Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009

nstman said...
I lived in
August 30, 2009 10:29 AM
gunner said...
Dear Sir
To nstman,
There is a better example of harmonious living in Melaka for more than a hundred years.
Just go the
In fact, there is another mosque situated 150 metres from the CHT temple!
Residents in that area respect each other's religion and culture and have never complained or 'caused trouble'.
The best part of it all is that area is 99% Chinese!
I think 'these people in SEC 23 SA' have a lot to learn from the Malaccans!
Otherwise ,
August 30, 2009 6:04 PM
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Let good sense prevail.
Francis Jeffrey (1773 - 1850)
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
We lived in harmony until someone came and told us they were taller and we were shorter!
We were happy being one people until someone came and told us there's disparity and actions must be taken!
We liked one another until someone came and told us they were saying bad things about us and they must be silenced!
We felt proud to be one people until someone came and told us we were different from them!
And today, that someone is still telling the same old lies - but that someone forgot that he is not God and there is judgment after death!
contributed by Penang Laksa -Dec.2008

If The Army Could Run Program Berbentuk Kemasyarakatan In Permatang Pasir, Lulu Hopes They Can Do The Same For Starving Penans in Sarawak
The military doctors very kindly helped do medical screening and aid at permatang pasir, coinciding [oh what luck!] with the permatang pasir by-elections.
The Orang Asals in the interior of
Some individuals have raised money to send food to our fellow anak bangsa
Unfortunately, the food cannot reach them due to logistic problems.
Friday August 28, 2009
No bridge, so no food for Penans
MIRI: The food shortage problem in central
Efforts to send food aid to the Penans have now been seriously hampered.
Yesterday, more than 1,600 packets of rice weighing 16,000kg were despatched by donors through the Catholic Church.
However, the food supply is stuck at the Sungai Asap settlement, about 50km from the Bakun Dam, as timber lorries used to deliver the food cannot cross the Sungai Linau after the dismantling of the bridge.
The timber concession area was earmarked for flooding this October to create a reservoir for the dam.
Reverend Father Sylvester Ding, aid collection co-ordinator, said it would take a long time to carry food aid across the river by boat.
“We are in a dilemma as to how to send the food to Lusong Laku settlement and SRK Lusong Laku where the food shortage is most acute.
“We have no choice but to seek help from the locals to transport the food across the river.
“We will also try to reach five other settlements near the Indonesian border by other routes. We hope the weather will be favourable, as it has been a few weeks since supply reached those in need,” he said.
This is so sad.
Lulu hopes the army can step in to help with the food delivery.
Maybe even the big companies who have their own helicopters - off Lulu's mind - people like Genting could assist in food aid as part of their community project cum clear our conscience programme.
If you are a Lulu reader, and are filthy rich or know of people who are filthy rich, could you ask them to help.
In the mean time, the Penans live in hunger.
Below are pics of the military involvement during the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide disaster. The did a splendid job, rescuing residents, deploying food for the affected residents, and built a bridge to facilitate operations.
The Police does not have sufficient funds to send an Investigating Officer to look into the rape of Penan girls. Maybe the Minister of Defence can send an army medical corp into the interior to give these poor girls a chance. PLEASE. And please sir, send our boys to build them a bridge so that food can reach the starving Penans.

Friday, August 28, 2009
Spoke to Selangor Exco member, X, about the Malaysiakini report yesterday of the press conference by Hassan Ali where he talked about the possibility in the future of action being taken against Muslims working in breweries in Selangor, suggesting that this would be implemented in three stages – awareness, education and enforcement.
I asked if this was indeed a policy that the Exco was going along with.
“Are you mad? Do you think we are all mad?”, X retorted.
“Hassan is doing his own thing.
He’s got it in his head that this is a sure way to please the 53% Muslim population in Selangor”, X explained.
I replied that given his move to get mosque officials to go out and nab Muslims drinking alcohol in the state, thus acknowledging that not all Muslims in the state necessarily see eye to eye with him on the issue of alcohol, surely he must realise that not all Muslims in the state would approve of what he is doing.
“Huh, even Hadi told him that he should not try and import the ways of Terengganu and Kelantan into Selangor as the Muslims in Selangor are not quite the same, but Hassan is not bothered”, came the response.
I asked if this latest move was no more than Hassan off on a frolic of his own, why were the other Exco members not speaking up to shout him down.
“Look, if the non-Muslim Exco members come out in opposition, they’re branded anti-Islam by Hassan’s goons out there. If the Muslim Exco members speak up, even worse. They’ll be condemned as sesat or murtad,”, X lamented.
Can’t Khalid do anything, I asked.
“Tricky situation, lah”, was the reply.
Can’t the top Pakatan leadership get him to toe the line, I shot back.
1.“Look, if the non-Muslim Exco members come out in opposition, they’re branded anti-Islam by Hassan’s goons out there. If the Muslim Exco members speak up, even worse. They’ll be condemned as sesat or murtad,”, X lamented.
So why do you think you voted in....to cringe in the corner when cornered and to sulk like a helpless, hapless, hopeless crybaby. Admit it, you are an impotent bunch!
So you thought we voted you to walk in the park?

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Our decision to leave for home after lunch took a turn when Fauzi alerted us to a Press Conference called by Penang’s Chief Minister Lim Guan
I wanted to particularly congratulate YB Salleh Man as I missed the celebration the night before after he was declared the state assemblyman for Permatang Pasir. Over the last eight days we had developed a close affinity through following him in his campaign and ceremahs. I congratulated him in anticipation of his being an exco member and that important MAIPP portfolio

Being at this Press Conference afforded me the opportunity that I had waited long for. Pete (RPK) and I agreed that the oppressive stance taken by the police did not allow for the impact we intended the anti-ISA candlelight vigils would have. We decided on a new strategy and Pete immediately called a few state leaders. The response was somewhat lukewarm.

Here they are Sir, for the consideration of your Executive Council. Feel free to add or improve but most importantly we need you to take PERSONAL OWNERSHIP of this.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

GOOD MORNING PEOPLE, the day isn't starting so well. It is annoying difficult to upload from where I am. But we will try to do the best with what we have.
Duke and Fauzi left Pearl View at 0630am for their designated areas.
Duke will cover JDM 7 Tanah Liat Mk8 , JDM 8 Kg Cross Street 2, B B and JDM 9 Permatang Tengah, Tasek Gelugor
Fauzi will monitor JDM 4 Bukit Indra Muda, JDM 5 Kampung Pelet, JDM 6 Kubang Semang.
Hometown boy VIV works around JDM1 Sama Gagah, JDM2 Permatang Ara and JDM 3, Permatang Pauh.
Whatever appears here later today are all contributions from these three.
PAS 9618
UMNO 5067
I am getting some unofficial numbers from perisik@rakyat
No. | Nama | Parti | Jumlah Undi Semasa |
1 | Mohd Salleh Man | Parti Islam Semalaysia | 9618 |
2 | Rohaizat Othman | United Malay National Organisation | 5067 |
Total Majoriti: | 4551 |
No. | Nama | Parti | Jumlah Undi Semasa |
1 | Mohd Salleh Man | Parti Islam Semalaysia | 9712 |
2 | Rohaizat Othman | United Malay National Organisation | 5050 |
Total Majoriti: | 4662 |
No. | Nama | Parti | Jumlah Undi Semasa |
1 | Mohd Salleh Man | Parti Islam Semalaysia | 9616 |
2 | Rohaizat Othman | United Malay National Organisation | 4941 |
Total Majoriti: | 4675 |
No. | Nama | Parti | Jumlah Undi Semasa |
1 | Mohd Salleh Man | Parti Islam Semalaysia | 8524 |
2 | Rohaizat Othman | United Malay National Organisation | 4063 |
Total Majoriti: | 4461 |
No. | Nama | Parti | Jumlah Undi Semasa |
1 | Mohd Salleh Man | Parti Islam Semalaysia | 7222 |
2 | Rohaizat Othman | United Malay National Organisation | 3201 |
Total Majoriti: | 4021 |
No. | Nama | Parti | Jumlah Undi Semasa |
1 | Mohd Salleh Man | Parti Islam Semalaysia | 5646 |
2 | Rohaizat Othman | United Malay National Organisation | 2272 |
Total Majoriti: | 3374 |
No. | Nama | Parti | Jumlah Undi Semasa |
1 | Mohd Salleh Man | Parti Islam Semalaysia | 5341 |
2 | Rohaizat Othman | United Malay National Organisation | 2075 |
Total Majoriti: | 3266 |
No. | Nama | Parti | Jumlah Undi Semasa |
1 | Mohd Salleh Man | Parti Islam Semalaysia | 2399 |
2 | Rohaizat Othman | United Malay National Organisation | 1016 |
Total Majoriti: | 1383 |
PAS 1359 UMNO 543 Majority 816
GUS in counting centre....roads to counting centre closed and FRU presence is very heavy. Soon I should be geting some njumbers from him.
Meanswhile Duke says that PAS is holding meeting at Induk. Results from polling centres should also be out soon. Fauzi is going life now.
At the mention of Pascqual (the racist magpie) I texted Shang: Are you sick having a beer with him?
Shang pulled a fast one....he was with Dino Pascqual.....the Minister of Affairs!
I am asking the boys to call it a day.....the 4 crates of beer are aptly chilled.
GUS has already left for the Counting Centre and should be sending in the results as it drips in. Stay here.....
Rempits were organised by mamak Reezal Merican
AS AT 4:00PM 70.5% (14,300) HAVE CAST THEIR VOTE
V sees the yellow teed UMNO youths amassing opposite the chinese cemetery in Penanti.
Duke too observed that BN supporters calling it a day just like in Manek Urai.
There is currently an EC ban on wearing of party shirts. However there have been instances of loose implementation of this ruling. Duke witnessed unfairness of this ruling in Permatang Pasir.
Commotion over wearing of party vest and shirt. EC trying to enforce this on PAS. PAS supporters want the enforcement to affect UMNO too. EC did not enforce equally. Currently, there is some stand-off.
The Yellow shirts have now gathered at the BN tent in Indera Muda. V believes one of them was bleeding in the arm. Do expect TV3 having a field day on this, V predicts. Candidate Rohaizat and his entourage is seen at this centre with the rempits. PAS supporters taunt with "Rasuah, rasuah." FRU on alert.
As at 0100PM 53% or 10,812 have voted
They have moved away taking off their yellow tees..... V confirmed that they are Rempits....Kampong people say they are not from their kampong....confirming they are rempits from outside Kg Petani.
The are putting on their yellow tees and moving off to another destination. V says he will follow them. I told V....follow from a safe distance.
V just counted 9 police trucks and 4 LandRovers.
I dont mean to spoil anyone's lunch, but I don't understand how some UMNO clowns always invoke the name of God into their frivolous comments:
"But to loose is only ordinary especially since Permatang Pasir is a PAS stronghold, but if BN can reduce the majority, that will be a gracious gift from God," said Ahmad Zahid adding that it has been the toughest by-election for BN.
Not to worry malamcaller...Mama Tojo would not allow the Admiral to come out north. I will have a few words with her when I get back to KL. Women!!!!!!
Duke taking his brunch now.....why dont all take a break. Duke the policy is 20 minutes lunch, right? This isn't lazy, hazy Kuala Sepatang, yes, and you dont have Admiral Tojo with you.....have a good, quick brunch.
Voter turnout stands at 55% at Sama Gagah.
V witnessed police preventing Mat Rempits from moving into PAS crowd at Sama Gagah
Without the pondok panas cheering and jeering still exists. At Kubang Semang voting station, the atmosphere was also hot with supporters from both sides teasing each other.
Police have permitted UMNO Youth to go on procession in Permatang Pauh. This has caused a grid-lock jam
Duke reports that UMNO Youth causing trouble in Permatang Pauh.....he is into getting more details.
Voter turnout as at 10am was 28.5 percent, or 5,775 voters, said the EC.
No explanation given and there are now only 8 polling centres - SJKC Lay Keow Permatang Pauh, SMK Sama Gagah, SK Permatang Pauh, SK Permatang Pasir, SK Bukit Indra Muda, SJKC Kubang Semang, SK Seri Penanti and Sek Rendah Islam Al-Masriyah.
The EC announced that the turnout rate at 9.25am was 14.6 percent (2,566 voters).Rain is expected in the afternoon and many want to get this finished with.
Dang.....the messages are coming and I am having trouble uploading.....bear with me. I am thinking of changing location from where I am, short of losing my temper.
When we experience silence for this amount of time it means the guys are on the road going to another polling area. I will try to comment during this silence from the trio,
Yesterday, Datuk Mafuz Omar said that PAS will win by 1 vote. I wagered with him last night that PAS will win by two. Whichever is nearer to the official result wins and the loser pays for buka puasa fare tonight.
Anwar, Wan Azizah and Mohd Salleh Man arrived at the SK Seri Penanti polling station at about 8.20am to vote.DSAI supported the disallowing of pondok panas.
Lots of cheering and jeering in Permatang Pasir....weather is glooming....both sides amusing themselves. When the weather changes things might happen!
(Duke, what are you trying to imply......we dont want any trouble....go have some coffee lah....)
Bukit Indera Indah situation in control....people are coming out early to vote. Why are we seeing so many SPR workers around polloing stations. They made their presence annoying in Manek Urai, remember? They even had time to volunteer to show Shanghai where the tandas was!
Mat Rempits seen in big numbers. Police are keeping them in check. They are threatening to come out to the main road towards PAS supporters. Most are teenagers.
No pondok panas seen around polling stations. They were demolished last night....possibly by EC.
Monday, August 24, 2009
And to save the tattered economy, BN gave a walkover to PR at Penanti.....and the economy remained tattered! And now this Permatang Pasir where a can of worms went on show!
I admire resourceful people. But resourceful people do not make desperate moves or utter nonentities. "He may be disbarred, but he is a good man." I have known him for 10 years and he can do well for his constituency if he wins." "I brought in the army to dispense medical services and also to help in things religious."
Yesterday's prophetic announcement by the DPM wins him the cake, and he can eat it. Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said there is a possibility that more elected representatives from PKR will leave the party as they have lost confidence in the struggles of their leader. Hello! The way I heard it across the border from Permatang Pasir, Radzi is having trouble managing his four wives and find it difficult to manage his constituency. Seems his fourth is disgruntled (as Rohaizat's second is too) and taking a case.


THEY clutch at any straw, the last straw hopefully! The faltering Minister of Communication has already said that PAS majority will be reduced. GAME OVER? NO says the frustrated DPM. He clutched at his last straw and promised the people of Permatang Pasir that if BN wins he will transform PP into a GOLDEN BOY. Whatever that means, nobody, not even in the UMNO camp has volunteered to fathom.
"For some 50 years BN ruled this Penang State" cited Pak Sulong at one of the warongs in Kampong Pelet, "there were no golden opportunities. We dont want anything else, except opportunities to improve our yield." He continued, " The first Cheif Minister Wong Pow Nee did a lot for us. After he was replaced, nothing much has been done except the ones in a while token fertilisers, and that only around some elections."
They don't need no Golden Boy, just a more conducive environment for them to cultivate their land, minus the disruptive floods.
YB SALLEH MAN.....you heard that?