SITUATION: Illegal Gerais were set up some 20 years ago. Correspondence is available that the
former MCA MP would, with DBKL solve this problem. It was never solved and business went on as usual.
Recently, it is believed the MCA in collusion with some DBKL officers decided to revive this age-old problem. Notice was given that the gerai would be demolished. Wangsa Maju MP Wee Choo Keong negotiated with the Ketua Pengarah DBKL for a stay of action. Emails were sent out by Datuk Hj Salleh to all the relevant officers in Jabatan Perancang on this stay of action.
Two police reports have been lodged against an officer of DBKL, En Azlan bin Abdullah, at the Balai Polis Wangsa Maju this afternoon for 1) the continuing criminal demolition of private property; and 2) his criminal abuse of power and defiance of order from his superior to stop acting outside of his duties.
The two police reports are: WMAJU/005428/08 (12.49 pm); WMAJU/005430/08 (1.41 pm)
YB Wee Choo Keong received this email:
From: shaari ahmad junid <>
To: Wee Choo Keong <>
Cc: Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur <>;;
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:55:51 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: gambar gerai desa setapak diroboh Oleh Jab Perancang
YB. Wee Choo Keong
Saya tidak terima gambar yang YB. nyatakan dalam e-mail ini. Saya telah bercakap dengan YBhg. Datuk Ketua Pengarah berkaitan penangguhan yang diberikan oleh Datuk Ketua Pengarah dalam kes gerai di Desa Setapak dan didapati SMS diantara YB. dgn Datuk KP telah dihantar kepada Pengarah Jbt. Perancang meminta masa diberi kepada YB untuk berbincang dengan Pegerai, tetapi pesanan penangguhan tersebut telah tidak sampai kepada pegawai lapangan En. Azlan.
Oleh kerana tiada pengsahan bertulis dan Datuk Ketua Pengarah tidak dapat dihubungi pada 21hb.Mei 08, Operasi meroboh telah dilaksanakan kerana ini adalah kes yang tertangguh begitu lama.
Saya minta maaf terhadap kegagalan penyampaian keputusan Datuk Ketua Pengarah kepada Pegawai Lapangan yang menyebabkan kerja meroboh dilaksanakan seperti dilaporkan.
Perkara ini telah dimaklumkan kepada Datuk Ketua Pengarah dan diputuskan tindakan penguatkuasaan ditangguhkan untuk 14 hari dari hari ini. Keputusan ini hendaklah disusuli dengan surat rayuan bertulis dari YB dengan menyatakan cara penyelesaian yang akan dilaksanakan dan struktur tanpa izin akan dirobohkan selepas 14 hari. Keputusan ini telah disampaikan kepada Pengarah Perancang.
Keperihatinan YB. terhadap isu ini hendaklah diiring bersama dengan sokongan terhadap penguatkuasaan yang mematuhi undang undang dan penambahbaikan kepada persekitaran Parlimen Wangsa Maju.
Sekian Terima Kaseh,
Aj. Shaari
Pegawai Khas kepada Datuk BandarSaya tidak terima gambar yang YB. nyatakan dalam e-mail ini. Saya telah bercakap dengan YBhg. Datuk Ketua Pengarah berkaitan penangguhan yang diberikan oleh Datuk Ketua Pengarah dalam kes gerai di Desa Setapak dan didapati SMS diantara YB. dgn Datuk KP telah dihantar kepada Pengarah Jbt. Perancang meminta masa diberi kepada YB untuk berbincang dengan Pegerai, tetapi pesanan penangguhan tersebut telah tidak sampai kepada pegawai lapangan En. Azlan.
Oleh kerana tiada pengsahan bertulis dan Datuk Ketua Pengarah tidak dapat dihubungi pada 21hb.Mei 08, Operasi meroboh telah dilaksanakan kerana ini adalah kes yang tertangguh begitu lama.
Saya minta maaf terhadap kegagalan penyampaian keputusan Datuk Ketua Pengarah kepada Pegawai Lapangan yang menyebabkan kerja meroboh dilaksanakan seperti dilaporkan.
Perkara ini telah dimaklumkan kepada Datuk Ketua Pengarah dan diputuskan tindakan penguatkuasaan ditangguhkan untuk 14 hari dari hari ini. Keputusan ini hendaklah disusuli dengan surat rayuan bertulis dari YB dengan menyatakan cara penyelesaian yang akan dilaksanakan dan struktur tanpa izin akan dirobohkan selepas 14 hari. Keputusan ini telah disampaikan kepada Pengarah Perancang.
Keperihatinan YB. terhadap isu ini hendaklah diiring bersama dengan sokongan terhadap penguatkuasaan yang mematuhi undang undang dan penambahbaikan kepada persekitaran Parlimen Wangsa Maju.
Sekian Terima Kaseh,
Aj. Shaari
However, this is what will happen this morning:
The Wilayah Pakatan Rakyat MPs and other PR MPs will be going to see the Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur tomorrow morning, 23 May 2008, at 11.00 am to hand over a memorandum protesting the high-handedness of DBKL officers in discriminatingly demolishing the food court involving 130 stalls in Taman Desa Setapak.
Reisdents of KL will also be holding a protest at the same venue at Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Raja Laut at the same time. ALL RAKYAT ARE WELCOME TO JOIN in voicing your unhappiness against the high-handedness of DBKL for breaking the law!
Thank you.
Wee Choo Keong
MP for Wangsa Maju
I'll be there with YewTube Tony to record the event.
a goon he is!
are you saying that the MCA bloke is behind this after losing? if so, sue that sore loser and also the idiot from DBKL. Make sure its a personal suit and dont get entangle with DBKL cause it is a waste of public funds for the latter.
1st of all, who asked them to set up stalls illegally ?
After 20 years, these people don't have the sense to legalise their business premises ?
If it's illegal, it's illegal, there's no two way of looking at it.
Anyone can see now, more than two months after GE12, what kind of people populate BN. Not a single one has demonstrated any interest in serving the rakyat, only their own financial prospects. And when they lose an election, they resort to sabotage and sedition reports against Pakatan Rakyat members and supporters! This MCA guy obviously wants to punish the stallholders in the area who voted against him. Those who supported him have been spared. Talk about transparency - his samseng action against the principles of democracy, using DBKL goonpower, is something we can see right through!
Oh yeah, forgot to add, is there any proof that the MCA bugger is behind all this ? Just becoz the bugger lost in the elections, does it mean that he has something to do with it when DBKL went beserk ?
To quote : "It was never solved and business went on as usual" seems to me that the previous MP managed to get a "stay of execution" during his time. Well "a stay" is better than a bulldozer rite ?
Show some proof that the MCA bugger is behind all this, and all of us can curse him till kingdom come. Before anything is substantiated, let's focus on DBKL's lack of coordination.
Sean Goh
If it's illegal, it's illegal, there's no two way of looking at it.
Very well said....BUT....
There are thousands of illegal stalls like those that were torn down, why no action but selective stalls at certain areas only.
Laws are laws, scream the sleepy pm and all his half past six members but everyone knows that only if you are up against racist umno you will be act upon but NO ACTION will ever be taken if you bodek racist umno.
Lets wait and see this one example:
The police were so fast and quick to look into the reports about Karpal Singh and already their reports had been sent to the AG for further action.
The report against the sleepy pm on the same crime as Karpal has yet to see the police act on it.....
Before we ask the stall owners why they set up stalls illegally, we should ask the government why they didn't help the people to operate their business legally for 20 years? For example, setting up food court to help the hawkers(who can't afford to rent/buy the extremely-expensive shophouses) to make a living. I am pretty sure that you are not a resident nearby. As a TARC student for 4 years, I can tell you that these stalls have helped thousands of TARC students by lowering down living(eating) cost as the benefits of competition. It is also how the other non-F&B businesses nearby thrives as the food stalls attract the customers to the area.
You think that these people never try to legalise their business premises during these 20 years?
I have seen many more illegal businesses in KL which have brought worse effects to the traffic/environment/residents nearby, but how come DBKL is not acting as efficient as in this case?
Think legalised gangsterism.. I think these victims didn't pay their protection money!
he looks well fed and does not need any support from the 130 stall operators.
I was told the MCA goon was approached and he said "he cannot help as he is no longer the MP."
If he is not behind DBKL's action as vengeance against the constituents, why then did his machais warn the stall holders not to get in touch with nor inform YB Wee of the demolition until it's over?
It is as claer as day that this MCA goon has made used of DBKL to wreak havoc and misery on the stall holders.
Curse him!!! May bad omen follow him all the days of his life! Curse! Curse! Curse!
That's the "BN Kerajaan" way of carrying out their duties.
Brainless way just like the pic shown here " slow learner look of this natang ~ AZLAN ABDULLAH " and the rest of natang.
Well.he and the gang have forgotten that they are paid to serve the Rakyat .I really pity them, and I wonder have they any faith (religion)in their mind or not ?
I don't believe he has such gut to have done it but in a gang. So give him and his natang gang a severe lesson.
Ketuanan Rakyat
love to meet the goon 1 to 1 in a dark alley late 1 night and turn his puffy face puffier. but then i am not a goon.
just hope that he will be able to sleep well at night.
law is law, and we should adhere to the law of the day. But when there are selective enforcement like these, it will be terribly hard for the people not to think they are deliberately punished.
Even if (but i suspect otherwise) the previous MCA fella has nothing to do with this 'urgent' demolition, he has to bear serious responsibilities for not relocating these hawkers to another more decent place, with proper carpark and decent sewerage system.
Since it is acknowledge that it was an internal miscommunication by DBKL, then DBKL must take full responsibilities to rebuild these stalls entirely and at their own cost to be offered to these displace hawkers.
I hope this is what MP Wee is looking into, and not solely screaming about selective enforcement and the possible involvement of MCA fella.
"Perkara ini telah dimaklumkan kepada Datuk Ketua Pengarah dan diputuskan tindakan penguatkuasaan ditangguhkan untuk 14 hari dari hari ini. Keputusan ini hendaklah disusuli dengan surat rayuan bertulis dari YB dengan menyatakan cara penyelesaian yang akan dilaksanakan dan struktur tanpa izin akan dirobohkan selepas 14 hari. Keputusan ini telah disampaikan kepada Pengarah Perancang."
YB to write in an appeal? That is quite appalling to me for the fact that those goons in DBKLs are the ones being paid with rakyat's money to work for rakyat!!! WHY THE HECK ARE WE PAYING TAXES? SO THAT THESE GUYS COULD AFFORD LUXURIES AND BULLY THE RAKYATS??? JUSTICE PLEASE!!!
tuahyong's comments......
WTF, this DBKL corrupted goons. In other areas this racsist AMNO/DBKL have collaborated in building nice beautiful "painted zinc" stalls for them after pulling down their old stalls around KL and Malay populated areas. I wonder what the bloody FT Zul and Sara are doing about this. What a waste of Rakyat's money!!
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