Why then the Speaker? He faulted big time in both sessions of Parliament. The first was when Opposition MP Ms Fong Po Kuan, maligned by two MP monkees, sought redress from him, he brushed her off with the omnipotent excuse that she should have brought it up that very day. This first time we forgave him on grounds that probably he is grudingly moving into senility. We expected that he becomes wiser after that. Then the other day , when possible candidate for the chambers, Datuk Seri Nazri turned abusive the good speaker was told to sanction him....he again came up with a gem! "This language is common, it happens all the time." Tan Sri, this happens because you allow it to happen. So if murder and rape is rampant in Malaysia, its OK by YOU because it is all happening all the time. It is then, no wonder our National Circus, off Jalan Parliament is infested with strange critters, when you have this type of Speaker as the Ring Master.
Members of Parliament are working on some Code of Conduct. Don't waste your time. It will be a dog and pony affair. Formulate it, but keep it until somebody is retired off. That way nobody foreign will label us bodoh again. It is getting into the national psyche already....you hear nothing but bodoh, bodoh, bodoh in the circus arena. Ring Master, after serving time in the Chambers, bring out the elephants. (Note: Duration of stay in chamber will depend on who is next nominated....so you get out faster if more of your gang act bodoh.