Friday, October 28, 2011


Pontios Pīlātos), known in the English-speaking world as Pontius Pilate, was the fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea, from AD 26–36. He is best known as the judge atJesus' trial and the man who authorized the crucifixion of Jesus.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washes his hands to show that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and after announcing "I find in him no fault at all", reluctantly sends him to his death.

Our inFamous Five (sorry Enid Blyton!) washed their hands when they gave us a wishy-washy verdict that Teoh Beng Hock was driven to suicide.

They washed their hands again when they hinted of the three officers who “PUSHED” TBH to suicide.

Of course they will continue to wash their hands again since the MACC said that the three culprits are under an internal investigation.

Wahing of hands repeatedly is a medical condition. Some call it a fetish. Clinically it is also called OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder. What do you guys think of our 5 Pontius Pilates? Shall we crucify them?


  1. please send them to the Fart Chamber!

  2. Yes, lets crucify them. I personally would like to shove a burning stake up their arse.


  3. are too kind.I was thinking of crucifixion.That way they are not able to wash their hands anymore.

  4. like pontius pilates said - do whatever you want with them (him)

    it will not make any difference at all and learned men amongst us, who should know better, will continue to do nothing

  5. do not pontificate

    fuck them proper and good

    put them in my list -

    mat lembu/ ah kow of 1 malaysia






    khong khek khuat

  6. Nothing but fucked up ass holes trying to sound very euridite but essentially ass kissers of the worse kind.

  7. That Singh who is a forensic pathologist was one of the most pathetic member of the RCI...I don't remember reading any news about him asking any pertinent questions when the pathologists gave evidence. Sigh.God forgive them...but I can't.

  8. polis :" NO actions because NObody has made any polis reports wat !"

  9. lets pray that Pakatan takes over Putrajaya !Then we will have a RCI again against those guys for the crime of twisting their verdict and taking His Royal Highness for a RIDE.Simple as that they were Cheating the people.Dont let that chief go easily ?Compredo?
    YOU will be surprised that they will turn against each other!

  10. Are we surprised when 'that Singh' received tax-payers scholarship(he must have forgotten!) to study pathology when MO at Ipoh General Hospital, after to Penang that a datukship. This is one Perakian to watch!

  11. freaking five stooges of BN.

    dont know what will they not sell to be stooges of BN.
