written by FFT, May 06, 2008 | 06:53:00 He wrote about allegations against the IGP, the PDRM, and the AG. No sedition charge.
He wrote about Khairy in the Chronicles. No sedition charge.
He wrote about Badawi's many alleged scandals. No sedition charge.
He wrote about SCOMI and Kamaluddin. No sedition charge.
He writes a tame article about Najib and Rosmah, that too backed by information revealed in sworn court testimony, and the sedition act is thrown at him.
That should instruct you as to who is the heart of darkness and a harbinger of the return to the dark ages of Mahathirism.
It is patently obvious that Badawi and cohorts, despite their faults and weaknesses, have a progressive open streak that places them relatively light years ahead of the Dark Lords of Mahathirism.
As Hishamuddin Rais' earlier article states "Najib Pembawa Zaman Gelap".
written by gundohing, May 06, 2008 | 06:32:56
This is the biggest joke in our police history. Atlantuya was murdured and Raja Petra goes to court!
written by FFT, May 06, 2008 | 06:53:00 He wrote about allegations against the IGP, the PDRM, and the AG. No sedition charge.
He wrote about Khairy in the Chronicles. No sedition charge.
He wrote about Badawi's many alleged scandals. No sedition charge.
He wrote about SCOMI and Kamaluddin. No sedition charge.
He writes a tame article about Najib and Rosmah, that too backed by information revealed in sworn court testimony, and the sedition act is thrown at him.
That should instruct you as to who is the heart of darkness and a harbinger of the return to the dark ages of Mahathirism.
It is patently obvious that Badawi and cohorts, despite their faults and weaknesses, have a progressive open streak that places them relatively light years ahead of the Dark Lords of Mahathirism.
As Hishamuddin Rais' earlier article states "Najib Pembawa Zaman Gelap".
written by gundohing, May 06, 2008 | 06:32:56
This is the biggest joke in our police history. Atlantuya was murdured and Raja Petra goes to court!
No time to take a break, for fight we must.
May The Force Be With You
GOD! Please bless our PM.
i wish i can be there, but can as i am in borneo. pls everyone who are fans of RPK in klang valley, pls pls pls be there.
hi zorro,
check out this site www.malaysiansoapbox@blogspot.com
sorry zorro
its www.malaysiansoapbox.blogspot.com
written by FFT, May 06, 2008 | 06:53:00
He wrote about allegations against the IGP, the PDRM, and the AG. No sedition charge.
He wrote about Khairy in the Chronicles. No sedition charge.
He wrote about Badawi's many alleged scandals. No sedition charge.
He wrote about SCOMI and Kamaluddin. No sedition charge.
He writes a tame article about Najib and Rosmah, that too backed by information revealed in sworn court testimony, and the sedition act is thrown at him.
That should instruct you as to who is the heart of darkness and a harbinger of the return to the dark ages of Mahathirism.
It is patently obvious that Badawi and cohorts, despite their faults and weaknesses, have a progressive open streak that places them relatively light years ahead of the Dark Lords of Mahathirism.
As Hishamuddin Rais' earlier article states "Najib Pembawa Zaman Gelap".
written by gundohing, May 06, 2008 | 06:32:56
This is the biggest joke in our police history. Atlantuya was murdured and Raja Petra goes to court!
written by FFT, May 06, 2008 | 06:53:00
He wrote about allegations against the IGP, the PDRM, and the AG. No sedition charge.
He wrote about Khairy in the Chronicles. No sedition charge.
He wrote about Badawi's many alleged scandals. No sedition charge.
He wrote about SCOMI and Kamaluddin. No sedition charge.
He writes a tame article about Najib and Rosmah, that too backed by information revealed in sworn court testimony, and the sedition act is thrown at him.
That should instruct you as to who is the heart of darkness and a harbinger of the return to the dark ages of Mahathirism.
It is patently obvious that Badawi and cohorts, despite their faults and weaknesses, have a progressive open streak that places them relatively light years ahead of the Dark Lords of Mahathirism.
As Hishamuddin Rais' earlier article states "Najib Pembawa Zaman Gelap".
written by gundohing, May 06, 2008 | 06:32:56
This is the biggest joke in our police history. Atlantuya was murdured and Raja Petra goes to court!
in showing my support for Pete, i will pass a buck to you and need you to pass it on to Marina.
I just want to know where is the "threat to security" of the country with what RPK wrote ????
I am TRULY missaing the plot here
Why would RPK be arrested if:
the article written is plainly a lie (Sue him under defamation and that's a civil case, no?)
the article will stir up mistrust amongst the people for a future head of state
But ain't it ministers who says only gobloks, unemployed housewives, retirees read & post blogs - so where's the harm?
On my part - My eyes are not blind, my ears are not deaf, and I am far from being a creature of no logic, brains or reason...
Just ONE teensy tiny little thing ...
(since I adore everything the dear future First lady uses, and wear, and I want to emulate her)
My question is
Please Datin Seri advise me
Where do you get all those gorgeous eye-popping jewellery and rocks adorning your very beautiful self?
I have been checking everywhere and find that no matter where I search and look, some of those pieces you wear (from Bulgari, Chopard, Patek Phillipe)
seems to cost the same as (or more than) the Annual salary of a high paying CEO in an MNC in USA
Please DO NOT throw me into ISA.
I just want to know where you shop, and
how come my husband who really does earn more than a minister, is unable to afford me the same lovelies. I so envy you Datin Seri!
plse see article in MT
account holder's name is visvalingam and not "..linjam"
plse help me out? lend me RM100 and do the neccessary? so sorry to bother you bro but you know I love you!! :) Pay you when we meet in june
RPK for PM
bernard no worries about banking in for me to rpk rm1 support
they hv paypal on mt..but if you hv already done so, no sweat mate..you know a woman like me lah...just buy 1 less pair of shoes! :)
And I love to use my credit card too!! :)
Memang bestlah RPK ni. Semua benda dia tahu. Dia memang tau ke sape bunuh Altantuya? Camne dia tahu eh?
Anon-ni-muse....You tak tahu ke? You bodoh...sangat bodoh.
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