HARIS (Ibrahim) in an interview: Undoubtedly, the young Malaysians give me hope. The young Malaysians give me hope that even as we appear to be in a state of seeming hopelessness, we will see light at the end of the tunnel. God willing.
LAM (Radio Australia Interviewer): Insyah Allah.
HARIS: Insyah Allah.
The rest of the interview HERE.
Lam should be charged for using the forbidden 5-letter word.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
October 28, 2013 at 9:41 PM
WE Australian are very liberal with each other on religion!...unlike your peeled willies and Nellies in your "endless possibilities" land!! Again, these assholes expect other Australians to follow their comical ways...others put up with them simply because, we have class, gracious and charitable....we tolerate bloody ignorant shaved dickheads!
Haris Ibrahim is a true Malaysian hero.
I salute him.
Brother had early dinner with Haris and then on to his talk at around 7pm. Good turnout and lively Q & A. Haris in top form. Finished at 9 pm sharp - then walked with him and a group of others to a cafe in town - left early as I wanted to be home before too late. Take care bro - will write more in blog tomorrow. ...hopefully can load the video I took for all to see.
this jib gomen only knows easy come easy go,he lives by take take take it all but never give.he is the trouble from the first day in office,what more if his wife says take while they still can.light at end of tunnel?.you're right light of the debts that will crushed,crashed on the lives of the poor,poorer and poorest.
Malangnya kebanyakan orang melayu masih percaya (ditipu?) oleh dakwah Utusan & TV3.
Suddenly this old man is interested in saying the Allah word. Stop provoking us Malays/Muslims Allah name which is exclusively ours.
It's Insya allah and not insyah allah, see u dont even know how to say it properly. What a hypocrit
Hi Zorro
Something every Malaysian should know that what the Government is doing behind their back! Selling out to corporate interest!
Anon 932pm....like all infidels I shiver now....your warning is powerful....but actually it was a sudden gust of wind from my lanai. You really a langcheow guy! Thanks for the threat.
Anon1232pm....if you took the trouble to read the link provided, you would notice the same spelling in the last two lines.By the way, when was the lat time you washed? You stink lah!
Between PERKASA & ISMA it seems that both association led by men who seem having PHOBIA AND FEELING BEING THREATENED BY THE EXISTENCE OF OTHER RACES OR RELIGION in Malaysia.
They are so INSECURED to the point that they are unable to accept that other races also has the right to practice their culture and religion.For them, everything or anything done by other than Malay or Muslim will destroy the Malays values especially their faith.
They failed to see that one of BEAUTIFUL things Malaysia has is the MULTI ETHNIC AND MULTIPLE CULTURE that has existed as far as Malacca era. Please don't forget that Tunku Abdul Rahman Al Haj was able to negotiate independence from British with the strong support from the chinese community lead by Tun Tan Cheng Lock & Tun H.S Lee and also from the Indian community lead by Tun V.T Sambathan. If the these malays can accept and be united with the chinese and Indian at the pre independence era, why now ISMA and PERKASA facing them with the such hostile and arrogrant attitude?
Read this excellent article :
Extremism in the name of Islam and Malaysian Muslims
Malaysia being a fertile ground for Islamic extremism is partly caused by the Islamisation agenda of UMNO.
The racist and extremist-inclined policies administered by UMNO and its affiliated groups such as JAKIM as being itself anti-Islam. Although on occasions, a limited number of non-Muslims may have misconducted themselves before Islam; yet this is often due to their ignorance fed by local quasi-extremists who are allowed by UMNO to freely roam and roar around the country or merely exercising their rights within a democratic framework.
I wish to record a note that haris support fraudulent act. He doesn't take contrarian views and censor and ban those he disagree and unable to reply. He encouraged fraudulent act of impersonations. All this well recorded on my blog: the right of reply.
Anon932pm....just for you:
Ellese A....you are still around?....and mumbling what? How is Haris harassing you this time?
Felda owns 8 hotels in Malaysia! How long has Felda owned these hotels? What has the occupancy rate of these hotels been? What has the profit margin been over the period Felda owned the hotels compared to before? Why did you pay 100 million more than the market value for the London hotel ? You didn't deny it; you deflected. Sadly the record of of UMNO/Malay owned and led GLCs is absolutely dismal. GLCs are badly run, make little profits and depend on government largesse to bail them out. So while the occupancy of Grand Plaza Service Apartment might presently be "very good at 80 to 90 percent." based on history I predict things will fall apart in about 1 year. The usual modus operandi is to buy a good business' give it to an incompetent UMNO-crony to run, who will then employ a clueless UMNO-someone who will be paid an astronomical salary to be CEO. And the rest is history. Oh! And the finishing touch will be a bailout or a fire house sale of the hotel 5 years later.
Gone are the days where we have skillful, responsible & hard-working Chinese in Malaysia. The studious or those that's well-to-do, had migrated~! What's left in the new generation of Chinese are mostly consist of lazy, ignorant (like those Chinese in MCA & Gerakan). Some are even unwilling to attend school at very young age, & would rather prefer to work in Cyber Cafes, Snooker Centers, & selling pirated DVDs~!
Ridhuan questioned if defending the Allah ruling and slaughtering of cattle in schools was wrong, and saying it was a sin for Muslims to be silent on the matter.
He also called on PAS not to be cowards, and criticised the Islamist party for hardly saying anything when other quarters decried the slaughter of cattle in schools."
The reason why most Muslims don't speak up on this issue, is because this issue is indefensible. A school is a school. An abbatoir is an abbatoir. A school is not an abbatoir. The logic is simple. Why can this fella get it through his thick head ?
People are not questioning the Muslims' right to ritual slaughter animals, they are questioning whether a school is the proper place to do so. Boy, this guy sure likes to confuse the issues. Must have mud in his skull instead of brains.
Why so few postings by Zorro these days?
BN top leaders spent almost half-a-million ringgit for each trip they took using the government's private planes last year.
In 2012, a whopping RM182 million was spent on 372 flights to 339 destinations, using the six private planes belonging to the government!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
November 1, 2013 at 9:32 PM
You are a shameless faked peeled dick!
If you do not know the fact...zip up and no one will think you are a bloody asshole! Island hoppers and pirates who came to the shore of this Peninsular claimed to be the son of the soil!...thick skinned nincompoops. You borrowed your religion Islam and called it your own. NOw even Allah belongs to you pricks. Have you seen your Allah, did he tell you that He belongs exclusively to the Muslim in Bolehland? Yet you have the audacity to insult your Maker, bending 5 times daily exposing your filthy blowhole to Him. It is dickhead like you make me sick!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
November 6, 2013
...because your freaking asshole is already damaged and widened by the mamaks!....zorro is sparing you from further misery!
Electricity fee hike?
Barang Naik lagi!
@ November 5, 2013 at 10:11 AM
There is some truth in your statement, but ones need to think beyond and inclusively, in terms of demographics factors such as these neglected Chinese youth at the cybercafés deprived social background, leading to their discontinuation to the mandatory level of education; their lack of ambition when poverty and injustice (instant citizens are being employed at Malaysians’ expense, so to stereotype them as lazy needs readjustment) stare into their faces each day. Their inaccessibility to youth employable skills training programs is also another factor to their state of plight. Cybercafés can be hijacked by opportunists to provide these socially outcast youth, be they Malays, Chinese or Indians, as escapism from their daily hardship leading to other social problems, awaiting to erupt more in the future, hopefully, not trespassing into ones' residential areas.
I am contemporary Malay of the y -gen. And yes, I admire Haris Ibrahim, he could have make big bucks with his intelligence as a top - notch lawyer, however, his unassuming true, tenacious deep convictions have navigated him to spur us on to fight against injustice and inequality alongside, for all Malaysians. That is to topple the repulsive deck of racial – religion – derhaka - bahasa cards trumped up by the decade old feudalists and elitists of UMNO – plagiarized, but exposed in the world-renowned satire of George Orwell, that the elitists have more equal rights than the basic rights of ordinary Malaysians - the tax payers and the voters.
I also think it is crucial as successful individual Malaysians abroad and here, as well as ones’ respective communities, to engage with these youth and make a difference in their lives, by providing them employable skills training and legal supportive business opportunities so as to empower them to contribute to the betterment of themselves and the nation. So again for big Korean corporations – cronies of UMNO leaders and their big time cronies- MAS, Berjaya, etc. paving massive investment opportunities in Korea, thus enriching themselves more. Creating 46,000 jobs ( !?) as reported in the Star recently), needs to be rechecked and rebalanced for credibility and transparency. Whose hard cash and how massive did these cronies use to invest?
It is suffice to say it is always loop- sided, majority to Koreans’ advantages and not directly impacting the majority of the ordinary Malaysians. Or merely employing Malaysians as window- dressers or employing Malaysian brains but paying peanuts to work way long works daily. And earning big profits from us by monopolizing, nearly every conceivable business of Malaysians. And not spending in our nation. Soon more of their products will be showcased prominently in our shopping malls. These have to be addressed fast, then only they will earn the respect as guest investors with huge social- economic responsibilties toward our nation. Otherwise they are just rogues or capitalists.
We have soo few leaders or serious- minded ambassadors with know hows, integrity and equality mindedness like Haris Ibrahim in the UMNO - BN led government to first think and protect Malaysians’ interests!
Haris Ibrahim is a nothing Indian man. Only anti govt. Only old farts Din Merican and Zorro idolize him. To us young punks he is a loser.
Yup punkers say alot about you fools !!
It's people like Haris Ibrahim, Ms Ambiga, Sasterawan Negara, Dato Din Merican a long list of solid brains bagi haprak punksters aka elites dah tak erti agama, angguk aje, spew iced sampah, a nation called Malaysia to live in and when dah nak mampus, insurance comapnies pun dah tak nak bagi coverage, alamak young punks enjoy the free medication at the expense of the labor of our taxes - ageless, seamless senior brains and fresh solid, edgy young brains !!!!!!
A case of Indian farts Indian in Malaysia?
See this video:
The Indians in the Youtube clip, they could be the phantom voters, the new import from Kerala, Pakistan, etc by MIC vellu for perkasa; any ploys can happen in Bolehland.
If we look at the garbage collectors, thought they are our Malaysian Indian poor, but if you engage with them out of compassion as their human beings with dignity, but trapped in their social caste; they are not Malaysians. They can work here and be paid decent wages to give a hope to their families back home, but they must be law abiding and respect us, Malaysian citizens.
So in the next moons, Malaysian Indians in the low income segment, now championed by PSRM, even DAP, even Zubedy, Dr. Nasir, Dr. Azly and Haris Ibrahim will face more struggles. The Chinese in the low income group is badly hit, too, due to the illegals sapu - ing their little rice bowls. That goes without saying the less priviledged of our Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orangasli and the Natives in Sabah & Sarawak also need the hopes and breakthru.
It will be just as dreadful if we the professionals ie lawyers, medical doctors, etc in the private sector, suffer similar fate in the politised economic policies. Soon to be, more foreign lawyers will be engaged in disguise to play out the bigger plots, this time, to cause more divisiness in the economics sector. The private sector will suffer the same catastrophes as the education system. So those leaders and their spouses with immense self- interests must go.
The irony is having to pay the foreign consultants, millions of RM, and the insane nuts have the stupidity to say it's a small sum; to prop up the blueprints of education. There are many REAL expert consultants for any fields right in the nation, working globally, in the private sector.
Hopefully the personal cost that Haris and the many outstanding ordinary multiracial Malaysian rally attendees and supporters, many brilliant bloggers with true deep convictions - many are unlisted here due to space limit, we will be inspired to, each, do something for the betterment of the communities first.
Equally crucial is to inspire the youth in the low segment (middle income) and the less privileged. The kampung women folks and youth must be engaged, perhaps 3 in 1 activities during weekend adventures - jogging, bicycling, fishing, makan - makan.
In retrospect, my Mat Salleh CEO's kids brought candies and stationery for the children when they climbed the Great Wall of China; certain parts of Malaysia and India.
It is certainly good to see some good senior citizens from TTDI have moved out from their comfort zone to set up an association (?)to make positive differences in the society. That iself will separate them from those elites in TDDI, etc wallowing in apathy, immense self -entitlement, zeroing solely on personal relationships as demonstrated in their brutal talks in the social media in regards to the recent suicide case of a Nepalese (?) security guard.
Found out about the brutality from Zorro Unmasked while enrouting in space. Thanks Zorro !
If these same elites come abroad and live in our neighborhood, they will be despised if they are found out to behave in such manner in our Malaysia, that is for sure. So do not fake.
Many young Malaysians talents, especially those whose upbringing centers on character, justice, beyond academic excellence and hard honest work, and they read widely, they know what is hypocrisy about, but will be proud to be identified with genuinity.
And so we come, we are in the midst, not interested to conquer, but maybe, yes, to conquer injustice, arrogance, wastage of public funds and corruptions and apathy. And we come cool, strong, courageous and savvy with character, to collaborate with our senior citizens.... regardless of race and creed, beyond our parents, grandparents and relatives.
So let there be more positive collaboration starting in the neighborhood. On the same tangent, fellow contemporaries must break free from stereotyping our parents, the uncles and aunties in the neighborhood. We need to be more understanding toward them, sometimes they forgetfully repeat things to us, as to them, the matters are important, and we might forget, as our retention ability, with too much info, must be out of sync, in our daily busy - ness.
Perhaps expert volunteers, there is where senior citizens can volunteer their expertise in creating awareness on mature empathy and positive but fun activities for the young - we are cool, we are so good at multi-tasking, hence include activities of empowerment with our honorable seniors. Thank you for the graciousness shown.
i am also learning to conquer thinking i am real smart ... masa sembahyang : to be humble, to be polite and nice to all ( real good at the latter sebab DNA ayah emak ) Many hundreds of thousands of Malays know the real teaching of the agama and they are just, truly accept fellow Malaysians as brothers and sisters. Just focus on doing more likewise and consistently.
Ahmad Maslan is asking GLCs to advertise in Utusan. Why should GLCs want to associate with this garbage paper?
If a paper has lost its incredibility by not exposing graft, the failures of the govt, reporting without investigative reporting, etc but sparking provocations on racial, religion issues and the oppositions in a multiracial society, in a democratic country, hence how relevant is it in defending the voices and aspirations of the Rakyat ? Not heavily subsidized ? For how long more ? Is any consumer product with failures and deficiencies worth an iota of consideration for purchase ? It requires biting the bullet, do a total devirusing or let its closure run its natural course.
In today's modern time, there are other options, though in consideration of proving employment for many,
I would still buy good quality printed copies of news, books and magazines because it is easier to read, to flip them back when and where, as well as to feel the " soul" of the brilliant authors. Any well - kept, dust free, fave books. And to give away old newspaper, mags.
Youth & Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said that the controversial K-Pop concert organised during the National Youth Day 2012 celebration was meant to attract the participation of Chinese youths.
Again Umno will blame the Chinese for their outrageous misdoings. As if only the Chinese youths are attracted to young girls in tight shorts. I bet you thousands of monkey mat rempits are there salivating and wolf whistling at the girls but KJ will just not admit it for the sake of some small political points for their kaki pukul supporters.
The removal of international street artist Ernest Zacharevic's Legoland-inspired mural, which had a crime theme, is akin to killing the messenger but not addressing the message.
For those of you who still read NST because of a sense of nostalgia and reminiscent of a bygone era, think again - this is not the same newspaper I once read, it is no more than Umno's propaganda machine concocting one lie after another.
Out of principle at least, you should boycott this newspaper, along with Utusan and The Star.
Despite RM270 million spent by the Education Ministry on an English mentoring programme, the results for the subject in the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) showed a decline among government school pupils.
On the other hand, there was marked improvement in the overall performance among vernacular school students in the English language paper. Their performance in the English language paper improved by 0.12 points compared with government school students which deteriorated by 0.06 points!!
Who reads the New Straits Times anyway??? Just keep boycotting the mainstream toiletpapers. If all 52% of Malaysians do so, Utusan, NST and the Star will gulung tikar. Utusan is already leaning to Umno for support after posting a net loss of RM16m last year and RM9m in January-March this year.
Most Indian have short memory or blind when a carrot is hanging between the eyes. Najib nambikei is only one sided and Indian never saw it until now. He care for UMNO and himself. He love himself and the attention given during the meeting. Do you think he care about you and the MIC after the election? This is nothing new and still MIC, MCA etc still continue to polish his scrotum, smooth and shining.
We could all, each give what we could, as Haris Ibrahim has done much for us ordinary Malaysians. His brother is also one of the victims in the Typhoon Haiyan. The best of persons who chose to sacrifice for others, they themselves usually suffer the unsaid anguish in silence during critical times. And Haris has never uttered a word. That's the true him !
But we can feel his pain for his family. So let’s do something. Let’s get ourselves, our loved ones and friends to chip in soon. Thank you.
Prayers and generous giving touches God !
The federal government has spent a whopping RM7.2 billion since 2009 to hire private consultants for national projects, the Finance Ministry has disclosed, despite the 1.4 million civil servants in its employment. The ministry revealed a gradual rise in the bills for private consultancy firms from RM1.3 billion in 2009 — the year Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak took office — to RM1.63 billion in 2010, followed by RM1.8 billion in 2011, RM1.82 billion in 2012 and RM722 million from January to October this year. -
Zunar's latest comic book "The Pirate of the Carry-BN" is good!
Please support Zunar.
BN must clear the air and recall all Malaysian identity cards issued to foreigners in Sabah by the clandestine "Unit Khas Sabah" set up under the National Registration Department (NRD)!!!
注释:BN=Barang Naik
Rosmah is our ambassador to Qatar?
In the mean time…
Moving beyond the common causes to support and gather at the People rallies, Bersih supporters should encourage oneselves to drastically lessen racism, insecurity and divide - to – rule tactics of the regime.
By rekindling the muhibbah spirit in the neighborhood and place of work is the way to go. Bersih supporters need to cease the opportunities at the rallies to build sustainable meaningful relationships with the many thousands of wonderful ordinary Malays at the rallies and vice- versa. Bring something appropriate and nice for our dear Pak Samad, Marina and the human chain of PAS – Pakatan in the next rallies.
It looks like the Rakyat have to make a more sensible efforts and initiative to tangibly start doing things better. One is decisively schedule to support Zunar’s coming new comic book sale with as many friends as possible; buy things from the pasar malam Malay traders as well( in fact too many non Malays do it ) or slowing down to ask fellow Malay children, youth and the elderly, regardless of race how things are going on with them.
For those with young children or teens, parents can guide them to greet the elderly Malays kindly and more frequently. It is certainly heartwarming that some young Chinese food kiosk owners ( thinking out of the box ) in KL are inviting Malay makcik, pakcik who cook scrummy authentic foods to sell their products in their premises. That is ensuring a decent livelihood for them. And my contemporary Malays in the Y- Gen can purchase t -shirts with the really pleasant Ernest Zacharevic’s masterpieces of murals. I’ll be bringing a few of his works back with me abroad.
The innate niceness of Malaysians need to be reenergized more from each one of us and in more consistency. That sense of togetherness, muhibbah spirit can draw out the best of our human spirit and create a better communities for a renewed Malaysia for all. In that light, the Spirit of care is so much healthier and innate in the ordinary Malaysians than Singaporeans. We should take pride in this and enhance it further.
Through sheer will, positive imagination, there is always hopes of betterment. Allow the sameness of the human song of compassion rings in the homes and then the heartwarming sparks will ignite the multi- ethnic communities. Also through sheer resolve, some of the noises and staying inertia in the hurtful feelings are unhealthy, thus they have to be rooted out.
the ambitious rosmah ? she is obstructive figuratively and literally. she is obstructing najib from doing his duties for the country. She is wearing the pants as well as suffocatively acts out in the UMNO Baru charades in Qatar - nowhere in comparison to the young, stunning and smart Queen Rania who always stands graciously beside her husband, Jordan's King Abdullah II. A good and an elegant woman always knows where she stands.
The most embarrassing speech she made to the Japan Ambassador during Japan's national disaster and the total snub towards her ?
How much is your cukai pintu?
BN desperate for money?
Now Najib wants rakyat to pay tax (GST?) to show loyalty to BN?
Christianity came hundreds of years before Islam, the Quran is based on the Old Testament which is also in the Bible along with the New Testament. Islam is actually a protestant form of Christianity. It should join the Ecumenical Council of the Vatican instead of barking ignorantly from the outside.
This old man knows islam better than a fuck up like you
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