The TIME is just right. You have everything now. The media is shit scared of your wife; the judiciary listens to you; the PDRM like an obedient dog awaits your orders to attack; the State Secretaries are beholden to you; the Election Commission has amassed sufficient tricks to cheat; even Suhakam are your chosen few; your pond has the right mix of frogs; your MACC always conveniently lose their ten foot pole; Vincent wants to be still your man instead of JHO LOW.... If I have forgotten a few other things, beg pardon sir.
Sir, you already have everything except the mandate to be Prime Minister from the RAKYAT. That you do not have, but the results below shows that you may already have the confidence of the People. So go for it Sir, I am tired of buy-elections.
You have to act fast before your enemies take the thunder from you. The DPM may not want an election as he has not won enough hearts. Perkasa won't like it! Saiful will auction off his marbles before a sex-change. Your mentor will wish a pox on you. KJ will be mad as he needs time to collect his sampans to attack Israel, unless he hijacks KD Tun Razak. Do it soon, Sir. Your popularity has even ascended out of the chart! Listen to the person behind your success UNLESS you know who!
At the end of the day remember: Have no fear, rosmah is here.
2.2b is chicken feed.
Gamuda/MMC big foray into MRT. Numbers? RM30b. who's the owners. MIC, MCA and UMNO. These dimwits think 2013 will see a change in govt. All they wanna do is GOREK GOREK GOREK.
Ye!!! brother why not so that we the people can put him into trash!!!
Just remind that fatty and the dunggu Mat Monggol don't mess with the rakyat!!!
But you bet... he is chicken!!!
NTR will put up a wet finger to test your theory, Z.
And if he's still unsure, he'll put it back where it belongs.
That's the same place where his 1Malaysia currently resides as well.
she is a manwo = woman dibelakang a successful man !
Indeed, she is man's woes !!
Right now, Jibby is a lame duck PM.
The score board on the 12th General Election was about Anwar vs Mr.Bodohwi. Or Pakatan vs Bn.
Jibby "inherited" the position from Bodohwi.
This means that jibby is just a caretaker PM.
The caretaker must calls for an early election.
Najib may be popular but uim.nfortunately his umnoputeras (notably dpm) do not support h
Vincent Tan would not dare jump the gun to announce that approval was given if it was not given. So it must be Najib. Some people can lie with a bloody straight face.
We know who is lying. They will make a play of words, they'll say it was a reissue of the license, it wasn't a new licence, blah, blah, blah. Maybe they'll refer the PM to the rights and privileges committee but don't hope for a fair hearing because he will be found innocent.
Stop your provocation.
righto, najis san! strike the iron while it is still hot! buy-erections are not good for ur wallet & ur heart & ur face & its way too energy draining & u end up visiting those ulu ulu places & have to keep wiping cold sweat of ur face ... juz push all ur chips on da table & settle once & for all! shut all ur critics' pie-holes & a***holes .....
YES2ISA....had a long holiday? Welcome back. "We call for the arrest of these goons who have done nothing but provoke and destabilize our Nation tercinta. Do this for Malaysians, do this for Malaysia!
Arrest these scoundrels!" Provocation or friendly advice?
Friend, you will get more credibility if you come out in the open.NO? But if you feel more comfortable in a hole, its ok....its a free country.
Najib's record popularity: 'Time to call for polls, PM'
Really ? !
Good news !
Time to prove your strength, pink-lips !
Charlie Chaplin in the Great dictator
We anak-anak bangsa Malaysia have ready !
We ready and dare to take this challenge!
Time to change and have General Election 13 !
Dare you ?
Dare you not ?
Go on, We dare you, pink-lips !
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."
Quoted by
Mark Twain, (attributed)
US humorist, novelist, short story author, & wit (1835 - 1910)
Syabas, Anak-anak bangsa Malaysia !
Who came up with the performance chart? It has to be from the spin-bin-dustbin of the MSM or sanctified by APCO.
If the fatty mamma/mamba really feels that her najis has even a ghost of a chance to win a general election, she should use her flab to push him into biting the bullet and go for broke. Would she? My guess is she won't. She would like to hold on to the 1st lady of najis for as long as it is possible.
The 13th GE would be held at the tail-end of his illegal rule; afterall he was not elected by the rakyat.
By then the national coffers would be empty and the stupid media barons/editors would go to town claiming the opposition is to be blamed for the country's woes. And the UMNOputras and the rural Malay folks would believe the drivel dished out by the Malay newspapers.
So long as the rural poor Malays are kept ignorant of the political shenanigans of the UMNO/BN leaches, there is no hope of Pakatan Rakyat going to Putra Jaya.
The downtrodden Malays, Chinese, Indians and the bumiputra folks from Sabah/Sarawak should rise up and show the UMNO/BN the middle finger that they are fed up.
They should demand a CHANGE in government by voting out UMNO/BN.
This UMNO/BN is a liablity to the nation. They should be shown the exit.
So UMNO/BN, how about calling for the 13th GE as soon as possible. Don't wait too long. Your candidates might even lose their deposits.
Anything has a price in bolehland. maybe the mederka survey also succumbed when the bn$$$?
The online version of The Star on Monday, June 7th had a whopping total of 9 anti-Israel & anti-Jews articles. This maddening Malaysian media obsession with Arab-Israel conflict is sickening.
The Turk regime massacred millions of Armenians and Kurds and occupied Greek island Cyprus. In fact, currently, the Turks are occupying the land that was formerly known as Byzantium & the city that is known as Istanbul was formerly known as Constantinople doesn’t belong to the Turks.
Why can’t we hear the Greeks committing suicide bombing to liberate Constantinople or Christians liberating the Church of St Sophia from the Turks?
The Malaysian government & their media largely focus solely on anti-Israel & anti-Jews propaganda. This is doing Malaysians a vast disservice by ignoring domestic problems such as PKFZ scandal, issuance of gambling license to Ascot Sports, Malaysia going bankrupt, murder of Teoh Beng Hock & Altantunya, etc.
I’m very sad to see The Star which is supposed to belong to the Chinese MCA and therefore a Chinese media that could provide alternative news from Chinese’s perspective is using Arab-Israel conflict to divert people’s attention from the issuance of gambling license to Vincent Tan and the decision by the new MCA minister to stop the probe on PKFZ scandal.
In the past, UMNO & its media are using the Jews as the bogeymen to divert people’s attention from domestic problems. They learned this evil trick from the Arab dictators who love to use Israel and Jews as the bogeymen so that they could remain in power.
Now, even the Chinese in Malaysia are using the Jews as bogeymen to divert people’s attention from domestic problems.
"In the same report, they also stated that of the 1,028 sampled, 47% responded as unemployed or "not in the workforce"! This alone should raise questions on the credibility of the Merdeka Center poll and its sampling.
You mean to tell me that 47% of Malaysians do not have to feed themselves or are retired?"M2Day.
Lies, damn lies and statistics! Pink-lips caught lying again!!
we are all of 1 race, the Human Race
I thought that it was against the law to conduct a political opinion poll. Correct me if I wrong This law was passed during the rule of TDM.Ramalx
Polls??? Oh i just love it!!
It's not provocation but a challenge PM Najib aka 'Sifu of Bullfrogs and Kataks' to call for GE-13 since he's so cocksure of his popularity, if it's not an APCO spin, why hesitate then?
That Perak pirate Zambry tried made the same spin, boasted that he's being 'accepted' by Perakians but he's too coward to approach his royal guardian to dissolve the Perak State Assembly, why?
LOL!!! the truth is Perakians don't care a damn for him and BN anymore, they don't deserve an iota of respect from Perakians since the powergrab. Well, he tries getting close to the people even to the club gymn but we shun him, he's still being ignored and treated as invisible! Sad case hoh?!!!
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