Tuesday, January 31, 2012


When you are not adept at Conflict Resolution and Damage Control you invariably short-circuit the key mechanisms that can get you out of bigger conflicts and damages. HERE is the classic case.

Over brunch I called a Ceylonese golfing friend of mine over many years and asked him his take on the KGNS issue. He patronizingly advised me about supply and demand.

I cut in with “what is that racial bit?”

His reply: Bernard, there are more important things like feeding the poor and homeless….

I immediately clicked off my mobile.

Loyalty definitely is not a goose-feathered bed….more like a water bed.

How Colin Thiew, admittedly a young political pygmy, got THIEWED is another classic case study of failure in conflict resolution and damage control. HERE


  1. White ang-pows were meant for MC A's funeral and the ultimate demise of B N !

    Toong-Toong-Chiang... Hooray!!!

  2. Don't you feel tired of the hypocrisy? I do. It is apartheid, by whatever name they wish to call it.

  3. When the shit has hit the fan,don't breathe.Just suck the batang and ignore the smell.

  4. This Colin Tiew - he was having it so good in-charge of 'rent-a-crowd' until some bloggers and netizens exposed his involvement? That's typical Umno/BN style so why is he complaining now?
    From the pics he did not object or seem upset over the distribution of 'pek-kim/pak-kam' by Ibrahim Taliban?

  5. thiew the MCA dog kau kau

  6. BN is doing well to give out “cash aid” but for goodness sake why only now when the 13GE is round the corner?

    What had happened in the last 48 years?

    Did you, your father or grandfather receive this BRIM or better call it Beli Rakyat 1Malaysia?

  7. 支持巫统的土权在华人新年摆白布、派白包,可是巫统口中极端的伊斯兰党雪州行政议员却敢敢去猪肉档向猪肉贩派红包、同时主动舞狮向华社拜年。


  8. Zorro,

    Aren't all the MCA fellas like this Colin Thiew who gets thiewed left, right and center by UMNO, Utusan, Perkasa, KIMMA and everyone else as openly mentioned by MCA's greatest Thiew fella Chua Soi Lek?

    MCA feels it has not done enough to hammer nails into its own coffin. MCA wants to drag the innocent and poor elderly folks into the grave with them. Such shameless bustards.
