This first is from a reader who visits regularly and has his own blog. He prefers to be known as Old Fart.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Samy: Indians can count on MIC
Well, that is what Samy says. But why repeat this and others so frequently these days? Three days ago he was quoted as saying that Indians need to be politically represented in the corridors of power.
Well Samy, fact is we have been for 50 years and see where we are today.
The Indian diaspora that went elsewhere are not politically represented. They have done well for themselves including in some countries like
Samy, just leave the Indians alone. Abandon them. Let them rise up above themselves and fend for themselves. They will and they can. V.K. Lingam has shown us the way. Despite you and the MIC, by staying out of MIC, he, a Malaysian Indian ruled the Malaysian judiciary for over a decade.

Open letter to samy
Dear Dato' Sri,
I hope this letter reaches you either in form or in message.
The purpose of me writing to you is to give you an advice from a Malaysian who spent a lot of time on the ground talking to people. Over the past month and past few functions you or your son attended, reports indicate that the crowd jeered and booed. If there is any strong signs of dislike this is probably the crudest way of saying goodbye.
Dato Seri, over the last 20 odd years your contributions to the Indian community is a lot. The problem is that people have short memory. It is easier to remember something bad than something good about a person. For this simple reason, all the good deeds that you have done are now being eaten up by hatred and anger. People seem to remember more about you helping yourself then the community. Some people say, that you are worth billions. I don't know and I reserve my judgment until I see concrete evidence to the fact.
This is rather sad. I believe if people were to sit down and think hard and find one good thing that you have done, they probably could find it. I for one remember you to bring a sense of order in the MIC. I remember MIC members use to throw chairs at meetings. Even the nation foremost cartoonist, drew a cartoon about this, some years ago. It is not easy to bring people of different believes to sit together and agree on common things. Nonetheless, through your strong arm tactics, you managed to do it. I suppose the need for unity was much more important that this means was considered necessary. Wherever I go, people keep saying that Samy has got a large group of gangsters under his pay roll. I don't know whether it is true or otherwise. I prefer to judge a person until I see the evidence. Right now there is no evidence to that effect. Some people would have used love and care to bring unity among people but this is probably an unsuitable method. I assume you must have
done a proper study to determine the best method to unite people.
Considering your role in this forthcoming 2008 General Election, the sentiment of the people in the recent past has not been felt or seen to be favourable. There seems to be a lot of anger being projected towards you. The time has come Dato Seri, to make a tough decision in life. You see the Indians command 7% of the votes in the country. Assuming 3.5% were to vote the other side, it would affect the performance of Barisan Nasional. So much so that it can cause UMNO or MCA to lose a stronghold. Well some people may argue that this might not happen but it is all about risk and the need to take it.
While you could probably win the Sg Siput seat, it is not guaranteed to be the same for others. In fact your winning can be translated into a loss for many others in the Barisan Nasional. You need to ask yourself a simple question i.e. is, if you are a party man? If you are indeed a party man, you will place the party higher than yourself. You would be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the party.
I believe a wise move would be is, not to contest in the Polls due on
So, Dato Seri Samy, I humbly request, on behalf of the BN members and that of the rest of the Malaysians that you DO NOT contest the next election. Do the right thing. As I said earlier, you can win your seat (by many means) but the same cannot be said about the other seats contested by the other BN component parties. The 7% Indians may just vote the other way.
I wish you all the best in any decision that you make. Thank you. (Nandri)
"Nambikai yodu"
Best Regards,
Dr Mohamed Rafick Abdul Rahman
MD, MMed, MBA, CTM, Dip Ae Med, AME
www.rights2write. wordpress. com
this is a small sacrifice
a better
It is definitely worth it.
a bad sami is a reflection of a bad bn.
a bad bn is due to bad policies.
bad policies are common courtesy and denomination of bn.
the very pride of unmo
Come my Malaysian bros & sis, lets together show UMNO-BN the door come 8/3.
Hiya Bernard,
Wanted to say hi to you at SFX but you left right after it ended.
You made me laugh out loud!
"Please learn to listen!"
Hope to meet you another time soon :)
For those who wants the Makkal Sakti GE 2008 vids in the VCD format can download the image file and burn it. It can be found here gomenbolehland.blogspot.com
Make sure everyone you know watches it before 8 March!!
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