fernandez and Mrs Soni. Of course not to forget Br Bernard. Pls forgive me for rambling here. One of these days I must catch up with you SIR!!! At the time you taught me you were an eligible bachelor and now a grandpa. How time flies... Btw I was also a Scout in the school and my scout master led us to some memorable camping trips.Forget his name.

zorro said...

Jasgill, got to meet up. Come to NPC, its in the shadows of Bank Rayat and Bank Negara. I still keep in touch with Shubon (was last president of Dentist Association), Henny Dibble is in Penang; Mickey Yap and I meet often. Terrence Netto and I will be meeting over a three-some dinner soon. Some say Frank Pereira is some big shot. So I do keep away from anyone who thinks they are not in my league....I play in lower leagues....more genuine players if you get my drift. Email me at ktswee@hotmail.com

S.O.Z said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi there Mr Khoo, thanks for your replies. Wife and I went on a cruise on the day after my first posting and have just come back.

I still recall in those days many students would quiver if told that their next form teacher would be the one and only Bernard Khoo. But boy did we have fun in your class. Hope you still kept your trademark green Mini ? And a recent flash just reminded me you were the first person I came across who started wearing a digital watch back in 1973 - so much for memories from 34 years ago - time to squaff another crownie.

I am attending a 50th birthday bash in Gold Coast next Saturday and more than likely either Mr or Mrs Baldev (if not both)will be there. Will pass on your regards. Thanks for your email address too, will stay in touch and hope to catch up next time I am in KL.

PS - My dad used to run Sentul Cheap Store on Ipoh Road (next to Madras cafe).

Anonymous said...

Hi Jasgill. Many of the names you mention do sound very familiar.

Some of my classmates and their brothers you may be familiar with - Vijaykumar (has two LSS senior brothers Krishna Kumar and Gunasekaran), Robin and Eugene Rodriguez, Gilbert Almeida, Joseph Marcel,Michael Ambrose, Thomas Peries.

Sikhs in my class - Harjit (has LSS senior brother Jagjit ?? in Malaysian Airlines and cousin Bhupinder from Jln Haji Salleh shop), Ranjit (from Jai Hind restaurant),Pritipal (senior LSS brother Balbir) and Amarjit (brother Gurdip, whose mum used to do tailoring in Jln Haji Salleh). Actually Harjit (Jack), Amarjit, Gurdip, Nirmal ("rasputin") and Bhupinder (Bob) are all in Melbourne.

Anonymous said...

PS - Jasgill, the scout master you are referring to is Mr Robert Tee Seng.

simhes said...

I remember you Dear Sir Bernard Khoo.

My name is Sivalingam. Was in class Form 2A1. Think it was your wife's class.

I remember best what you spoke against teachers unfairness when they leak out exam questions to those taking tuition under them.

Me and my friend Wong Peng Soon who could not afford tuition were victims of this corruption.

But there was time when we actually retaliated.

Just about one week or so before the actual exams we came to know where the so called teacher had kept his papers (to be leaked to his tuition students). Guess what. We broke into the locker and dumped all the papers in the garbage bin.

And of course the exams results wer different.

Now I am a monk and wish to probably see you one day and speak more about the soul and whether it is worth spending more than 80% of our time on this mortal body.

But I also remember you did not have such high regards to Mahabharata. I wish to actually have a dialogue with you on this.

Simhesvara dasa