anon 4.58pm- I AM IMPRESSED! you seem to know so much.
Were you personally at the event in PJ as well as the one in Seremban? So you went around comparing person to person of those attending the events?
If no one new were there, at least we know now YOU attended both events ! Well done!
However - if you merely ASS-u(&)me -from the photos; that this indeed was the truth ie same ppl same shit - then it still shows you care! Still - WELL DONE!
BTW - If anyone is interested to write in English, pls note that there is (& never will be) a plural to the word "people"
A mistake like that is especially jarring particularly when there is - like only 10 words in the sentence.
Awesome, Betul, saya akui BI saya tidak sehebat saudara/saudari? Oleh kerana itu saya menulis pula dalam BM. Bagaimana BM saudara/saudari? Diharap sehabat BI anda! Diakui penilaian hanya berdasarkan melihat gambar-gambar sahaja. "See one see all" Betul tak ungkapan ini?. Menurut penglihatan saya gambar-gambar Di PJ dan Seremban sama sahaja. Dari gambar-gambar itu seolah-olah ada satu pesta bukan untuk sesuatu perjuangan yang benar-benar bererti!. Saya menunggu dengan penuh minat "perhimpunan memasang lilin" di tempat-tempat yang lain. Ini kali terakhir saya memberi komen. Saya tidak dapat menyukai sesaorang yang menghina terhadap sesuatu kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh orang lain. Sekurang-kurangnya dia berani untuk mencuba. Kalau benar-benar tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat sesaorang, beri hujah balas.Betulkan kesilapan yang dilakukan! Hanya orang yang rendah budi sahaja bersikap seperti saudara/saudari?.
Brave hearts can truly brave the rain Their noble efforts will never go down the drain While others may find such activity a strain These hearts can still smile while using their brains
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 031108 Mon. 3rd Nov. 2008.
Bernard can you write up on this, this is a non relevant to the topic but could you do a writeup with this suggestion to the Pkatan states, a word of advice maybe since they are facing sabotage from state employees. Ithink the time has come to give them an ultimation. when UMNO RE-TOOK Trengganau FROM pas in 2004, they went on a sacking spree, on state oficials who had been appointed by PAS, so therefore there is a preceddent. The pakatan states seem to be faced with a lot of obstacles from the state civil servants, I think we need to remind the Pakatan rulers, who they are answerable to, their civil "SERVANTS" or to their constituents.In other words us the rakyat. This is not a racial issue but one of relevence, the arrogant 'tidak apa attitude' must be stopped now or it will be allowed to fester for too long pakatan dies an natural death. The time is very short to repair the damage and mis-management done by previous administrations under UMNO and the BN. M.B. KHALID, (and all the pakatan M.B.s and C.M. TO their own civil servants) HAS TO MAKE A STATEMENT and a directiveto all civil servants and also , TO THE PKNS STAFF, PKNS WORKS TO THE SELANGOR STATE GOVT AGENDA, not some mumbo jumbo 'agenda ketuanan melayu umno. '
The new slogan for the pakatan states to the state civil servants should read, 'WORK WITH US or GO WORK SOMEWHERE ELSE' this will be an indirect slap to that other guy who came out and made false promises with 'WORK WITH ME' SLOGAN. This should be the ultimation to the 'BIADAP' culture of our biadap civil servants. so can you gloss this up since my english seems to be suffering from foreign language constant usage here.
Kepada adik si -anon ketupat yang kurang ajar, tak cukup belajarlah kayu. adik berkata'Hanya orang yang rendah budi sahaja bersikap seperti saudara/saudari?.' adik nak tanya satu, siapa yang tidak bersopan santun, adik tak beri nama. sahaja 'ANONYMOUS' , kLAU BERANI NAK BERHUJAH, dimana letaknya sopan santun kamu, kalau tak berani nak bagi nama, apa nak ajar mengenai 'bersopan, bila adik tiadanya sendiri' Perangai begini di panggil ' Buang batu , sorok tangan" bagi saya isilah ini di panggil 'Kurang ajar' atau pun ' BIADAP' dari segi perangai penyangak adik. engrand kata 'SONNY IF YOU CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT, FOCK OFF FROM THE KITCHEN' kononnya. dan kepada hujah adik yang berkata 'Ini kali terakhir saya memberi komen.' saya bagi pihak orang biasa di sini bertitah TERIMA KASIH dan SELAMAT JALAAAAAN.
salam semua, yes!!! saya setuju ngan pendpt artic turban berkenaan ngan komen anon tu, dier masuk2 je bg komen dh kureng asam..ko tk suka..ko diam2 dh la... bukannya ader org paksa ko pon... biler di tegur, pandai plak marah..apo la.. g la duk ontok2 n pikirkn aper yg trbaik tuk awak n negara nie...
Who care, if is the same peoples at the different gathering!
The rain was blessings from heaven to the brave ones!
anon 4.58pm- I AM IMPRESSED! you seem to know so much.
Were you personally at the event in PJ as well as the one in Seremban? So you went around comparing person to person of those attending the events?
If no one new were there, at least we know now YOU attended both events ! Well done!
However - if you merely ASS-u(&)me -from the photos; that this indeed was the truth ie same ppl same shit - then it still shows you care! Still - WELL DONE!
BTW - If anyone is interested to write in English, pls note that there is (& never will be) a plural to the word "people"
A mistake like that is especially jarring particularly when there is - like only 10 words in the sentence.
Betul, saya akui BI saya tidak sehebat saudara/saudari? Oleh kerana itu saya menulis pula dalam BM. Bagaimana BM saudara/saudari? Diharap sehabat BI anda!
Diakui penilaian hanya berdasarkan melihat gambar-gambar sahaja. "See one see all" Betul tak ungkapan ini?. Menurut penglihatan saya gambar-gambar Di PJ dan Seremban sama sahaja. Dari gambar-gambar itu seolah-olah ada satu pesta bukan untuk sesuatu perjuangan yang benar-benar bererti!. Saya menunggu dengan penuh minat "perhimpunan memasang lilin" di tempat-tempat yang lain. Ini kali terakhir saya memberi komen. Saya tidak dapat menyukai sesaorang yang menghina terhadap sesuatu kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh orang lain. Sekurang-kurangnya dia berani untuk mencuba. Kalau benar-benar tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat sesaorang, beri hujah balas.Betulkan kesilapan yang dilakukan! Hanya orang yang rendah budi sahaja bersikap seperti saudara/saudari?.
Brave hearts can truly brave the rain
Their noble efforts will never go down the drain
While others may find such activity a strain
These hearts can still smile while using their brains
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 031108
Mon. 3rd Nov. 2008.
Bernard can you write up on this, this is a non relevant to the topic but could you do a writeup with this suggestion to the Pkatan states, a word of advice maybe since they are facing sabotage from state employees. Ithink the time has come to give them an ultimation. when UMNO RE-TOOK Trengganau FROM pas in 2004, they went on a sacking spree, on state oficials who had been appointed by PAS, so therefore there is a preceddent. The pakatan states seem to be faced with a lot of obstacles from the state civil servants, I think we need to remind the Pakatan rulers, who they are answerable to, their civil "SERVANTS" or to their constituents.In other words us the rakyat.
This is not a racial issue but one of relevence, the arrogant 'tidak apa attitude' must be stopped now or it will be allowed to fester for too long pakatan dies an natural death.
The time is very short to repair the damage and mis-management done by previous administrations under UMNO and the BN.
M.B. KHALID, (and all the pakatan M.B.s and C.M. TO their own civil servants)
HAS TO MAKE A STATEMENT and a directiveto all civil servants and also , TO THE PKNS STAFF, PKNS WORKS TO THE SELANGOR STATE GOVT AGENDA, not some mumbo jumbo 'agenda ketuanan melayu umno. '
The new slogan for the pakatan states to the state civil servants should read,
this will be an indirect slap to that other guy who came out and made false promises with 'WORK WITH ME' SLOGAN. This should be the ultimation to the 'BIADAP' culture of our biadap civil servants. so can you gloss this up since my english seems to be suffering from foreign language constant usage here.
Kepada adik si -anon ketupat yang kurang ajar, tak cukup belajarlah kayu.
adik berkata'Hanya orang yang rendah budi sahaja bersikap seperti saudara/saudari?.'
adik nak tanya satu, siapa yang tidak bersopan santun, adik tak beri nama. sahaja 'ANONYMOUS' ,
kLAU BERANI NAK BERHUJAH, dimana letaknya sopan santun kamu, kalau tak berani nak bagi nama, apa nak ajar mengenai 'bersopan, bila adik tiadanya sendiri' Perangai begini di panggil ' Buang batu , sorok tangan" bagi saya isilah ini di panggil 'Kurang ajar' atau pun ' BIADAP' dari segi perangai penyangak adik. engrand kata 'SONNY IF YOU CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT, FOCK OFF FROM THE KITCHEN' kononnya.
dan kepada hujah adik yang berkata 'Ini kali terakhir saya memberi komen.'
saya bagi pihak orang biasa di sini bertitah
salam semua, yes!!! saya setuju ngan pendpt artic turban berkenaan ngan komen anon tu, dier masuk2 je bg komen dh kureng asam..ko tk suka..ko diam2 dh la... bukannya ader org paksa ko pon... biler di tegur, pandai plak marah..apo la.. g la duk ontok2 n pikirkn aper yg trbaik tuk awak n negara nie...
pls organise one in perak = a pktan state , ok !?
FYI, I have a create a video here:
hope u guys enjoy it
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